Live Blogging - Math Adoption, Part Two

Superintendent is now speaking on K-5 process.  Said had to follow a "legal" process, and MAC came up with recommendation.  He supports that recommendation.  More later tonight from staff.  Thanked Shauna Heath and her team for their work.

Update about Strategic Plan and implementing feedback.  (I posted on this last month.)  Recited all the top items on the list.

Mentioned the renaming of programs in district (also another thread I reported on).  Not yet named any of the buildings on the Wilson-Pacific site.

Next week kick-off of graduation (his favorite time of the year).  2800 students graduating who started in 2001.

I now see that more seats have been taken by Native Americans (you can tell by the signs they are carrying).  I did run into Sarah Sense Wilson, a leader for Native American students, when I first came in.  She does not think their community is being heard or included in many of the decisions for their children.  (I will be following up on this issue soon.)

Now to the Consent agenda.  Director McLaren wants to remove 2151- Interscholastic Activities from the agenda.  That was granted and agenda approved.

2151 is around the 2.0 GPA for student athletes and Director McLaren says the C&I committee will be revisiting this, along with the regular high school GPA.  They want full public dialog and whether this 2.0 GPA is the best thing for students who want to participate in athletes. (We can have a full discussion on this at some point.)

Director Carr asked a question.  She thought it was a technical fix and that would consider deeper changes later on.  McLaren said that is still the case.  (There is a wording issue that will be corrected by this motion but there is a lot behind this issue beyond that.)  President Peaslee expressed concern over putting back language that is causing an issue before community input.

Martin-Morris said the Board already voted on this issue of the wording (but it never made it to the actual policy).  Yes, I know, confusing.  Back and forth between Directors and staff.

Carr again.  Policy always said 2.0 and they tried to get to 1.0 but the "public outcry at the 11th hour was overwhelming."  Not lowering the bar but she said it's worth a deeper look.  (I do not recall how lowering the GPA did not lower the bar but I guess, at some point, it will be explained.)

Now Peaslee says that technically the Board already voted, so why vote?  Now a district lawyer is trying to explain this.  MORE back and forth and Peaslee may abstain from vote.

Martin-Morris: we are NOT changing policy.  We are correcting an "error."  If we don't do this, my question to colleagues is, what happens to the practice?  Are we changing the original intent of policy?

Staff - does the Board not support a 2.0 GPA?  Would have to go to schools and explain how they would have to handle this.  Athlete director says "my understanding" is a 1.0 to be in the athletic league the district is currently part of.

Carr is recommending that the Board take this technical change - very big issue - cannot implement change on the fly.  THEN have the debate.  Carr said she was "shocked at the amount of force that came out" when this was discussed previously.  (She means by public outcry.)

They are seriously going on with this discussion.  Really?  A long night just got even longer.

Patu - abstain, Peters, aye, Blanford, aye, Carr, aye, M-M, aye, McLaren, aye, Peaslee, no.

Onto Public Testimony.


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