Public Education Events

FYI, the latest on enrollment for the next school year, 2016-2017.

Open Enrollment for School Choice for the 2016-17 school year was February 17 to March 1, 2016.
Late choice applications will be accepted until May 31, 2016, but will not receive priority tiebreakers.
The results of Open Enrollment will be:
  • Available online Friday, April 15, with Assignment Lookup Tool
  • Sent out by mail to students granted new assignment in late April 2016
Please visit our Registration webpage for more information.

It's Spring Break so there are no SPS meetings including director community meetings but here are a couple of items of interest this week and next.

Wednesday, April 13th

Meeting of the Charter Commission
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Dial-In Telephone Number: U.S. and Canada
(800) 245-9874 Access Code: 7784207

(I just want to note that even the Charter Commission says there are about 900 charter school students in Washington State, not 1200 as was repeatedly said over the last several months by charter supporters.)

Town Hall: The Benefits of a Career in Science - Hope Jahren with Sydney Brownstone
What’s it like being a woman in the field of science? Award-winning scientist Hope Jahren’s Lab Girl is an examination of this question, but it’s also so much more. 

Tuesday, April 19th
Seattle Speaks: Making the Grade
Seattle Channel at Town Hall at 7 pm 


seattle citizen said…
C2 C, I don't think we're quite ready to outsource preschool offshore, but we'll keep you in mind.
Anonymous said…
No doubt, the "Assignment Lookup Tool" will fail for students with disabilities. No sense telling families where they will be farmed out to, until everyone else has their chair assigned.

Sped Reader
Anonymous said…
Do we know when today the assignment tool will be live? It is not as of yet.

- Waiting
Anonymous said…
It won't be available today, I just called the automated phone number and it says the assignment/waitlist will not be available until the 18th
Anonymous said…
Yep, phone says 18th.
Web updated recently - it now says 3 pm today

Could they have made this more confusing?

"School Choice Results (New!)

The results of Open Enrollment for School Choice will be available online through the Assignment Lookup Tool starting at 3 p.m. on Friday, April 15, 2016. Late choice applications will be accepted until May 31, 2016, but will not receive priority tiebreakers. Please click here if your student is not attending Seattle Public Schools in 2016-17."

- Waiting
Anonymous said…
have to give them credit - it is 3 pm, and it is online.

- NoLongerWaiting

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