Magnolia Elementary's Mission/Vision Statement

Director Eden Mack went on a tour of the almost-finished Magnolia Elementary and posted photos at Facebook.  I assume the one below is their vision for Magnolia.   I'm just not sure that most kids would understand it.  I'm not sure I even understand "perspective validation."

Also, I assume that "M" with a swish blue watercolor is their school symbol - interesting choice.

No photo description available.


Anonymous said…
It's interesting or troubling that there's not a mention of academics, you know the main reason that public schools exist. I guess they just take that for granted.


Anonymous said…
Do they validate all perspectives, or just certain ones? Is a racist, sexist, homophobic, classist, etc. perspective "valid"? This sounds potentially like a "good people on both sides" type of philosophy, or, alternatively, like a "we'll teach you the acceptable/valid perspectives" approach.

QuestionAuthority perspective
Anonymous said…
The school is absolutely magnificent. Beautiful view of downtown and mountain Tahoma(I expect that the perspective of the displaced Native population will be respected, although I doubt Nazism will, as suggested by the previous poster).

BTW, Ms. Mack gave a rather bizarre speech at Ballard graduation about suicide, her father's in particular. Kind of a downer for high school graduation, but whatever.

Looking forward to the public tour of the new school, anybody know when that will be?

Anonymous said…
I did not hear Eden's speech at the graduation, but am speculating it could have been related to a very recent event (2 weeks ago?) at the school on suicide prevention. Apparently there was a survey and an astounding percentage of students reported suicidal ideation.

Anonymous said…
I agree that suicide is a very serious and growing problem with teens in the Ballard service area, and I appreciate Ms. Mack's willingness to discuss her own experience; I think perhaps a school assembly would be a more appropriate venue.

On the other hand, Mr. Wynkoop gave a great speech about how far we have come as a society but also how destructive we have been and continue to be to our home, the earth.

In a weird,yet positive way he told the students they were the last hope for humankind and they needed to get to work fixing all the globe-threatening disasters his generation had left for them.

We'll see if the kids can save us.

Anonymous said…
How are "belonging" and "inclusivity" different? "Perspective validation" is not kid speak. Neither is "culture" or "cultivation".

Anonymous said…
@ JJ Suicide ideation is not limited to a serious and growing problem "in the Ballard service area", it is actually quite widespread and not just in Seattle and surrounding suburbs but nationwide. Regarding aspects of Wynkoop's speech it echoes what I have been hearing elsewhere at student graduation ceremonies.

Andrea Leigh Ptak said…
As a professional graphic designer, I find the "logo" truly bizarre. The first thing a designer considers is the market. Looking at this symbol, I wonder what market this is intended to attract. Parents? Donors? It doesn't seem like children are the target market here. Maybe it's supposed to represent finger paint? Sea? Sky? Watercolor? I don't get it.

When we were at Graham Hill, the school symbol was a fanciful whale—representing the school mascot. It was a great symbol, which allowed for so many uses—especially environmental tie-ins. The kids all loved it. It was so cute on T-shirts, banners, the school newsletter. How are children supposed to relate to a trendy watercolor smear?

And the BIG question is? WHO did this? I sure hope it was a parent volunteer and not a PAID marketer/advertising group.
Anonymous said…
I find it offensive to ink blots everywhere. It marginalizes the important use of ink blots as important mental health diagnostic tools.


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