Seattle Council PTSA and Teacher Contract Negotiations

 Via the SCPTSA Facebook page:

September 3, 2022: Request for Joint Statements of Fact
The Collective Bargaining Agreement between Seattle Public Schools (SPS) and Seattle Education Association (SEA) is an agreement between employer and union, but it has an impact on our students. The confusing and conflicting messaging that is coming out is causing stress, frustration, and an erosion of trust.
We ask that the two parties either:
Open the Process, so that all of the information and negotiations are available to the public, so that people in our community are able to be as aware, or not aware, of what is happening as they would like to be.
Agree to publish Joint Statements of Fact that are agreed to by both parties, and are shared out through both parties' channels. While we appreciate the efforts that both sides have made to share information, the contentiousness of this part of the process means that we are now asking for them to collaborate to state facts clearly, specifically, and jointly.
Our families need to make plans for childcare, food, and for supporting their children through the uncertainty of start of school during a Youth Mental Health Crisis. A timely resolution is in the best interests of families and students.
We call on Seattle Public Schools and the Seattle Education Association to collaboratively negotiate in good faith.
We call on the City of Seattle to please be prepared to support our families through this time.
We call on employers for their understanding and support of the uncertainties our families are facing right now.
We are here to support all parties in collaborating to help our families navigate this time of uncertainty, and to centralize information about mutual aid for our families.
Samantha Fogg and Erin Dury
SCPTSA Co-Presidents

So the "open the process" will NEVER happen; neither the district nor the union would do this.

However, I think issuing dueling statements that seem to contradict each other is not helpful to parents or the public. So maybe a joint statement of progress could happen. The district now says the union refuses mediation and the union now says that the district didn't show up for a couple of negotiation meetings. Both true? How do we know?

Also to note from the SCPTSA Facebook page about office hours with the co-presidents:

Co-President Virtual Office Hours are Thursdays at 9AM on zoom. Live transcription closed captions as provided by zoom.


Anonymous said…
Isn't the SCPTSA a district proxy group? Haven't more than a few current school board members come out of there? It's like the district is demanding to see our cards when they've already seen our cards at the table.

Perhaps realizing that SPS is the non-good faith party they're trying to rewrite the narrative with some perhaps?

Why not come back to the table SPS? We are waiting for you. Also, to reiterate the public call for the Principals Association to issue a separate statement on district proposals and delaying the start of school. They are also negotiating against the staff they are meant to lead. That's an untenable and toxic situation.

Theo M.
Anonymous said…
SCPTSA + SPS is a codependent relationship. Look no further than assoc/asst supes and SCPTSA leadership. There is little doubt current and former SCPTSA leadership is in direct communication with SPS. Principals are a pawn and have little to no ability to exert influence as middle managers - more than 20 new Principals this year! They work for SPS and appear to be treated as disposable.

Same game every contract year. It appears that this year, however, SPS is far more brazen and determined to steam roll SEA and SPS families in the process.

In Good Faith
Anonymous said…
Erin Dury is just a Chandra puppet like the superintendent. She was soundly defeated by the voters of Seattle who did not want her on the school board.

Samantha Fogg has been lobbying the state legislature for more money for SPS with a baby strapped to her since forever. She may be co-president of the SCPTSA, but it would be shocking if she were Chandra's lapdog. Maybe not entirely impossible. Could be a Colin Powell situation. But very unlikely.

Uncorrupting SCPTSA
Anonymous said…
Yeah, so many words from SCPTSA to not say anything. Of *course* we all want school to start on time where have you been the last three years??? Absolutely a district mouthpiece. The Special Ed PTSA will at least comment on the substance of the proposals. I’m at the point I don’t want to join my school PTSA for fear they get a cut of my views. How can we get out from under this group? They don’t represent me.

Hot Air
Historian said…
The state boosted education funding by $7.3B to fulfill McCleary. The state set a salary schedule for teachers. However, post McCleary local bargaining resulted in school districts across the state exceeding state salary schedule. Continued bargaining at the local level- especially when districts have exceeded state allocations- will result in another crisis.

The Wa. State Supreme Court told legislators that they fulfilled McCleary. However, many officials admitted that special education needed additional attention.

IMO, teachers should allow funding to go to students...this time around.
Anonymous said…
To be clear, Theo M, the Principals’ Association is required to be part of the district negotiating team, and it’s a good thing they are there. They don’t set the priorities — the Board does that — but they can help make sure any agreement is workable at the building level.

Been there
PTAPrezDad said…
More dribble from the irrelevant, feckless SCPTSA. All they've done is get in the way of most of the PTAs around here.
In Good Faith, I would agree. SCPTSA is so linked to Hampson and others that it's hard to see any independent thought.

I think the latest MOU offering from SPS to SEA backs up your thought on SPS being determined to steamroll families and SEA.

Hot Air, how do you get away from PTSA? Do what several schools, including Ingraham High School. Create a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization. Then your group controls YOUR money and you won't have SCPTSA claiming to speak for all schools.

Good thoughts, Historian.

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