Bus Info Now Available

According to reader ArchStanton,

Call Transportation 252-0900 and go through the phone menus. They say you should get your letter by Friday.


ArchStanton said…
Thanks Melissa.

(copy paste from other thread)
Based on my child's stops, it looks like they are not using the community/cluster stops. The ride times are around 30 minutes both ways, which seems very optimistic, unless the routes are small and use smaller buses.

I am looking at the scheduled arrival time 20 minutes before start time (Lowell) and skeptically assuming that they gave themselves 20 minutes to fudge the numbers with. On paper it looks like your kid has a 30 minute ride and arrives with 20 minutes to play and socialize - in reality it will probably work out to a 45 minute ride and 5 minutes to play, or worse.
ParentofThree said…
I think I am getting the same deal, longer bus ride with a few minutes to gulp down breakfast or run around the play ground.

No community stop. Same stop at last year, except they reversed the route so instead of being the last stop on the route, we are now the first hence the nieghborhood tour.

Makes no sense, but I had no excpectations. Will be driving.

Return trip may actually work out in the afternoons.
TechyMom said…
Our trip to Lowell will theoretically be 19 minutes, from a stop 1 block away. It's a 5 minute drive and a 30 minute walk, so this seems entirely reasonable.
Robert said…
Does anyone know if they will still be doing the green cards at Lowell/Marshall?

Also does anyone know why Marshall is free all day K and Lowell is 190 /mo? Just lip service to make the programs equal?
TechyMom said…
I know that Lowell is $190/mo for K (already made my first payment). I don't know about Marshall.
TechyMom said…
oops, didn't see you "why," Robert.

Lowell will have 2 K classes (50 kids) and needed to do Pay-for-K to fund the second teacher.
Robert said…
Ah great. Thanks!
dj said…
My daughter's bus definitely moved to a community stop and her ride will be about 30 minutes. This is less than half the time of her ride last year (to cover a similar distance), so I am pleased.
Anonymous said…
We've moved 4.5 miles south of our previous home and are moving from Lowell to TM. Our stop is a block from our house and we're almost certainly first-on-last off, as we live almost in Renton now.

The travel time to school is about the same, as far as I can tell, but the return trip is 15 minutes shorter. I can drive my daughter to school and back if I want because of my schedule, but she'll likely take the bus about 2/3 of the time.
hschinske said…
My son is starting sixth at Hamilton this year (would have been at Washington but for the split), and the bus looks like a pretty good bet for us: between a closer school, a closer bus stop, and a later start time, he'll probably get to leave about 40 minutes later in the morning than his sisters used to at his age.

Helen Schinske
h2o girl said…
Once again we have lucked out on our school bus route. It looks like my daughter is close to the last to be picked up in the morning and the first to be dropped off in the afternoon. Plus she only has to cross one street to get to her stop this year vs. three last year.
lendlees said…
No community stop for us and it actually looks like a longer bus ride. I think I will probably need to find out the route so I can pick my son up at an earlier stop for after school sports.

On a bright note--the folks at transportation were extremely helpful when I called today. They had my son getting picked up on a very dangerous corner (top of a blind hill) and changed it back to his old stop from last year...and even called me back to tell me.

Now if we can just get the same awesome bus driver as last year...
Megan Mc said…
We live near 130th N and Greenwood. The pick up site listed on the recording was the SW corner of MLK Way and 128th SE. They got the drop off site listed correctly. Good thing my kids won't be taking the bus in the mornings anyway. Right now their return trip is 40 minutes which is about the same as last year.
SE Mom said…
Glad to hear some students will have shorter bus rides.

Unfortunately ours will be twice as long! Pick up 1 hour and 10 minutes before school starts. One hour to get home. By car, 20 minute route!
andrewr said…
Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

We received our official Transportation Assignment today, one week after school began.

That's not the funny part . . .

They've abandoned the "community stop" approach for Lowell, at least in our neighborhood.

Still not the funny part . . .

The schedule is great! Our daughter would be picked up, a couple of blocks from our house, at 8:44 am and return home, one block away, at 3:54 pm. Even though school gets out so much later this year, they would get her home earlier than last year.

Still not the funny part . . .

Our daughter doesn't go to Lowell anymore.

Now THAT'S what I think is funny.

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