Seattle Schools, Week of June 11-16, 2018

Quite a busy week as we roll up to the end of the school year.

Of special interest - a district survey on communications.

Monday, June 11th
Audit& Finance Committee meeting, 4:30-6:30 pm at JSCEE.  Agenda

Among the items on the jam-packed agenda, I see these ones of interest:

Items Requiring Board Action
1. BAR: City of Seattle Families & Education Levy (FEL) CBO’s (Stone)

5. BAR: Private Schools Proportional Share Services (Mills)
9. BAR: Economic Stabilization Fund (Berge)
10. BAR: Resolution 2017/18-18, Fixing and Adopting the 2018-19 Budget (Berge/Sebring)

Special Attention Items
- Policy & Procedure Update: 5253 Maintaining Staff/Student Boundaries (Codd)
- Annual Report: JSCEE bonds/building update (Fleming)
- Notification of Contract Exceeding $250,000: Project Management & Quality Assurance (Berge)

Magnolia Elementary Boundaries:
Community Meeting to discuss updated information about setting boundaries for Magnolia Elementary School.  McClure Middle School, 6:30-7:30 pm.

Tuesday, June 12th
Curriculum&Instruction Committee meeting, 4:30-6:30 pm at JSCEE.  Agenda.

Of interest:
- Annual Approval of Schools (C-SIPs) (Starosky)

1. High School/24 Credits Update (Perkins)
a. Proposal on Foundational Personal Fitness Course
b. Proposed Changes to Credit Attainment Policy
c. Professional Development Plans for High School

2. Instructional Materials Update (Kinoshita) 

- School Board Policy Nos. 2021, 2022, 2023 – Electronic Learning (Kinoshita/Krull)
- School Board Policy No. 2200 – Equitable Access to Programs and Services Quarterly Report 
Special Attention Items
1. Annual Assessment Report (Roach)
2. Advanced Learning Update (Hanson)
3. Counseling Update (Perkins)
4. Naviance Implementation Update (Perkins)

Wednesday, June 13th
 Magnolia Elementary Boundaries: 

Community Meeting to discuss updated information about setting boundaries for Magnolia Elementary School.  , 6:30-7:30 pm. Catherine Blaine K-8. 

Special Education PTSA Meeting,  JSCEE, 7-9 pm

Work Session for SMART Goals for 2018-2019, JSCEE from 4:30-7:30 pm (includes an Executive Session at the end) 

Thursday, June 14th
Work Session on Families & Education Levy, JSCEE from 5-6 pm (there will be an Executive Session immediately following the Work Session)

Executive Committee, JSEE from 3-5 pm.  No agenda yet available.

Maple and Van Asselt Boundary Change meeting, 6:30-7:30 pm, Maple Elementary.

No director community meetings Saturday, June 16th.


Anonymous said…
There is a Lincoln parent meeting at Hamilton tonight at 6:30pm.

the communication on this one was botched - I didn't get an email, just showed up on my FB page.

QA Parent
Anonymous said…
More botched communication, just in time for the communication survey. Nice touch.

Also, speaking of communications and that survey, apparently they have already switched their thinking AND communications to Lincoln being a high school. When they ask for which schools your child/children attends/attend/attended, Lincoln is not an elementary school option. It's the the "high school" category--although I doubt many parents of people who attended Lincoln for high school are taking this survey!

Editor, please!
Anonymous said…
Does anyone have an update of what was discussed at the Lincoln parent meeting? I sent an email to Ms. Medsker, and sent her email contact information.
Lincoln Bound

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