Late Start; Coming to a School Near You

This brief was in the Times today.

Renton adds planning time for teachers

"Renton students will be able to sleep in most Fridays under a measure that gives teachers and staff 90-minute planning and development periods on 30 Fridays during the school year. The School Board passed the measure Wednesday evening, despite concerns from parents who say the late arrival system will create a burden for children in child care.

Renton students now arrive late or leave early every other Tuesday, depending on their grade level. Renton says it will investigate ways to lighten the burden for parents whose children are in day care. The district is talking to nonprofit groups that could provide morning day care to schools.

"A lot of the responsibility will fall on parents to find accommodations," said Randy Matheson, spokesman for the district.

The additional days are intended to give faculty and staff more time to develop courses, receive training and align curriculum."

This is apparently across the board in grade levels. I have to wonder what parents in our district would say if this got instituted here. As it is, many of the high schools have late start days (as opposed to the district's own early release dates) as do some of the middle schools. I can't imagine this for elementary but it could be coming.


Anonymous said…
Would wholeheartedly support anything and everything moving start times later, now and then or permanently ... Our child is moving from elementary to middle school in the fall and the 7:40 start time for middle school seems insanely early!
Anonymous said…
I agree with anon @ 11:30. Later start times = more sleep, at least for my kids. WenG
Unknown said…
You might be confusing a late start (starting later and ending later) with late start days (periodic times when schools start 2 hours late. I don't have a problem with changing the times overall.

It's when you have vacations, holidays and district early-release days compounded by school late start days. And I only have 1 child. Imagine this with 2 children at two different schools. It takes a lot of coordinating and calendar checking.

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