Friday Open Thread
Back from the (un) Walking Dead (4 days of a massive migraine culminating in a trip to the ER to get relief - hence, my lack of engagement here).
Anyone attend any Board Committee meetings this week?
Reminder thatDirector DeBell and President Smith-Blum both have community meetings tomorrow morning. (Director DeBell's has been postponed.)
Superintendent Banda issued a thank you to Seattle voters for the overwhelming support for the two school levies this week. He also said thanks to FACMAC, the BEX Oversight Committee, volunteers and staff.
Did you know The Source got updated? Here's info.
What's on your mind?
Anyone attend any Board Committee meetings this week?
Reminder that
Superintendent Banda issued a thank you to Seattle voters for the overwhelming support for the two school levies this week. He also said thanks to FACMAC, the BEX Oversight Committee, volunteers and staff.
Did you know The Source got updated? Here's info.
What's on your mind?
Architecture 101 for Kids Spring classes are now available on Saturday's starting in March for students in grades 3 through 5.
Thanks for the thread.
Michelle Rhee-form protest in Seattle. Join us.
Updatey goodness
-Score Info
An outline of the Federal and State Grants and the difference in expected 2013-14 revenue were compared with this year. Sherry asked if there was a process is place to monitor the use of grant money and if there was a District policy on this type of reporting. The answer seemed to be that cuts to central staffing have degraded the tracking and monitoring, and that no, there is not a policy and maybe should be.
The discussion of the BEX III Debt Service and Property Tax Analysis was one that reminded me of why sometimes the District has sometimes been frustrating to watch. Of course, this is related to the interest on the bonds for the Stanford Center. The timing of the Districts collection of funds from tax has not been correlating well and were insufficient. Also the interest the District expected to be received had been estimated to be higher than it is. Around 1.5 million was transferred from CPE for the short term to meet payments. Eventually all the BEX III taxes will be collected. Another million will be set aside from BEX III in case if it is needed. Sherry did point out that the District refinanced the debt on the Stanford Center that helped lower the total, but that it is still not solved. Since the time of the original financing of the Center the Board has put policies in place that would not allow them to use that type of financing again. I heard Tracy Libros say that she had little to report and that this is the first time ever that her department is fully staffed. I had leave.
fellow sufferer
Grants typically have to include funding for the monitor of the grant- does that mean we have unused funds or misused funds?