Friday Open Thread

Downside: this article from The Guardian, with infographic, of the mass shootings in this country over the last two years. If this doesn't chill you, then how about this.  Yesterday the U.S. Senate voted down an amendment that would have kept guns from people on the U.S. terrorism watchlist and an amendment to expand background checks for online gun sales and gun shows. American exceptionalism indeed.

Upside: a new girl-empowerment/self-acceptance/self-love group called I Am That Girl has started up nationally, with a chapter here in Seattle.

I Am That Girl is a movement inspiring girls to love, express, and be exactly who they are.

The Friends of the Seattle Public Library is having their first ever Children's Book Sale, Sunday, December 6th from 1-4 pm at the Ballard Branch Meeting Room.  Most books will be between $2-4.  Bring your own bag.

Taylor Swift donated $50,000 to the Seattle Symphony and some of the donation will go towards music education for children.  Thanks, Tay-Tay.
The Seattle Symphony has received a major donation in the amount of $50,000 from recording artist Taylor Swift, in support of the future of the orchestra’s musicians and musicians of the future. Swift’s donation to the Seattle Symphony will support two signature programs, Link Up: Seattle Symphony, which will reach over 12,000 third through fifth graders this year, and the musicians’ pension fund.
What's on your mind?


Anonymous said…
I saw the testing schedule for our high school. I was surprised that SBA math will be given to all 11th graders. This is a cohort that is required to take EOC math exams to graduate. Most of them have passed the EOC math exams before 11th grade. Now they are to give up class time to take the SBA math exam as well evidently. Adding SBA to school day SAT & AP/IB exams, I guess they won't attending class at all during May.

Anonymous said…
Excellent response to school bullying:

"To the person that made the "Ugliest girls in grade 12 at hth" straw poll. I'm sorry that your life is so miserable that you have to try to bring others down," she wrote. (more)

Money Talks said…
Steve Sundquist has recently made a $2k contribution to Democrats for Education Reform's PAC. As we know, Steve Sundquist is former SPS school board president that was kicked out of office and obtained a seat on the state's Charter Commission.

DFER has recently made campaign contributions to: Hobbs, Springer, Pettigrew, Judy Clibblorn (Mercer Island), Mark Mullet, and Jay Inslee. Hobbs, Springer Pettirgew and Mullet are supporting a charter school fix.
Anonymous said…
Article about Middle College at Northgate Mall:


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