Tuesday Open Thread
OSPI had (seemingly) been rushing to submit its plan to the US Department of Education for the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) which is the NCLB replacement. They announced yesterday that they are allowing 60 more days for public comment. From Superintendent Dorn:
After consultation with Superintendent-elect Chris Reykdal, Deputy Superintendent Gil Mendoza, Gov. Jay Inslee and various stakeholder groups, I am delaying the submission of the Every Student Succeeds Act Consolidated Plan to the U.S. Department of Education.Here's a link to OSPI's ESSA page including a summary document in seven languages and a link so you can make your comment. OSPI did have a listening tour but that happened last week.
In something of an oddity, there is this call for volunteers at Garfield to go over report cards with students. I'll have to ask the district about this because it would seem to me there are privacy issues here especially if parents don't know that their child is sharing their report card info without the parent's knowledge.
There's a new book out - “Policy Patrons: Philanthropy, Education Reform, and the Politics of Influence” by Megan E. Tompkins-Stange, about the power and influence of four major foundations in education-reform policy in recent years. Reading the interview with the author, it should be stunning reading. From the Washington Post:
The reason was that Duncan’s staff appointments were often either former Gates officials or former Gates grantees. One respondent noted, “Once Obama was elected, I mean, Gates literally had people sitting at the Department of Education both formally and informally.”Great piece on NPR on bilingual education - there's a lot of meaty reading in this one.
Another respondent, a professor and former Ford [Foundation] grantee, jokingly related an anecdote: “A counsel for the education department came to talk about administrative policy. At one point he slipped and said, “The Gates Administration. He really did! Everybody just fell on the floor.”
In studies covering six states and 37 districts, they have found that, compared with students in English-only classrooms or in one-way immersion, dual-language students have somewhat higher test scores and also seem to be happier in school. Attendance is better, behavioral problems fewer, parent involvement higher.Just heard a fun fact on KUOW this morning - there are fewer native-born Washington kids than there are kids moving to Washington. (For the record, one of mine was born out of state and the other was born in Washington.)
What's on your mind?
Guy Palumbo's campaign was supported by Stand for Children and DFER. He considers himself a Democrat, but he supports charter schools. It is no surprise that Palumbo is willing to become part of the Roadkill Caucus.
rules schmules
No, the school needs to ask parents. As well, are these volunteers versed in the academic requirements and how to counsel students or is this a pep talk one-on-one? If it's a pep talk, then the volunteers shouldn't see their grades.
And Po3 is right; have all these volunteers gone thru the process? There is nothing in this document that states that requirement.
I have asked the district about this and await their reply. Naturally, I cc'd the Board.
Search "Felon Was School Trip Chaperone" on Seattle Times
rules schmules
Looking for the Boards response. Time for Seattle nice is way over.
Why Trump's Education Secretary Is So Dangerous
…Kary Moss, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, explained the anxiety many have about DeVos as education secretary in a statement that said in part: (more)
One presumes that students participate voluntarily because they appreciate access to mentoring, or perhaps just a word of encouragement, from a "professional member of the community." Each conference is predicted to take 5 minutes, so the ambitions seem to be modest. You could even imagine it like "speed dating" to set up possible longer-term mentor relationships. If the volunteers ignore the SPS rules for volunteers on student confidentiality, and go off gossiping about the grades they saw, it would be awkward. But probably they wouldn't do that. Everything shouldn't get crushed by rules.
disabled by racism, give me a flipping break.
The attitude that "everything shouldn't get crushed by rules," is what has gotten Garfield into trouble time and again. Based on past lawsuits, one would hope they'd make a point of following the rules.
rules schmules
ExGHS, given the quick turnaround date of the form and no notice that volunteers would need to be vetted before working with students, I have my doubts.
Background checks must be done on all volunteers and information must remain confidential.
Not sure what is going on at GHS, but providing volunteers with student information is helpful.
Speaking of a culture of lawlessness
Try this : RCW 28A.230.140
United States flag—Procurement, display, exercises—National anthem.
The board of directors of every school district shall cause a United States flag being in good condition to be displayed during school hours upon or near every public school plant, except during inclement weather. They shall cause appropriate flag exercises to be held in each classroom at the beginning of the school day, and in every school at the opening of all school assemblies, at which exercises those pupils so desiring shall recite the following salute to the flag: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all". Students not reciting the pledge shall maintain a respectful silence. The salute to the flag or the national anthem shall be rendered immediately preceding interschool events when feasible.
How many SPS High Schools are in compliance?
Does Dr. Larry Nyland care?
Does the Board of Directors care?
-- Dan Dempsey
Not clear
A tutor is one thing but it appears this is a bit of a pep talk.
I have more info from the district and will put it up tomorrow.
What is going on with Center School? I feel like I am hearing rumblings about a comprehensive high school to be built at Seattle Center - is that going to replace CS? There is concern out there about enrollment and a lack of partnerships between the school and the arts community at the Seattle Center, and I find myself wondering if this will be an option for my child in two years when he will be entering high school. With all the noise around AL and HCC pathways in high school, I feel like it is difficult to sort out options for non-HCC kids who don't want to get lost in huge schools. Anyone out there with insight on this issue?
SEA Members!
An important survey was emailed to your work and home inboxes earlier today.
Please check your email and help us collect important information to help the SEA Center for Race & Equity focus its efforts and get your feedback on the needs of the members.
How about the needs of the students?
I've worried about the same things as you, but I'm really, really hoping my daughter can attend that school next year, so trying to stay positive. :)
open ears
What's next? Will SEA vote on whether or not special ed students need special services? Or ELL students? I mean, in the name of equity for all, why don't they all just join the homogeneous fun, too? If it works for one group, it should work for all, right? One-size-fits-all education looks to be what SEA wants. Or then again, maybe SEA is more interested in "cherry picking", and teachers think it'll make their lives easier to get more HC students to help out in their classrooms.
Mom of 4
I hope all of you have a chance to tour The Center School. My child is thriving in the small community there after years of 30 plus kids in his elementary and middle school classes.
He says that the teachers really care and are able to give attention, no matter what ability level students are on. Whenever he's needed help, the teachers are very patient and are happy to go over the material again.
He's made friends with kids from other grade levels and when he was in 9th grade, the 11th and 12th graders were very welcoming.
He loves art, which is why we chose TCS, but right now he's surprised by how much he's enjoying science and math, and that's because of the teachers.
Throughout history, when a majority gets to pick what happens to a minority, whether it's by race, ability, class, gender, the minority group gets trampled and crushed in the process. Especially when it involves ignorant majorities.
How many SEA members are experts on gifted education? Oh that's right, by definition, zero! Because in WA state we have no gifted ed certificate or credentials. This is a serious problem, and one that will need to be fixed before we can halt the complete and utter destruction of Advanced Learning in Seattle. And yet, everyone thinks they understand. It's so laughable.
Some individual in SEA created this (push-poll?) survey, with a very specific motive. That person needs to be identified, called out, and questioned in depth about their movies and authority to attempt to gather this kind of misleading data.
As for Center School, it is unlikely to go away in the next couple of years. Seattle Center said that they would still be willing to have the school in the building even if they remodel but I doubt the district could afford it especially if they build a new high school at Memorial Stadium.
I'm not saying Center School will go away but I don't think the odds are good for it to be here in 10 years.
I see a couple comments here that are...vitriolic towards educators - You know, your children's teachers?
As for the comment already appearing here - "How about the needs of students?" - we might consider the role of the union: the union is the organization of labor that allows for collective bargaining in contract negotiations. That's pretty much it. So, given that, what, we might ask, does that MEAN?
Wages and benefits; working conditions; working times (ha! many, many work past contract hours, but it IS in contract); class size (again, ha! principals can and do ask for overages, and of course good educators deal with overages...); Professional Development....
So, where does "how about the needs of the students" fit into all that? Well, in one way it just doesn't - the needs of the students are the responsibility of the District and its policies, and those should be reflected in the contract with labor. But of course in other ways the needs of the students can come up in contract - instructional time, PD, recess coverage for K-5, etc...And, of course, a happy educator is a better educator. :)
So let's not get all, "what about the needs of the students!" That can sound like, "forget your wages, forget your hours, do it for the students!" We hear that from the reformistas regularly. We generally expect (don't we?) that educators are often if not always thinking about the needs of the students...Cut them some slack. They are the front lines, your children's educators.
Before you say, what about the needs of the students, remember that the primary mission of the union is to take care of the staff. I mean, that seems like a no-brainer, but....
That said, where the staff, united in their union, can negotiate things that ARE beneficial to the students, well, bonus!
So maybe we can use this as an opportunity for honest and open discussion about the issues facing educators and students, including HCC, rather than flaming out from the get go. Whaddya say?
I certainly hope Garfield's principal and the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of Garfield work to assure all volunteers that have contact with students have a completed background check. I"m all for community support, but volunteers need to be screened.
One individual makes an excellent point about teachers and the state not having a certificate for advanced learner teachers. Do some teachers have a hostility towards advanced learners and their needs?
Another view asked, "Do some teachers have a hostility towards advanced learners and their needs?"
YES! And some of them teach AL classes.
I'd sure as H like to know what teachers are pushing an agenda to reduce educational opportunities for AL identified students within SPS.
Please explain.
Still, parents who are trying to do something for kids in their community should first of all be respected, encouraged, and/or assisted. The event looks hastily organized, but a bias toward action might be better than endlessly putting it off. They will certainly learn from the experience. There is no evidence that the organizers are unaware of the rules or plan to disregard them. It would be strangely negative and unfortunate if an officious mob descends to read the rule book out loud, and imply that parents won't get it right.
Perhaps it is more ignorance, but it comes off as hostility.
What DOES "tracking" have to do with labor contract? Do you have any ideas? Let's discuss it.
Regarding overstepped bounds, SEA and SPS came to agreement to try and address, together (through aforementioned contractual bargaining regarding working time, PD, etc) the opportunity gap. They agreed, together, to create Race and Equity Teams in buildings, in support of the District's own RE Committee and its goals. This collaborative effort was enjoined in order to address real issues. I would imagine that this new committee at SEA, and its survey, is an adjunct to the co-negotiated, important mandate. Now, we can parse responsibilities and talk about overstepping, or we can support both SPS and SEA (educators) with productive discussion and suggestions. Retreating to defensive positions and pot-shotting (not that you are doing this, z) doesn't help anyone on any "side." Let's hash it out: race, equity, tracking, AL...all important stuff - how does it all fit together?
Racial Equity Teams -Seattle Public Schools & Seattle Education Association
-a reader
Mr. Theo Moriarty
The studies that all purportedly show that detracking helps low achievers and doesn't hurt high achievers all rely on data that are essentially meaningless for gifted students. Things like graduation rates and ability to pass basic state tests. Just because highly gifted students still graduate and achieve at grade level it doesn't mean their educations (and psyches) don't suffer. Realistically, they could probably skip school for a year and still do those things.
Low bar
I'm loosing respect for SEA.
In public servant strikes the only hostage is the public who pays for the services yet do not receive them. It's not a typical situation where the consumer can easily replace the missing services on the open market. Cost and limited space would prevent most parents from placing their students in private schools because of a teacher strike. SEA knows this and uses it as leverage and that's why the strikes are illegal.
Many parents incurred expenses or wage loss and unlike SEA they didn't have a strike fund or supporters or the district reimbursing them.
Don't be an unabashed apologist for SEA, it makes you look stupid.
If we as Racial Equity Team leaders provide building leadership with the Racial Equity Analysis Tool Framework to examine school policies and decision-making with relation to equitable practice in order to identify and mitigate our buildings challenges:
And if we work in partnership with in-building partners (HOST, Advisory, mentoring/ SU Staff), other schools (Aki Kurose), and other potential community partners to carry out Cultural Month calendar activities and expand racial equity exposure;]
And if we facilitate book groups focused on white teachers and staff unpacking racial identity and internalized superiority;
And if we collaborate with PBIS team to bring a racial identity lens;
And we take advantage of visioning work around a strong start to the school year (first 3-days of school) to increase student voice, parent/guardian involvement, and staff awareness of equity work;
And if we as racial equity guardians serve as liaisons with various initiatives and committees,
THEN…Washington Middle School will decrease the number of referrals written for Black students to ___ (below the national average.)
This explains why students at WMS spent the entire first three days of the school year in their advisory classrooms doing various community building exercises apparently in an effort to reduce discipline referrals for Black students. This doesn't seem like something that could be counted in the calculation of instructional hours. It would be better done in an optional orientation before the start of school.
"Volunteers are not required to complete paperwork if they are in the building one time and working with a certificated teacher. They will be in sight of at least 3 certificated teachers at any time. Volunteers are trained as part of their commitment (same day)."
Sounds like they were caught and are trying to figure something out to make this slapped together event go forward.
It's so typical of GHS and then when they get caught bending the rules all hell breaks loose.
I was trying to open up a respectful conversation. I hope that we can have one.
You have figured me out? Wow! Good for you! AT least SOMEONE has.
Regardless, I want to see that survey and know how the union plans to use it.
Concerned parent
Q. What are the goals of the Social Equality Educators for the Black Lives Matter to Seattle Educators rally at Washington Hall on the evening of October 19?
Social Equality Educators organizers are calling for three changes with Seattle schools:
1. Restorative Justice in every school;
2. Ethnic Studies for every student; and
3. An end to academic tracking within Seattle Public Schools.
SEE will be working with community groups, racial justice organizations, activists, parents, and students to further develop these demands for racial justice and develop an activist campaign to achieve them.
This issue is going to cost Jesse Hagopian much of the support he's received from parents.
this in not about race it is about money. there is no racial divide in seattle otherwise those asian folks wouldn't be getting into the hc program. minorities are minorities, right.
but it is about money. money says it all. those with enough money go to private schools skewing the sps demographics to be more aa, asian and na populations than the city.
looking over sps' own data from 2014 - 88% of homeless students were aa or hispanic. and yet we can solve this by detracking? 5% of all the kids were homeless. so that is 4.5% of the sps kids.
ell students comprise 10% of the population and half of them are either hispanic or aa. so 5% of all sps students are ell and aa or hispanic. this certainly can be solved by detracking?
when approximately 1/4 of aa or hispanics kids is either homeless or ell should you really think getting rid of tracking will solve this huge burdens to education?
seattle is majority white city at 67% but minority white district? shouldn't we be fighting that great white divide that we produce with demonizing such programs and making private all the more desirable.
Impressive news from high school in Australia.
"This issue is going to cost Jesse Hagopian much of the support he's received from parents."
What is this supposed to mean? Is the support "received" or earned?
My guess is that Jesse Hagopian doesn't bother reading this blog and doesn't do what he does for your approval.
Get real.
NC-I agree. All too often people ignore income. My child entered the HCC program in middle school. We are barely middle class, but have high education levels. I have noticed more affluent white and asian families as compared to our elementary school. But it is anecdotal. We also know a few kids of low income single parents, but those parents also have college degrees. So I do think educational level of parent, income level are factors.
And people who can afford it want to send their kids to schools that offer a rigorous education. Lakeside has a huge East Indian, Asian population and is diverse, and is highly desirable to "white" people.
"So I will have a separate post on what the SEA is doing but yes, it appears that there is a very coordinated push to get rid of most of AL."
SPS does seem to be following the divide and conquer script, pitting programs and parents against one another in this trumped-up levy cliff. BTW, when our mayor was at Hamilton recently, he was asked what the city would/could do to help SPS so that students and classrooms aren't hurt by unnecessary budget cuts. We need to push the district AND the city to protect ALL of our students.
Concerned parent
"Please rank these 9 focus areas in order of importance for the Center for Race and Equity to organize action around.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Recruitment and retention of educators of color
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Detracking of separate special academic programs (detracking means abandoning the practice of sorting and selecting students and choosing to put a rigorous curriculum in place for all students)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Equity of library resources across the district
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Equitable access to special programs (all students have access to option schools, STEM, arts, music, drama, or Montessori, etc.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Culturally responsive teaching
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Restorative justice in school
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Culturally responsive classroom management
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Addressing disproportionate discipline (alternatives to restorative justice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Recruitment and retention of educators at title 1 schools
Fix AL