Superintendent Nyland's Message after the Election

From SPS Communications:

SPS Steadfast in Commitment to Students
Dear Seattle Public School Families:

As schools opened this morning we heard concerns from many families about how the presidential election might impact our schools. A number of schools asked about counseling and assurances for their families.

Seattle Public Schools serves a rich and diverse school community. Our students speak 143 languages/dialects and come from 147 countries. Media coverage on immigration, ethnicity, gender, and religion have permeated our lives over the last year. Even our youngest students were aware of the polarizing rhetoric. Today, I have heard directly from families who are feeling anxious and concerned.

I want to take this moment to emphasize that the election outcomes do not change our direction, priorities, mission, or values. Seattle Public Schools continues to remain dedicated to maintaining positive school climates that promote student learning and development.

We are committed to building school communities where all students, families and staff are safe, respected, and engaged. We expect all students to be treated positively and with respect without fear of bullying or intimidation. Our commitment to the well-being of each and every student is stronger than ever.

If students or parents ever have concerns about safety or bullying, they should be first raised with teachers and the school principal. Concerns can also be sent to the Office of Student Civil Rights at

Thank you for your commitment to stand with us in creating a kind, caring, welcoming and safe environment for each and every one of our students.

Dr. Larry Nyland
Seattle Public Schools


seattle citizen said…
Thank you, Superintendent Nyland, for this message of support for students and families that might feel threatened.
Reports from around the country seem to show escalating hate. A MS lunchroom in Michigan erupted in racist chants, for instance...
I hope SPS and our wonderful community can stand ready to combat such offensive hate.
Po3 said…
It gives me great (and stunned) pause to read letters from superintendents around the country offering our children counseling services after a presidential election. I think the last time this happened was after 911, a fact that should not be lost on anyone. We have a lot to fear, nobody will go unscathed by this president, including his supporters--poised to lose their healthcare, on day one.
Anonymous said…
LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) – A University of Louisiana Lafayette student who said she was physically attacked and robbed of her wallet and hijab made up the story, according to the Lafayette Police Department.

Public Information Officer Karl Ratcliff said police are currently reviewing the possibility of charging the 18-year-old student with filing a false police report.

The young woman filed a police report Wednesday claiming two white males approached her near the campus, in the 100 block of Smith Street, around 11 a.m.

She also claimed one of the males was wearing a “Trump” hat and they both yelled racial obscenities at her, police said.

The Lafayette Police Department issued a news release saying: “During the course of the investigation, the female complainant admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males.”

Incidentally, the ACLU rushed to defend the hoax-artist after her story went “viral” (every lying media propaganda organ pushed it in lock step).

Two sides
Anonymous said…
Two sides, are you trying to say that an 18 year-old student making a false police report (for which she is being charged by the police) is on the same par as the bullying and poisonous fear mongering President-elect Trump has been spewing for the last 18 months? Both his general, broadsided against Mexicans and Muslims as well as his specific, personal attacks have no place in public discourse.

Anonymous said…
Mark it seems like your side lost and you are having problems dealing with it. Fear mongering? Oh please say the words Radical Islamic Terrorism, do you deny it's real?. And what about Illegal immigrant criminals do they exist? So tell me, is it the messenger, message or both you are having a problem with?

Personally I think it's far worst when people fake crimes of hate and so I believe they should be charged with the a crime for doing so with the same penalty as the one they hoaxed. There are probably more hate crimes being commented against Trump supporters than non-trump supporters right now. I've already heard of 5 instances in SPS where Trump supports have been assaulted, but that probably ok with you because I'm sure you think they deserve it. There was also wide spread harassment of students opposed to the BLK shirts teachers wore. I suppose you support all that?

End PC
Anonymous said…
@PO3. I really agree with you. Superintendents around the country, principals at many schools, and college presidents around the country are sending out letters discussing how to deal with the aftermath of the election. I don't recall this happening unless there is a huge tragedy such as 9/11 or Sandy Hook. As a teacher, I am also struck by students' responses in my class. I know that there have been lots of elections where one side or another is unhappy about the results, but I have never seen so much fear and upset. It makes me wonder how people who voted for Trump feel. Are they dancing in the street? Do they have any idea how scared so many people are? Do they even get what is really upsetting people?
Eric B said…
End PC, If you think that a false police report is worse than racially-motivated assaults, your moral compass is seriously screwed up.

You're saying that it's totally OK for white students in Michigan to start chanting "Build a wall!" at Latino students? It's totally OK for white students in Pennsylvania to chant "Cotton Picker, you're a n***, Heil Hitler" at black students? That it's OK for three men in Pittsburgh to come up to a woman, say "We're going to grab your p***" and then proceed to do it? All that's OK becuase 5 pro-Trump students in SPS were assaulted? Because you're threatened by black students asking not to be shot in the street?

PS Please feel free to document the stories of pro-Trump students in SPS being assaulted. A school name, grade and date would be fine. If you can't put a date to it, we'll all assume it's just like the Trump "assassination attempt" that never happened.
Anonymous said…
The last 8 years of run amok is coming to an end and as in most battles there's usually a victor and as it's written, to the victor goes the spoils.

The new POTUS will make things better for all Americans. Not an American?, then I agree you should be concerned about your residency status. If your status is in order you should be fine, if not then I recommend you get to work on fixing it.

Whether you have an email server, a fake 501c3 or crossed into this country illegally, remember it's your own fault.

End PC

Anonymous said…
Yes I do think it's worst when someone falsely accuses another person of a hate crime or falsely accuses someone of rape. In other counties the penalty for false accusations is the same penalty as the faked crime. There are enough real incidents so we don't need people pulling fire alarms unless there's a fire.

Kids saying offense words is not a crime unless it's a viable violent threat. Your view points are not mine nor do I expect you to share my view points. As usual you insist on labeling people by questing their morals. Bad form.

End PC
Josh Hayes said…
In my school, I was heartened to see how strongly the kids pulled together. White, black, latino, Muslim, Hindu.... walking arm in arm down the hall, hugging, and yes, crying together. We'll get through this - even if Ben Carson IS the next head of the US Dept of Ed.

And as for all of us, please don't feed our trolls. It just makes them cranky.
Anonymous said…

End PC, you have made your point. Enough.
Tired said…
Give me a break. Trump won that's it. This is not the end of the world.
No students should be allowed to bully anyone and no students should make false reports, both are wrong. I'm trying to teach my son that in a democracy sometimes you don't get what you want.
Tired, yes, Trump did win and in a "rigged" election, too.

Well, it's not the end of the world if you are a white man. But if you are not, then yes, you may find a very different world for you and your family at the end of four years.

And yes, you don't always get what you want in a democracy but I fear for our democracy.
Anonymous said…
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