Seattle Schools This Week

Monday, June 9th
Curriculum and Instruction Policy Committee Meeting, 4:30-6:30 pm.  Agenda

A large agenda for various policies and includes an update on Creative Approach schools, Advanced Learning update, the BARs for the Highly Capable Program Annual Plan and Seattle Teacher Residency.  At the end of the agenda, just added - Math Adoption Update.

If you do one extra thing this week (besides writing to the Board/your principal about your thoughts on the math adoption), try to attend this meeting from about 5:45-6:30 pm.  If that small Board conference room was packed with parents/community, it would send a powerful message to all in the room.  Even if you had to stand in the hall and try to listen, it would be worth it.

Wednesday, June 11th
Executive Committee Meeting, 8:30-10:00 am.  Agenda
Among the items is "public access to district records- policy 4040", review of annual required reports (which is a funny one considering how - according to Charlie's count - this doesn't always happen) and the 2014-2015 Board meeting calendar with Work Sessions and work plan for the Board.

Executive Session on Labor Negotiations from 4-4:30 pm

Executive Session for Superintendent Evaluation from 4:30-5:30 pm.
I would urge you to write to the Board - - and express how you view the Superintendent's performance. 

Thursday, June 12th
Audit and Finance Committee Meeting from 4:30-6:30 pm.  Agenda not available.

The district starts today one of the happiest times in our district - school graduations.  This evening sees the students of Middle College, Nova and Ingraham high schools graduate. 

Congrats to all the graduates and their families.  (This would include Director Carr who mentioned this at the Board meeting and said having her community meeting the morning after her daughter's graduation might see her still teary.)

Friday, June 13th
BEX Oversight Committee Meeting from 8:30-10:30 am

High School Graduations - Franklin, Nathan Hale and Ballard.

Saturday, June 14th
Director Community Meetings

Carr - 8:30-10 am - Bethany Community Church
Blanford - 10 am-noon - Douglass-Truth Library
Martin-Morris - 11am-1 pm - Montlake Library

High School Graduations - West Seattle and Chief Sealth


Anonymous said…
Agree Melissa - unless folks show up en-masse, it will cement district staffs belief that 95% of families don't care about math or which curriculum we use and that the MIF adoption has been driven by a vocal minority. It will assure them that what they are now doing is perfectly fine. Nobody cares. Everybody will just suck up whatever curriculum they end up with just like they did (had to) with EDM for all those years.
Let them know - hell no! Show up -Let them know that we care, that we are observing this process, that we will find whatever secret deals or handshakes are going down, and that we will expose them. Let them know we will fight for the adoption of the curriculum that was legally selected according to their own rules.

hell no

Charlie Mas said…
What kind of Advanced Learning update is the C & I committee going to get that they didn't get at the Board Retreat on Saturday?

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