Upcoming Meetings (and a Reminder)

This Saturday finds 3 directors having community meetings.

Sherry Carr - 8:30-10 am, Greenwood Neighborhood Service Center, 8515 Greenwood Ave N.

Harium Martin-Morris - 9:30-11:30 am, Diva Espresso, 8014 Lake City Way NE

Peter Maier - 10:30 - noon, Bethany Community Church, 1156 N. 80th, Auditorium

Any burning questions to ask them?

Also a reminder that the longer Superintendent survey is still live. (Please note - if you have already taken the survey, the link won't work again. It is live for those who haven't. I did recheck it.) It is a great companion survey to the fine one done by CPPS (results from that one soon). The Board really needs to hear from parents and community about how they are feeling about Superintendent Goodloe-Johnson and her efforts in our district.

Please pass the word along; there have been about 140 taken so far.


wsnorth said…
That link is broken.
Charlie Mas said…
I always want to ask them questions about accountability. They have have talking about accountability for years. Do they have any examples to share with us?

I certainly have examples of failure of accountability to share with them.

Where is the Transportation Report that was promised last year?

Where is the review of Policy D12.00 that they voted to direct the superintendent to make in January of 2009?

Were is the record of accountability for the Southeast Education Initiative?

Where is the accountability for all of the Strategic Plan initiatives that are so overdue?

Where is the response to the APP Review?

Why has the District made so many decisions about Alternative Schools without doing the Alternative Education Review?

Where is the evidence to support the continued use of the inquiry-based math instructional strategy?

Where is the rationale for the Program Placement decisions? Why is that process still so corrupt?
Charlie Mas said…
Here's another upcoming meeting:

Curriculum and Instruction Policy Committee
Monday, May 17, 4:30-6:00

Topics for discussion:

a. Graduation Requirements
- When/how to bring to committee of the whole
b. Update on STEM at Cleveland
- Alternative Learning Experience process
c. Performance management/Waiver Process
- Establish guiding principles
- Set timeline for work between now & September
d. Alternative Schools Evaluation/Review
- Who/when
e. Policy E 04.00 -Community Schools
Elizabeth said…
Off subject: we just got our daughter's K school assignment for next year (and are pleased that she did get into our son's school though we are no longer in the assignment area). The letters are arriving!
TechyMom said…
Even though the letters are alreadying arriving, the phone system has not been turned back on.
Charlie Mas said…
Any reports from the meetings?

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