Sorry News about Sexual Predators

I first saw this news at the West Seattle blog - that a softball coach has been preying on some girls on the team, apparently since about 2017.   From WS Blog:

A former JV girls-basketball coach at West Seattle High School is charged with “communicating with a minor for immoral purposes” via online messaging. Seattle Public Schools tells WSB the former coach, 28-year-old Michael D. Gutierrez, was fired in February, 10 days after the school learned about the allegations.
The probable-cause document on file says an assistant principal discovered two students, now both 17, having been “inappropriately contacted” via social media. 
From the charging papers:
The defendant engaged a student-athlete he coached in (in)appropriate sexual communication in electronic communication and in person. The defendant kissed the girl and also grabbed, or spanked her bottom on a number of occasions.
From SPS Communications:
When SPS learned of the allegations of inappropriate comments and behavior by an adult hourly coach, we immediately contacted Seattle Police on Feb. 15, 2019.
That same day, SPS released the adult from all coaching responsibilities until the outcome of an internal investigation was completed.
On February 25, 2019 (the Monday after mid-winter break), SPS terminated the individual’s employment. The individual was a part-time coach. The individual was not a teacher, counselor, etc.
I am also sad to report another serious incident - this time in the Kent School district where a 72-year substitute was arrested for touching a kindergartener.  He had worked in multiple schools.  From the Kent Reporter:
John Deveiteo, of Kent, has worked as a substitute teacher at multiple schools in the district since February 2018, according to charging documents filed Wednesday in King County Superior Court. Deveiteo is scheduled to be arraigned on July 3 at the King County Courthouse in Seattle.
The story states that Kent SD could not answer the question of whether Deveiteo had worked in other school districts.  I'll ask SPS Communications.


Anonymous said…
Yes, this is sorry news. The WSHS case has nearly a two year history. We learned from the WS Blog that the AD at that school, Corey Sorenson, knew of the inappropriate contact back in 2018 - but we do not know the nature of the conversations with the coach, reprimand, etc. What I can share from past experience, and having had a child athlete at this school recently, the Athletic Department is chaotic and poorly managed - organizationally and financially. I know several parents have raised concerns about some of these issues and the principal who took over about two years ago would do nothing about the mismanagement in the department. Perhaps this is the result, sadly.

WSHS Parent
Anonymous said…
My daughter dropped out of school athletics after her first year of high school, disgusted by the behavior of the school AD and the overwhelming emphasis on Football. Girls and their sports were a low priority for the athletics department and administration. Boys will be boys was a common theme that the Athletics Director fully supported. Wasn't the District AD also found guilty of sexual harassment? This is not just a problem with a single coach, but with the behavior of the administration, lack of training and willingness of school ADs to hold coaches accountable for their behavior, and for the poor examples they are setting for the young male athletes. It was clear from looking at the charter buses, uniforms and treatment of athletes in the building that the young women did not have advocates. Now my daughter participates on teams outside of school and a club sport that the school does not seem to notice most of the time. Bummer for females in SPS. Athletics can be instrumental in building friendships and a feeling of involvement in your school, but not when they are unsafe or unhealthy environments for those young women.

Fan of Frisbee
Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear that about WSHS athletics. They almost always have a good gymnastics team. We were very fortunate at Hale to have an awesome AD and a sports booster organization that supports all teams including club sports like lacrosse and ultimate.

Anonymous said…
This will be a test for our new Superintendent as well. I am curious to see how she handles this. Will she ask for resignations, or maintain the status quo.

Elsa said…

Same old thing: duck and cover and the usual "everything is WONDERFUL" kinda response is my guess.
Anonymous said…
Yes, Elsa - I just received the "everything is wonderful" end of school year Juneau Journal. SPS has an awful track record with these types of incidents. Weren't there also sexual assault issues at RBHS a few years ago and the principal was not held to account, but instead promoted or transferred? Sadly, I have no confidence that this will be any different.

Anonymous said…
This blog is just so uplifting and inspirational.

Prozac much
Anonymous said…
I know, sexual misconduct by coaches against high school athletes, and the administrators who look away, is a bit too much reality for some.

Yoga more

Anonymous said…
I am so shaken up about the substitute teacher. He subbed for both my kids' teachers at a different KSD school. Not saying he is guilty but it is awful to hear about something like this so close to home.

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