Garfield and Roosevelt - Top 10 for WA State Honors Award

From SPS Communications:

Garfield and Roosevelt high schools are ranked in the top 10 for students receiving the Washington State Honors Award. Garfield is ranked 8th and Roosevelt is ranked 9th – tied with Brainbridge High School.

The Washington State Honors Award Program honors the top 10 percent of the current year's graduating class from Washington state.

To qualify for the award a student must rank in the top 10 percent of this year’s high school graduating class. The ranking is determined by an index, which considers Grade Point Average and college prep test scores.

Furthermore, a student must have completed at least 75 percent of the credits required for graduation and be enrolled in at least three academic core subjects in Grade 12.

Of the 260 school districts in the state, the following heads the list for having the most recipients.

1. Newport High School - Bellevue School District
2. Skyline High School  - Issaquah School District
3. Mercer Island High School - Mercer Island School District
4. Eastlake High School - Lake Washington School District
5. Inglemoor High School - Northshore School District
6. Issaquah High School - Issaquah School District
7. Bellevue High School - Bellevue School District
8. Garfield High School - Seattle School District

9. Roosevelt High School - Seattle School District (tied with Bainbridge High School - Bainbridge School District) 


Carol Simmons said…
Hopefully everyone will attend the Awards Assembly recognition at Garfield at 6:00p.m.tomorrow eventing( June 12 )

A student is being recognized as the Recipient of the "Against the Odds" Award. She has defied the odds to achieve this honor and is to be congratulated.
apparent said…

"Garfield is ranked 8th and Roosevelt is ranked 9th – tied with Brainbridge High School."

Well, they're certainly in good company!
Anonymous said…
Brainbridge = Bainbridge
Anonymous said…
I wonder where could be IHS on this list?
IHS parent
Anonymous said…
About 100 out of 400 incoming IHS freshmen are IBM so expect to see Ingraham on this list in 2018 or soon after. Another case where population drives results.

IBX Watcher
Anonymous said…
Huh, can't edit on phone? New to me. Obviously IBX not IBM.
IBX Watcher
Anonymous said…
I would go with autocorrect for IB --- Because why let you say what you want

Anonymous said…
If one of the requirements is being enrolled in at least three academic core subjects in Grade 12, will IBX students qualify? Don't they complete all required coursework by the end of 11th grade, then do internships, take a few classes, or possibly graduate early?

who knows
Anonymous said…
This is the most recipients not percentage of students?

Is there somewhere where it shows the full list?

Eric B said…
@Who knows, That depends on the student. I have an IBXer who is looking at a pretty light schedule for 12th grade: calculus, aerospace engineering, and a few running start classes. Some IBX kids will likely go to internships, but I think most will take a fairly full load.
Anonymous said…
This will sound like sour grapes but here it is: Garfield has the established APP program and Roosevelt has the highest family income population of the city High Schools.

Great job to the kids achieving at high levels, and let's celebrate their success...but really - these school "awards" do nothing but confirm selection bias.

SPS Mom, Ingraham also has APP students via the IB program. Garfield is not just an APP school (and never was).
Lynn said…
SPS Mom,

Here's a link to Melissa's post on OSPI awards to schools for Progress, Reading Growth and Math Growth.

We can - and do - celebrate high achieving schools and schools whose students are making great progress.
Anonymous said…
@SPS mom: I'm glad you're confirming the fact that what goes on outside the school buildings is as important to student achievement as what goes on within them.
Anonymous said…
WSDWG above.
Anonymous said…
I went to the link but it just tells you how to nominate, etc. It doesn't have the full list. Where did you get the top 10 list from? Is it possible to see the full list?

It does appear to be a recipient quantity not percentage so the bigger schools like Roosevelt and Garfield are going to do better anyway. It is still wonderful to see Seattle schools ranked right up there with Bellevue, Bainbridge and Issaquah.

Anonymous said…
Also, SPS Mom: the last time I checked, Franklin was exceeding Garfield in HSPE math scores (I suspect that Franklin has gotten "enlightened" as kids arrive from whatever middle school it is (Mercer? Aki?) that uses non-discovery math -- and has developed more robust math instruction than any high school trundling along with the Discovering series.

So maybe there is some selection bias there (and of course, it also is there with Newport, Mercer Island, Bellevue, etc.). But it is still great news, and we need to push forward with ALL our kids to create high schools that helping kids reach their maximum potential. I would LOVE to see Ingraham, Nathan Hale, Franklin, etc. on this list.

Anonymous said…
I said it would be looked at as sour grapes - but my point holds. The award is by sheer number of recipients per school. The schools who are most likely to receive these awards, then, are large high schools with a high percentage of kids from relatively high income homes or with a high percentage of high-academic-achieving-identified kids entering at 9th grade.

And, yes, the list reflects exactly this. Ingraham has a chance of making it if it gains a large enough proportion of north end APP kids. Franklin is doing great math work. But its diversity of languages in the students' homes means it is unlikely as a cohort to pull as many high achieving LA students - and this award is based on a combination of all classes, not just math.

My point, again, is hooray for the kids and the schools being honored here. But it is also a numbers and a cohort game. I'm hope this blog's readers are discerning enough to recognize that in this case and others.

Anonymous said…
SPS Mom, No no sour grapes. The truth hurts here in lily land and that Garfield and Roosevelt hold onto a legacy that is both old and frankly tied to sports, theatre or a music program. As far as academics go, there is nothing special about them. But denial is a river in Seattle not just Egypt

Teller of Truth
Teller of Truth, Roosevelt has a big sports program but it has never really been a big powerhouse in sports. Not sure what you are talking about there.

I would not call their music or drama programs "tired." Nor Garfield's. You don't keep winning awards year after year if your program is on the wane.

But, it you were keeping track you'd know that Hale's drama program is growing and doing great. Ballard's biotech and video production - great.

I find it interesting that one person says Roosevelt and Garfield only do well academically because of APP and family income and yet another says their academics aren't that great.

I note that I attended the UW awards ceremony for staff and professors yesterday. There were two awards for students - one for the highest academics for completion of degree and one for the highest academics for someone coming in from a two-year college with the highest academics for completion at UW.

The young woman who made the first achievement was a Roosevelt grad. Her parents both work for SPS (and I suspect that doesn't make them especially wealthy).

I had to smile - this young woman is going for her Master' education policy. She wrote her thesis on Common Core.

We had a nice chat after the ceremony.
Carol Simmons said…
Last evening the "Against the Odds" award was given again at Garfield High School as it has been since 1992. The 2014 Recipient was extremely deserving as the recipients have been in the past. Last year the Recipient was selected by students and staff for being instrumental in eliminating the MAP test. This year's recipient was selected for being instrumental in working to eliminate the racism which exists in our schools and community and for actively working to integrate Garfield classes and activities. This Recipient was honored and publicly recognized for going "against the odds" for the betterment of her school and community. She received thunderous applause from the audience.
Anonymous said…
Melissa you misread. Teller of Truth said "tied" not "tired".
Anonymous said…
Where did I say "Tired" thanks you can just cut a paste.

Okay, I did err on the word. My point remains - I don't think Roosevelt and Garfield do well academically only because of family income or APP.

And you know what, T-o-T, on a Friday after a long week, I actually don't need you telling me what I should do when writing on my blog.
mirmac1 said…
Okay. I'm curious. Then why DO they do well?
Miss Waterlow said…

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