APP Party This Saturday

Split, but not divided!

Come and join APP's 30th Birthday Celebration!

The APP community from all five schools--students grades 1-12, teachers, staff, and families--are all invited to come together for the

APP 30th Birthday Celebration!
Saturday, September 26
Garfield High School (400 23rd Ave. near Cherry)

It will be great for recently split friends to see each other, visit with past teachers, listen to student musical performances
including Garfield's Jazz and Orchestra ensembles, get a peek at Garfield, enjoy cake,
and honor our community and the teachers and staff who have worked so hard to make the program a success for so many years.

We will also acknowledge Dr. Nancy Robinson, who together with her husband initiated the program 30 years ago and for whom The Robinson Center at UW is named, as she will be there too!

If you can help with this event, please contact

For more information or to sign up for the APP Advisory Committee email list, go to

Please forward this invitation to all APP grads, alumni, retired teachers--it's a reunion too!

We look forward to seeing everyone there!

(--APP Advisory Committee)

I just want to say that Nancy Robinson is one of the greatest gifts to Seattle education. She deserves all the kudos.


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