Live Blogging - Math Adoption, Part Six

Rick Burke - member of MAC.  Why is community so passionate about math and why should you listen?  He had a handout for the Board of his daughter's math problem.  Discovery was language-heavy and "crippled" K-5 students for years.  Says "good, better, best" situation.  He thinks enVision is good, amendment two is better (for just Math in Focus) and Amendment 1 - dual adoption - is visonary. "Please bring us our Singapore - alone or with a friend."

SCSped President Mary Griffin spoke out for protections for Special Ed students against techniques of physical restraint.  Talked about Arne Duncan's rejection of these interventions.  No evidence that these are effective to change behaviors.  Ask staff to take policy on this and revise it for more progressive measures.

Hugh Ewart - father of two students in SPS at Whittier.  Request support for 2185 to strengthen PE for our students.  Reductions in PE have occurred and are hurting kids.  Part of childhood obesity puzzle.

Yalonda Speaks - student spoke for her.  Spoke about food issues at her school.

Robin Magnan - another Native American speaker who supports dual-adoption for math.  Worried about APP students at W-P over Native American students.  Feels it eliminates access for their students.   A student also wants W-P named for Robert Eaglestaff and have a real program for high school students.

Wendy London - your actions compelled me to come speak and act responsibly.  She was our curriculum director and has been a board director elsewhere.  Not nearly as much public input when she was a board director.  Heard arguments on both sides of math adoption.  The textual materials is one component and is not really the fight.  Should protect "integrity of process" and your name will be remember for damage to district.

Joan Sias - math tutor and parent in district.  There is a lack of integrity to process.  Example, discrediting Schmitz Park.  Referenced her handouts.  Nearly every site favored Math in Focus or dual-adoption.  Analysis of same schools that Eric Anderson analyzed.  She went thru F/RL at OSPI and found the analysis wanting.  Most recent 4 years would make SP look a lot better.  Wants dual adoption or Math in Focus.

Deborah Bermet - MAC member said they reject Math in Focus because it was not aligned with Common Core.  Spoke of "habits of mind" that CC wants.  Gave a detailed explanation of why Math in Focus moves too quickly from concept to procedural (which she says hurts children of color).

By my count, two people for staff recommendation and that was a former staff member.


Enough said…
Tell Wright to forget about funding people to go out of state and administrative postions, and fund the math program.
Anonymous said…
I can't believe it. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. And Mr. English is even getting the procedure right.

Anonymous said…
Congratulations (and thanks) to all the articulate folks who showed up tonight (and who provided the board with feedback earlier) in support of MIF. Two good things may come out of this. One is that the waiver process could work much more smoothly if, in fact, waivers in favor of envision (for schools that really want it) will actually result in cost reductions, rather than increases. To the extent that teachers are actually asking for a cheaper set of materials, that should make getting waivers easier. At the same time, it would seem to me that it will be harder for "go along" principals (if any there are) to stick with MIF, rather than go through the steps for a waiver, if their parents and/or teachers really prefer MIF.

The OTHER good thing that may come of this is that it should serve as notice to the staff that they need to do better in the future. I finally had to stop listening during the staff comments. I just couldn't stand it. I don't doubt that a lot of work went into the underlying recommendation -- but the comments tonight were disappointing. It also seemed to me that the staff should have done a better job of speaking to support the amendment -- as well as their original plan. At least where I work, if plan A gets push back and plan B is suggested, we are all supposed to jump in and vet/analyze BOTH plans so that you get to the best answer -- not necessarily the answer you first chose. I realize that they didn't have tons of time to prep, but still . . . .

Now-- on to better decisions for Wilson Pacific!

Finally, let me say -- I don't know if spending 5 days on area in 3rd grade is the right amount -- but it sure seems to me that a full month on area is over the top.

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