No Student Should Go Hungry During the Summer Months

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Ed said…
What about the PUBLIC (Federal, State and city) program that has served kids in Seattle for decades?

Is this some private (charter type) option?
Anonymous said…
This is for No Kid Hungry. The the phone number, the non-profit will look up free meal options based on your ZIP code, usually via, which Seattle and King County participate in:

Pro tip: you don't need to be low income for your kids to get a meal, and funding is based on usage, so if you're at a park this summer and see this option, you can contribute to sustain the program by participating no matter your income level. You can also donate to it via UWKC above.

Maje said…
In addition to what food said above, I was told by someone who distributes the free lunches that they want all the kids to come because they don't want anyone to feel that they're the only ones getting the food. They want all the kids to come eat so that the kids all feel included.

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