Community Meetings on Boundaries Set
The Student Assignment Plan page has posted the Community meetings for the boundaries for the new student assignment plan. They stretch over nearly 4 weeks (and thank you to Tracy Libros who had the smarts to realize that fairness dictates giving parents a large window to give input). Interpretation and sign language interpretation will be available at some meetings. The meetings start on Monday, Oct. 12 and end on Saturday, Nov. 7th. The comments page is at this link.
The boundary maps will first be seen at the Board Work Session on Tuesday, October 6th from 4-8 p.m.
The boundary maps will first be seen at the Board Work Session on Tuesday, October 6th from 4-8 p.m.
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From: Goodloe-Johnson, Maria
Dear Principals:
A number of you have had questions about the scheduled alternative education review. As of today, that review is being postponed. After thoughtful consideration of all of our current strategic initiatives, most specifically our new student assignment plan, we do not have the capacity to take on such an important project and guarantee it can be done well. Therefore, we are postponing the scheduled October review by the Council of Great City Schools.
Though the review has been postponed, I maintain my commitment to alternative education, and continue to be interested in ways to strengthen opportunities for our students. I want this to be absolutely clear: there is no ulterior motive or negative intent in postponing this review—this is based solely on our capacity to undergo, and subsequently implement, such an important review.
The review was scheduled for October 12-14; a few parents were aware of this and may have contacted you with planning suggestions. I apologize that the information about postponing the review comes after the other information was announced. This has been an evolving process, and I appreciate your understanding.
I will be sending a communication to families about the decision to postpone the review by the end of the week; until then, if you have any questions please let me know.
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