Seattle Schools, Week of June 4-9, 2018

Monday, June 4th
Update: apparently even though Juneau will be around the district in June, her first official day is
July 1.

This marks the first day of the Denise Juneau administration.  Welcome, Superintendent Juneau and thank you to Superintendent Larry Nyland.

I believe that Superintendent Juneau will be at the Seattle Council PTSA meeting at Washington Middle School from 6-9 pm.
Join SCPTSA for our Spring General Meeting! This is a chance for us to come together to connect and learn from each other for a seamless transition for our passionate and dedicated leaders in the 2018-19 school year. We will share about the accomplishments we created together across the district.  You will have an opportunity to choose from a great selection of WSPTA approved training sessions to give you the tools  and knowledge to be successful as a leader in PTSA/PTA. We are excited to see you and share information and resources to support your success
Registration/Dinner 6:00-6:30 p.m.
Business Meeting 6:30-7:00 p.m.
Guest Speakers 7:00-7:45 p.m.
Training 7:50-9:00 p.m.
Please register each person on your PTA Board,(or a member of your PTA) who plans to attend, so that we can order enough dinner.
Tomorrow 6:30 PM · Ingraham High School
Tuesday, June 5thAudit & Finance Quarterly meeting,  4:30-6:30 pm.  Agenda.  The agenda reflects a number of internal audits (the district and the State Auditor do these regularly.  I did find something interesting in the latest State Auditor audits so I'll have a thread soon on that.)  The two audits to be presented are on Cleveland High and Center School.

Special Education Advisory and Advocacy Council meeting from 5:30-7:30 pm at JSCEE.

Wednesday, June 6th
Board meeting, starting at 4:15 pm.  Agenda


- a huge Consent agenda, 15 items.   These are items that are generally pro forma types of issues like updating policy language (but not changing the policy).  But I see in that group for this meeting,  Approval of contracts for Special Education Related Services RFQ 05790.

Given the issues in the State Auditor report about Sped contracts, this item should be taken out of the Consent Agenda.  The Board needs to be paying attention to see if staff is doing what they promised the State Auditor they would be doing.  That's oversight.

- approval of the Highly Capable Program Plan.  Another year and nearly nothing changes in this program.  Speaking of a good program, let's see what Shoreline SD is doing.

- a 4-part Action item for capital funding for Daniel Bagley Elementary.  Don't know how I missed this when it was introduced but I have a real problem with huge BARs involving multiple transfers of dollars.  The first bulleted item includes 4 transfers.  I wish the Board would require Capital/Facilities to give a quarterly update of transfers and when the money borrowed gets back to its original fund.
  • Allow transfer of $2,808,243 from BTA III Program Contingency, $5,000,000 from BEX IV Program Contingency, $1,191,757 from BEX IV Capacity Flexibility, and $1,000,000 from the State of Washington’s K-3 Class Size Reduction Grant to the BTA IV/BEX IV Bagley Elementary School Modernization and Addition project budget. The total transfer equals $10,000,000.
  • Authorize the Superintendent to execute a modification to contract P1453 with Miller Hayashi Architects for additional design and construction administration fees of $482,270.53.
  • Authorize the Superintendent to utilize the GC/CM alternative construction delivery method on the Bagley Modernization and Addition project and award a construction contract P5091with Lydig Construction for an amount not to exceed $27,428,669. 
  • Approve Resolution 2017/18-2. 
I also note the documentation for this item is not yet attached.  I have to wonder why not.

There is to be an Executive Session about litigation at the end of the meeting.  I suspect the Board is going to try to make the Superintendent's first Board meeting not be an extended one.

Thursday, June 7th
Operations Committee meeting from 4:30-6:30 pm.  No agenda yet available.

Friday, June 8th
BEX/BTA Oversight Committee meeting from 8:30-10:30 am.  No agenda yet available.

No director community meetings this week.


Anonymous said…
The final scheduled HCSAC meeting for this school year will be this Tuesday 6/5/2018 from 6:30-8:00 at Madison Middle School. This will be the final all volunteer meeting with Stephen Martin (AL Chairman) taking over as Chairman of the Committee as it will be rolled into a district committee with Superintendent oversight. I personally would have rather seen the Committee stay separate.

The agenda for this meeting includes:

Approval of May meeting minutes
Review and approval of the new HCSAC Charge
Discussion of recruitment for staff and parent positions for SY 2018-19
Discussion of election of officers
Update on the Advanced Learning Task Force (ALTF)
Farewell to departing members
Other items TBD


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