Seattle Speaks Event Feb 10

Thursday, February 10, 2011
CityClub, Seattle Channel and Town Hall present:

Seattle Speaks: Seattle Public Schools

Town Hall Seattle
1119 Eighth Avenue (at Seneca Street)
Registration: 6:00 p.m
Audience Instructions: 6:30 p.m.
Program: 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

This event is free, but registration is required.

Town Hall offers parking vouchers for Washington State Convention and Trade Center Main Garage. Visit for more information.

Be Heard: Take our Online Pre-Poll
Register Now

Are Seattle Public Schools working, or is it time for more reform? We are half way through the district's 5 year strategic plan - are we seeing any results? Voters have been generous in approving levies to support student learning, but the state has experienced increasingly difficult budget scenarios. Are current resources being used as wisely as they could be? What can we learn from other communities and films such as "Waiting for Superman" about closing the achievement gap and creating an environment where every student can succeed? Should there be a new way to measure student and teacher success? What do you think? Join the conversation!

On Thursday, February 10th, Seattle Channel host C.R. Douglas will lead a live televised discussion "in the round" featuring Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson, School Board Member Kay Smith-Blum, PTSA Interim President Lauren McGuire, a representative from the Seattle Education Association and other leaders, critics and stakeholders, including parents, students, and YOU.

Join us either at Town Hall or online. Audience members will participate with instant polling devices. Online viewers can also take the polls and voice opinions via emails, Twitter and Facebook. This interactive 90-minute program is a partnership of The Seattle Channel, CityClub of Seattle and Town Hall. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of the community-wide discussion on public education in Seattle.

Passionate Non-Partisanship
Leader Access and Accountability
Diverse People and Ideas
Respectful Civic Discourse
Convening, Collaboration, Connection
Engaged Citizens


Charlie Mas said…
I encourage people to take the online pre-poll and make good use of the "other" and "comment" opportunities. Things you put here will shape the discussion.
Anonymous said…
It's such a vacuous poll. Just more of the false choice polls of SPS like, would you like your children to starve to death or be shot.

Actually, I pointed out how I felt the "overall how is SPS doing" should be how do you feel the schools are doing AND how do you think the district management is doing. At least the questions are straightforward.
Charlie Mas said…
Me too, Mel. I used the comments to give one grade to the schools and another grade to the central administration.
Sarah said…
Tired of paying for Kumon.

I gave administration and schools a not so glowing report.
uxolo said…
If you clarify in the comments that you are evaluating the central administration and not one school or another, they'll get the point. It is very short and worth flooding with like opinions.

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