April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month

From SPS:
The district is distributing prevention materials to families and students this week.
The materials were selected by the Task Force for the Prevention of and Response to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault and were shared with principals and assistant principals at leadership learning events earlier this year.

For K-8 Schools

The materials will be mailed directly to student’s homes in their preferred language and will include:
  1. A cover letter for Families/Caregivers;
  2. A Safer Family. A Safer World;
  3. SPS’ General Notice about Sexual Harassment;
  4. Know Your Rights – Student’s Rights Under Title IX.

For High Schools

The materials will be sent to schools in pre-addressed envelopes for students who are receiving materials in one of the other nine languages other than English.
English packets will not be addressed. Packets need to be distributed by high school staff for students to take home and will include:
  1. A cover letter in English for students;
  2. A cover letter for Families/Caregivers;
  3. What is Sexual Assault? A Guide for Teens;
  4. SPS’ General Notice about Sexual Harassment;
  5. Know Your Rights – Student’s Rights Under Title IX.


In addition to finding more information on our Title IX webpage, you can contact the following staff members for additional information.
Student Civil Rights Compliance Officer
Kelli Schmidt, 206-252-0306, klschmidt@seattleschools.org
Title IX Coordinator
Kristina Alarcon, 206-252-0367, kdalarcon@seattleschools.org
General Inquiries: Title.IX@seattleschools.org


Anonymous said…
There's room for improvement from SPS:
1. Inform parents and students how the state defines consent with respect to sexual contact --
"Consent" means that at the time of the act of sexual intercourse or sexual contact there are actual words or conduct indicating freely given agreement to have sexual intercourse or sexual contact. (RCW 9A.44.010(7))

2. Abide by and enforce the policies that SPS establishes. For example: The superintendent shall make an annual report to the Board reviewing the use and efficacy of this policy and related procedures. Recommendations for changes to this policy, if applicable, shall be included in the report. The superintendent is encouraged to involve staff, students, and volunteers and parents in the review process.


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