Why I'm Endorsing Pramila Jayapal for Congress

I'm a member of the 7th Congressional district which has been served by long-time representative, Jim McDermott.  After 28 years, he has decided not to run which means an open seat.

We in the 7th are really lucky to have three truly good candidates. 

I have watched two discussion shows that included some of the candidates.  It seemed clear to me that the top three candidates are Brady Walkinshaw, Joe McDermott and Pramila Jayapal.

 I interviewed all three (and public disclosure, Brady Walkingshaw is one of my current reps in the legislature.)  I respect and admire all three. 

But, after due consideration, I believe the very best candidate for the 7th is Pramila Jayapal.  

Pramila offers a mix of wide-ranging experience, dedication to purpose, and a solid foundation of knowledge on the issues facing our country.  Naturally, I care deeply about public education and Pramila is on the side of supporting our schools, seeking best practices and not going the education reformers route.

Pramila has been working in public service for 25 years.  She's not afraid of hard work or tough challenges. She knows what it means to get in there and not just roll up your sleeves, but actually put on jeans and a t-shirt and get real work done alongside others. 

You don't come to a country at 16, by yourself because your parents wanted a better education for you, and get to where Pramila stands today without resiliency and determination.  In that way she reminds me of my late husband and his life experience.  Pramila's ability to have lived thru challenging circumstances herself  and then to choose to go into public service means she will bring empathy and compassion for others.

What is key to my endorsement is not just that I believe she understands the challenges and needs of public education in the U.S. today (indeed, she promises the first bill she will sponsor is debt-free college for young people) but that she has the ability to reach across the aisle and forge relationships.
Building relationships is huge for anyone going into Congress who truly wants to do the work of the people AND actually get something of value accomplished.

The obstructionism of the last eight years in Congress has got to be a thing of the past and it's someone like Pramila who is smart and accessible who can change that dynamic.

I'm proud to be a supporter of Pramila Jayapal for the 7th Congressional district.


Who's running

There are five Democrats:
  • Brady Walkinshaw
  • Joe McDermott
  • Pramila Jayapal
  • Donovan Rivers
  • Arun Jhaveri
There are two Republicans:
  • Scott Sutherland
  • Craig Keller
And, two Independents:
  • Leslie Reigier
  • Carl Cooper
The primary is August 2, 2016.

People think of the 7th as a "Seattle" district but it includes Burien, Vashon Island, White Center and Normandy Park in the south end, Lake Forest Park and Shoreline to the north and the far south of Snohomish County.


Johnny Calcagno said…
Thank you, Melissa. Pramila is awesome, and the best choice in this election.

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