Superintendent's Announcement on Senior Staff

Another former staffer comes back to the fold and two switch roles.

Superintendent Nyland's Announcement

Good Afternoon,

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Nielsen to the role of Deputy Superintendent where he will lead integrated planning efforts, including cross-functional issues and projects that require inter-department coordination and community collaboration. Steve will provide leadership for the District’s day-to-day operations, systems improvement, government relations, policy and School Board relations, the ombudsperson and customer service, and our new Office of Civil Rights. Steve comes to us with a wide and deep range of experiences across the state and has a strong background in systems improvement and performance management. He previously served SPS in the role of Executive Director of Logistics and Acting Executive Director of Finance.  Steve is currently the Assistant Superintendent for Finance, Management and Governmental Relations with the Puget Sound ESD.  Steve will assume this position in mid to late January and will take over responsibilities from our current Deputy Superintendent, Charles Wright. Charles is leaving the district to pursue career goals and has graciously agreed to stay for the next several weeks to help with the transition.

In August of this year I unveiled a new organizational chart, along with a memo to let you know that I would continue to assess the organizational structure and make further adjustments to support system coherence. The continued focus on the strategic plan, my Superintendent SMART Goals and Board governance priorities continue to drive my decisions.  After careful consideration of the unique skill sets on my team, I am pleased to share that I have asked two senior leaders from my cabinet to take on different roles in the district.  Drs. Brent Jones and Clover Codd will be changing roles.  Brent will become the Chief Strategy and Partnerships Officer and Clover will become the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. 

I’ve made this decision for several reasons. With the recent adoption of our Board governance priorities and the goals, we have made a public commitment to close opportunity gaps for all students of color and those students who are historically underserved by our school system. Part of this strategy is a commitment to implement our African American male and other students of color initiative. Having attended SPS from kindergarten through graduation at Franklin HS, Dr. Jones has deep community roots that will support this very important work. He is passionate about issues of race, equity and social justice. Brent has extensive experience in strategic initiatives, leadership and organizational development, as well as roles as assistant superintendent in urban school districts and executive level experience in higher education. He will oversee Community Partnerships, Family Partnerships and Research & Evaluation to coordinate, leverage and align departmental strategies, and ensure there is coherence and implementation across departments.

Dr. Clover Codd has been leading our Professional Growth and Evaluation efforts for the past four years and leads strategic initiatives aimed at ensuring that we have the highest quality educators teaching in, and leading our schools. These initiatives include the Seattle Teacher Residency, Urban Schools Human Capital Academy – both of which currently reside in Human Resources. She has been a key member of our negotiation teams for both teachers and principals and I have asked her to lead a new effort to build stronger relationships with our Labor Partners. In Clover’s new role she will lead a new strategy to collaborate with SEA and PASS to design and implement a Peer Assistance and Review program that enhances and builds upon our current evaluation efforts. Because of Clover’s experience as a teacher and principal in Seattle, we are able to ensure that the work of HR is centered on educator support and effectiveness, and a coordinated and focused approach to building coherence between Human Resources and schools’ needs. She will be leading the effort to ensure that the HR service model supports our programs and our employees.

Brent and Clover have agreed to support each other as they transition into the roles and ensure that all of their current work continues as planned. 

These leadership changes support our intentions around a strong central office team to support our service to schools and making sure the right people are in the right seats on the bus. With the addition of Noel Treat as General Counsel also starting next week, I am looking forward to an exciting year with strong leadership support from a very experienced and talented team.  Once again I am so pleased to be a part of an amazing school district which I grew up in, and to work along with all of you who are so dedicated to our work, and the students and families we serve.

Happy New Year, - Larry Nyland   

Dr. Larry Nyland
Seattle Public Schools


Anonymous said…
"I’ve made this decision for several reasons. With the recent adoption of our Board governance priorities and the goals, we have made a public commitment to close opportunity gaps for all students of color and those students who are historically underserved by our school system. Part of this strategy is a commitment to implement our African American male and other students of color initiative."

Let the rest eat cake!

Wow, he's not biased.

Folks it's truly time to split this district.

Anonymous said…
"I’ve made this decision for several reasons. With the recent adoption of our Board governance priorities and the goals, we have made a public commitment to close opportunity gaps for all students of color and those students who are historically underserved by our school system."

More of Nyland's rhetoric.

Northend, it is imperative for the district to do something for all students of color and low-income students to raise up their levels of achievement.

However, you are right - his phrasing is not the best and he should, at all times, endeavor to include ALL children in the public commitment of the district.
Charlie Mas said…
So, more turnover at the top of HR which, of course, means that any reform of that department, the ultimate in dysfunction, is deferred for another two years.
Anonymous said…
The ombudsperson and customer service, and our new Office of Civil Rights

Sorry, but I think all of the above are simply feel good smoke screens and so far have been mostly ineffective. I've called the ombudsperson and from my interaction found the she seemed to be reading canned scripts of information I could find on the SPS web-site.

Has anyone obtained a reasonable description of exactly what is the point of the Office of Civil Rights at SPS? Who's rights will this office work for? I've heard rumblings of possible problems with the hiring, has anyone else heard the rumblings?

Ted V.

Elsa said…
The return of Stephen and Noel has GOT to be good.

But that flowery stuff about Jones and Codd? What a load!!!

Anonymous said…
Clearly no one who understands human resources actually reviewed this email. Because he said he's moving Dr. Jones to a position - that is a demotion – because he's black.

Anonymous said…
I can make an argument that white students are just as disenfranchised by SPS. In truth, SPS hasn't been properly serving most students, regardless of color.

This is simply a ploy to obtain more money period. If our public schools keep perpetuating the AA disfranchised myth and create an unneeded bias in favor of ethnicity, then you might as well hand the keys over to charter schools.

Perhaps that's the real goal in all of this.

Charlie Mas said…
Brent Jones, it turns out, was the person responsible for producing the annual report required by the sexual harassment policy. He was supposed to do it in August, but didn't because he was so busy with labor negotiations. I don't know why he didn't do it in September, October, November, or December, but now I know why he won't do it in January.

Of course the policy says that the Superintendent is responsible for producing the report.

What does the Board say?
Ed said…
Like the old Lilly Tomlin character, Jones doesn't care, he doesn't have to.

And, his community colllege experience is overstated.

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