Seattle Schools This Week

Monday is the last day of Hanukkah - we hope all our Jewish readers had a happy and hopeful holiday.
Monday, December 14th

Curriculum&Instruction meeting from 4:30-6:30 pm at JSCEE.  Agenda.

- Special Education MOU.  Wonder if EEU decision will come up?
- Board policy on Advanced Learning
- Board policy on program evaluation and assessment

The documentation on this starts at about page 19 as you scroll thru (Christmas wish: staff would number pages of their presentations.) Page 24 has a list of possible programs to be reviewed and again they say, "Criteria for selecting programs is still being developed."  I've seen that notation several times and have to wonder what is taking so long.

I also note on the chart that lists the work for this committee for this school year that the City preschool program has several mentions and you have to wonder about the focus for this program over many others.  It certainly lends credence to the thought that staff seem to care more about this program than many others (or, at the least, are giving it more attention.)

Pages 30 and 31 are interesting.  It's a document created by former Director McClaren and Associate Superitendent Tolley on the C&I Committee's focus items.  The first page:
  1. Copied below is the list of possible new and additional initiatives for C&I, brainstormed by Director McLaren and Assistant Superintendent Tolley.
    To be determined:
    • Policy 2195, Academic Acceleration (new policy)
    • Policy 2405, Credit
    • Policy 2024, Online Learning
    • Policy 2015, Text Adoptions
    • Policy 2161, Special Education 
Page 2 is then a lengthy list of attention needed to EXISTING programs.  The listing of Sped and text adoptions with no explanation of what adjustments need to made is not useful.  

I have said this for years and I'll say it at this juncture.  Unless it's a program to close the achievement gap. I don't think this district truly has any business with new initiatives.  Look at that list of programs - IB, dual-language/world schools, 24-credits, curriculum issues - and you'd think, "Boy, they have their hands full."  

The district needs to get done what it starts - and done well - before looking for the next shiny object.

Wednesday, December 16th
Work Session on the Strategic Plan and Governance Priorities from 4:30-8:30 pm at JSCEE- Agenda
The agenda gives no more explanation nor are there any documents attached.  The Board will adjourn at 7:30 to go into Executive Session.

Thursday, December 17th
Operations Committee meeting from 4:30-6:30 at JSCEE, Board conference room.  No agenda yet available.

Saturday, December 19th
Director Community Meetings
Director Patu from 10-11:30 am at Cafe Vita
Director Geary from 11:00 am-12:45 pm at Montlake Library 


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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I didn't delete anything but I have also made it clear I do not like long lists posted. Either explain it or it will be deleted.
Charlie Mas said…
Again, it is exciting that the district staff are finally signalling their intention to comply with Board policy 2090. Of course it would be better if they just did it.

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