Who Reads What Students Write?

A very funny (and sobering) op-ed this week in the NY Times about a guy who used to score writing samples for state assessment tests (complete with a great rubric and funny story about trying to score an essay written about Debbie Does Dallas - there's a kid who wanted to push the envelope). From the article:

"One of the tests I scored had students read a passage about bicycle safety. They were then instructed to draw a poster that illustrated a rule that was indicated in the text. We would award one point for a poster that included a correct rule and zero for a drawing that did not.

The first poster I saw was a drawing of a young cyclist, a helmet tightly attached to his head, flying his bike over a canal filled with flaming oil, his two arms waving wildly in the air. I stared at the response for minutes. Was this a picture of a helmet-wearing child who understood the basic rules of bike safety? Or was it meant to portray a youngster killing himself on two wheels?

I was not the only one who was confused. Soon several of my fellow scorers — pretty much people off the street, like me — were debating my poster, some positing that it clearly showed an understanding of bike safety while others argued that it most certainly did not. I realized then — an epiphany confirmed over a decade and a half of experience in the testing industry — that the score any student would earn mostly depended on which temporary employee viewed his response."

Okay, why were they drawing anything? I would have failed outright on that one. Also, that last sentence says it all and it's scary. I'm pretty sure the folks who give the SAT and ACT have better scorers (you hope).

The Debbie Does Dallas episode:

"At one point the woman beside me asked my opinion about the essay she was reading, a review of the X-rated movie “Debbie Does Dallas.” The woman thought it deserved a 3 (on a 6-point scale), but she settled on that only after weighing the student’s strong writing skills against the “inappropriate” subject matter. I argued the essay should be given a 6, as the comprehensive analysis of the movie was artfully written and also made me laugh my head off. All of the 100 or so scorers in the room soon became embroiled in the debate. Eventually we came to the “consensus” that the essay deserved a 6 (“genius”), or 4 (well-written but “naughty”), or a zero (“filth”). The essay was ultimately given a zero."

Not even points for effort.


SolvayGirl said…
When I viewed my daughter's 4th grade WASL, I was dismayed to see NO comments on the creative writing portion. She got a 3, which had surprised her teachers as she is a strong writer, had always scored high on writing assessments and had scored very high on a private assessment through UW.
I'm a writer and her toughest critic, and I could not see why she had received such a mediocre score. So my personal experience backs this up. I think the assessment really does depend on who does the assessing. And, as always with the WASL, there was no real feedback to help her—or any student—improve.
Moose said…
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Moose said…
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Moose said…
Look at the high school scoring rubric by going to the OSPI website: http://www.k12.wa.us/assessment/WASL/Writing/annotations/2008/2008HSInstructionalGuideExp.pdf. Scroll to page 25 to see the rubric. (My apologies for the long URL -- I keep trying to insert the link but can't get it to work when I hit "Publish". )

There is much subjectivity in the rubrics. Also, to me the rubric does not acknowledge whether or not there is any critical thinking going on in the essay.
Maureen said…
The year my kid was asked to write a story about an alien appearing in his bedroom he got a 4. The year he was asked to write a letter to his teacher telling him the most important thing he had learned that year and why he got a 3 (even though he completely answered the question in 3 sentences).

The 6th grade LA teacher told us parents that many of our kids had not done well on a question they answered after reading a short story about a brother and sister facing a tornado together after having had an argument. The kids were asked to tell what they had learned from the story. Our kids went on and on about the importance of relationships and family. Nope--they were supposed to say: go into a closet if a tornado hits!
I think one issue that I never understood is if the tests are ever vetted by non-educators (like maybe a citizen without children or one with children who have graduated). My feeling is that professionals sometimes forget to step out of their role when trying to judge whether test questions work. They may work as far as "does it ask for certain information" but not "can it be misunderstood". I think a non-educator could read it and say well, I was confused about this or my first reaction would be to write X but I see you probably want Y and a child might not get that. Maybe they do but to hear these stories about odd questions makes you wonder.
Sahila said…
W@hich all just goes to prove the point that standardised testing is totally pointless!!!
ArchStanton said…
Without having read the student's Debbie Does Dallas essay, it sounds like he probably deserved a good score.

Inappropriate subject matter? If the student was able to intelligently discuss the subject matter without writing an essay that would itself be considered pornographic or obscene, what's the problem? Even if it was a more humorous treatment, it is still possible to provide a thoughtful critical analysis. It takes some skill to be able to talk around a controversial subject in that manner.

Are students required to only write about sunshine, lollipops and rainbows? Are they only allowed to think happy thoughts?

Best to avoid writing about any controversial subject (e.g. war, racism, sexism, drugs, gangs, death, broken homes, homelessness, etc.) if you don't want to offend the delicate sensibilities of your readers - even if it reflects the realities of your own life.
Sahila said…
Off Topic, but thought you might enjoy this:


previously said to be a message on the answer phone of Pacific Palisades High School in California, and on a London school's phone system...

and there's a psuedo explanation that staff voted to use this after a move by parents to sue teachers because they want their kids' failing grades changed to passing grades - the kids are failing because they miss too much time each semester and havent completed enough homework and course work...

Right now, its attributed to Maroochydore High School, on the east coast of Australia, at Maroochydore on the Sunshine Coast, north of Brisbane about 1.5 hours drive away... laid back and all sun, sea and sand... Gold Coast is south of Brisbane by about 45 minutes' drive.. again all laid back, sun, sea and sand... Aussies and Kiwis like to get real about things... none of this "Seattle Nice" stuff you have here!

Though the last comment about getting information in the English language sounds more like the racism I've heard expressed by POMmies (Prisoners of Mother England) and Americans...
reader said…
To be specific, there is NO creative writing section on the WASL. There's only the narrative writing section... with expected rubrics... Creativity need not apply. Furthermore, it would be inappropriate to measure creativity on a standardized test. (I'm sure we'd all hate it if our kids had to meet and be taught a bunch of creativity metrics... and hate having to argue about what that might be.) The definition of standardized is... meeting an expectation and/or following a blueprint. It is doing what you've been taught. The definition of creative is... well, doesn't meet a standard, original.. That is, it is outside a standard or blueprint. Stadandardized is an antonym for creative.

The 4th grade writing WASL prompt was extremely subjective... "You find and old watch that isn't working". What kind of prompt is that? It pre-supposes 2 types of writing 1) a sort of "superman" story that many cultures are familiar with. You know, you put on the old watch and something strange happens... as in superman. Most kids I know wrote something like that... or 2) A really boring story about an old watch... that you probably got fixed.

Solvay, perhaps your daughter didn't come up with the expected, exciting (beginning, middle, end) superman thing... and instead wrote about a boring old watch.

The fact is, kids should get a choice of many prompts, and many that make sense to them culturally and developmentally on the writing assesments. Writing to an assesment prompt is fundamentally not motivating, and not conducive to optimum writing.
SolvayGirl said…
I agree, having a few options for the prompt would definitely help. But it was my understanding that the "secret" WASL questions cost a great deal to develop so they probably only wanted to use one at a time and not repeat.

That year, the prompt was "You look out the window and see your principal flying by...{ She wrote about how her principal and turned into a duck, complete with a funny quack). She had a beginning, middle & end. Her spelling and grammar were spot on and her use of punctuation was good.

I remember her teacher, who had spent a number of years teaching in Indonesia, was upset with the prompt as our school had a number of kids whose families were from Indonesia. She thought those kids would have a difficult time with the concept of an authority figure in a whimsical setting.

And my apologies for calling in "creative" writing...I could not remember the official term for a fictional piece.
CCM said…
This reminds me of the kindergarten assessment that our kids went through prior to entering school. The administrator of the test asked my son “What do you do when you want to go into a dark room?”

The correct answer was “turn on the lights”. He answered “turn off the lights”. I think one could argue that his answer was as technically correct as the assumed one, but his kindergarten teacher was told that he had the problem solving skills of a three-year old.

It was hilarious, and his kindergarten teacher soon realized the poor assessment since he was (and still is) very adept at problem solving in any given situation.

All subjective scores should be taken with a grain of salt – and realize that the exact same answer would probably receive a totally different score on a different day from a different assessor.
CCM said…
I should add that it was "hilarious" because the test he took didn't really mean anything.

It wouldn't have been so funny if the test was actually counted and recorded as a "permanent" assessment of his abilities.
seattle citizen said…
ArchStanton asks, "Are students required to only write about sunshine, lollipops and rainbows? Are they only allowed to think happy thoughts?"

Of course not, but these themes would make Melissa's day.

Hugs, everybody!
Sahila said…
“I have taught many students whose SAT scores exempted them from the writing requirement, but a disheartening number of them couldn’t write and an equal number of them had never been asked to. They managed to get through high school without learning how to write a clean English sentence, and if you can’t do that, you can’t do anything.”

—Stanley Fish, New York Times columnist and professor,
Florida International University, 2009

source: http://tedsword.blogspot.com/
Unknown said…
At one point during my years of post graduate but pre-service time I was a scorer for a state standardized exam (not WA). I saw a group of barely employable persons who had to show zero academic credentials. All they had to say was that they had a college degree. During the first lunch period I found out anecdotally that all but a couple of the younger people did not have any sort of college education. Yet there we were deciding the fates of hundreds of students a day. It took roughly thirty seconds to scan the paper for the narrowly described requirements. Even if a student clearly demonstrated an understanding of the topic they would be marked down for not using specific preferred terms even if a justifiable synonym were employed. After having to fail students who clearly should not have been failed I called over my floor manager and complained at the injustice of it and what it would do to these children. The response was that, "We aren't GRADING their papers we are SCORING them according to the contract". Which just speaks volumes about the entire process
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