Waiting for Superman: Judge for Yourself
I said it before, go see Waiting for Superman (or conversely, wait until it comes out on DVD). There are other films on education out there but you might want to judge for yourself since this one has received so much hype. As I said in my review, the film's website says it is an "exhaustive" of public education. Judge for yourself if you walk away understanding the history (total or recent) of public education in this country after you watch this film. Watch the film carefully and see if you see ONE, just one good to great regular public school shown OR even mentioned. It doesn't happen. Listen carefully (and don't blink) or you will see the ONE mention that oh, by the way, charters, overall, don't do better than regular public schools. (This is not a reason to not try them but yes, it's a reason to not believe they are the silver bullet that will cure all public education ills.) As I said in my review, it's interesting to hear Michelle Rhee (Op...