Seattle Schools This Week

Monday, Feb. 18th
No school for the Presidents' Day holiday.

Reminder: Seattle Testing Tele Town Hall: What’s Next After the MAP boycott? Mon. Feb 18, 7pm PST. Toll-free dial in (866) 476-7782.  A discussion of standardized testing in K-12 public education.

Also, you DO call in today (even if a holiday) to get on the speakers list for the Board meeting on Wednesday.  It's 252-0040 or

Tuesday, Feb. 19th
Protest of Michelle Rhee before her talk at Town Hall at 6 p.m.  

Wednesday, Feb. 20th
School Board meeting starting at 4:15 p.m.  Agenda
The agenda includes:

- intro of contract to start Arbor Heights planning
- intro of contract for Cedar Park planning
- intro of contract for Van Asselt reopening
- intro of contract for John Marshall reopening in 2013 (note that would be this fall).  Interesting.
- intro of contract for new school at Thorton Creek (or equivalent site)
- intro of contract for New Jane Addams K-8 at Pinehurst
- intro of contract for new middle and elementary schools at Wilson-Pacific

In addition, there is just one action item - approval of yearbook contract. 

Looking at this sparse agenda which is unlikely to have a lot of discussion (although none of the contracts are actually there to view at this point), I'm taking bets on how quickly they get through this meeting.  They are calling it for 8p.m.

I'm thinking unless we see more complaining about the interim plan vote, the speakers list will be less than 10.  I'm calling at 7:40 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 22nd
BEX Oversight Committee Meeting from 8:30-1030 am.  I hope to make this one as I'm sure it will be interesting given that BEX did pass.  I saw a new schematic for Schmitz Park - I still think it is overdesigned.  

From the West Seattle Blog:

You can see the new graphics in multiple posts on the GSNC website at, where there’s also a list of upcoming “community conversation” meetings about the project: February 26, March 14, April 30, all at SP Elementary, all at 6:30 pm.

Saturday, Feb. 23rd
Community Meeting with Director DeBell from 9-11 am at Cafe Appassionato near Fisherman's Terminal.  

Community Meeting with Director Patu from 10 am to noon at Caffe Vita, 5028 Wilson Avenue S.


Anonymous said…
The John Marshall improvements include playground upgrades and the installation of a Daycare Facility. What exactly are they planning for that space? Is the space going to be used for elementary students?
I missed the daycare which is baffling because I KNOW, for certain, there was a daycare in John Marshall. In fact, it ran in the red because it was only for students who were parents and there weren't that many of them.

I will have to ask what they will be using John Marshall for but it sure seems like a PreK-5.
mirmac1 said…
Very frustrating that this did NOT get on the district calendar despite my many requests to the Special Education PTSA leadership:


Informational meeting for Riser Families in Special Education

Wondering where your child will be assigned next fall? What schools have the services your child needs? Ask questions of district staff including Special Education department managers and consulting teachers.

7 pm, Wednesday, February 20th at JSCEE 2445 3rd Avenue South, Rm 2700

I HOPE there will be interpreters available...
Anonymous said…
Michelle Rhee turned our schools into a giant game of survivor where teacher's future employment is based on which students they get in their class.
mirmac1 said…
repost (sign your posts):

"Michelle Rhee turned our schools into a giant game of survivor where teacher's future employment is based on which students they get in their class."

Can't lay that all on her. Thank LEV/Alliance, MGJ and SEA, Arne Duncan.

Yeah this sucks! ('scuse moi, but it does). There is now greater incentive to push struggling learners out of the classroom and say "not my problem!" Those teachers who truly believed in differentiating instruction and full inclusion, will now be punished.

And the ed reform twits named above don't care because our kids don't count in any "social justice" rhetoric. Don't take Varner's occasional pity-party comments as indication she actually cares. It is a means to an end for her and her friends.

Anonymous said…
Any FACMAC meetings coming up? Any insight on why these are not announced on the SPS website?


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