Open Thread Friday

The end of the first full week of school so how goes it?

News from the 34th Dems Endorsement meeting:

Position#1 - Sharon Peaslee
Position#2 - no endorsement
Position#3 - Michelle Buetow

[updated] They had previously endorsed Marty McLaren for Position #6 in West Seattle. [end update] I also am assuming they could not get consensus on a vote for Sherry Carr/Kate Martin so they have no endorsement.

Also, congratulations to Loyal Heights Elementary which was named one of the 304 Blue Ribbon Schools by the US Department of Education. This honor is given for public/private elementary, middle and high schools where students are either all doing well or where the achievement gap is closing. I note that Loyal Heights had requested a waiver to use Singapore Math and it was denied.


Elizabeth W said…
Does anyone know anything useful about the district's roll out of new school websites? Every time I try to look stuff up I get new failure modes and a whole mess of 'lorem ipsum'.
lendlees said…
The vendor (School Fusion) has been having major issues over the last few weeks. I'm sure they have violated their SLA's many times by now.
Kathy said…
None of the incumbents were endorsed within the 34th.

Marty McLaren had received previous endorsement from the 34th district.

Kate Martin received 47% of votes (without speaking for herself) and Sherry Carr received 51%. There needed to be a vote of 60% for endorsement. The 34th LD voted no endorsement over dual endorsement.
mirmac1 said…
Marty McClaren got the 34th endorsement at the primary. Sundquist's own district. SLAM!

I heard the vote was close between Carr and Martin.
Anonymous said…
Here's a recap of the 34th District's endorsements from Publicola. According to this, they already endorsed McLaren over Sundquist for the August Primary.

Meanwhile, here are the 34th District’s endorsements:

No endorsement in the Green Lake area School Board District No. 2 (incumbent Sherry Carr vs. Kate Martin–Martin got 51 percent, with a 60 percent threshold. A second vote to dual-endorse failed by roughly the same margin.)

Sharon Peaslee in North Seattle’s School Board District No. 1 (61 percent)

Michelle Buetow in the Capitol Hill School Board District No. 3 (64 percent)

The District previously endorsed School Board candidate Marty McLaren in their own 6th School Board District over incumbent Steve Sundquist earlier this year.

At 34th said…
At the 34th, in position 2, neither candidate received the 60% necessary for endorsement. I believe Sherry got 51%, after an impassioned speech by Barbara Schaad-Lamphere, who spoke for all the incumbents but particularly strongly for Sherry. After neither candidate received 60%, they voted for dual endorsement or no endorsement and no endorsement won. For position 6, they carried over their endorsement of Marty McLaren from the primary.
dan dempsey said…
Since the Seattle Schools are likely to get rolled by the big money once again ... it would be a good idea to signup to testify against TfA at the 9-21 School Board meeting.
Anonymous said…
Wait list information is now being posted online atleast every other day now (instead of Fridays).

There's a new Sept. 13th update in the Enrollment section which gives detailed explanations about how the waitlist works and specifics such as at Sealth:

"There are several schools with long waiting lists that are not likely to move. An example would be Chief Sealth, where the total number on the waiting list has remained steady and students have not moved up much if at all. As noted above, where both of those factors exist together, it is a strong indication that the school is full and additional students are not likely to be moved from the waiting list."

To find this (link is way too long to copy & paste here...) go to:
"Schools" tab, then
then to the right (in bold/red)
Assignment & Waitlist info-updated

life on wait-list & holding...
Steve said…
About the district Web site...our PTA communications person says the system is set up so that you have to log in to your school site to read messages after receiving an email that you have a message (instead of just, say, getting the message in email if you so prefer, as you can with pretty much every other modern system on the planet). She said she contacted the district about this, and they said the vendor knows about this and isn't going to change. So, if you're trying to read messages on your smartphone, you evidently have to go to the web site to log in first. Is anyone else having this web issue? Hard to believe that the vendor is having such trouble with the web site. How much did we pay?
Steve said…
For Spectrum parents, and anyone else interested in Advanced one of the back pages of the wall calendar the District sent out, there's a small blurb that says

"The Spectrum Advisory Panel is in the process of being reformed. If you are interested in participating, please email Advanced Learning consulting teacher Roger Daniels at"

I emailed Mr. Daniels and he wrote back this week saying "I will let you know as soon as I have more information."

Spectrum doesn't have an advocacy group, and while it's not clear what form this will take, it's worth finding out about if you want to support Spectrum. (Also, this is the only notice about this panel I can find. Nothing on the Advanced Learning site, etc.).
Anonymous said…
I would think that Carr has the best chance city wide of all the incumbents. She always has responded to my emails (and I am just a parent) and in my communications I think she has been moderately open to new solutions. Looking forward to hearing more about Martin but right now Carr has my vote.

L@L Dad
Anonymous said…
Steve, I have seen some emails that have had better descriptions then others (so you know if it is worth signing in) and the assignment notifications are great as they go right into my phone.

But yeah agreed the least robust of the most antiquated technology.

L@L Dad
Jack Whelan said…
Marty McClaren and Steve Sundquist got a dual endorsement last night at the 46th. Marty got most of the votes, but was unable to get over the 60% threshold after two votes.

The mayor paid us a visit, and on a couple of occasions acknowldedged Steve, innocently enough, but it had the effect of a plug IMO. Steve's introducer attacked Marty for being a one-issue candidate, and Steve compared his Muni League rating with Marty's. Most people in the room are, apparently, savvy enough to understand that the Muni League's understanding of the School District is on parr for cluelessness with the Seattle Times.

Since the 46th voted not to endorse any candidate for Position 2 in June, I thought it was open to reconsider after the primary, but apparently not. So as with the 34th, no candidate is endorsed for Positions 2. It voted to endorse Michelle Buetow and, alas, for Peter Maier in June.
dan dempsey said…

34th said: " I believe Sherry got 51%, after an impassioned speech by Barbara Schaad-Lamphere, who spoke for all the incumbents but particularly strongly for Sherry."


WOW no wonder this speech may have helped Sherry. It reminded folks that no matter how bad the SAO found the Board of the last four years ... it was likely better than the school board of Barbara Schaad-Lamphere. --- remember this debacle from the Link

it caused the district to take a closer look at Manhas. OK. The former bank exec is considered an all-around good guy, but wasn't he chief operating officer to Joseph Olchefske, the super who resigned last spring after his failed oversight put the district $35 million in the red? And wasn't it the aim of the board's search to hire an educator, not another banker like Olchefske?

WOW Sherry's pathetic Board does look good in comparison.

To improve a system requires the intelligent application of relevant data -- unfortunately Sherry is extremely weak on intelligently applying relevant data.
Keeping It Interesting said…
As regards the Spectrum Advisory group. My take on Spectrum is that it serves to take pressure off APP enrollment or put it on, as needed by the dustrict. After APP split for K5, they needed more kids, so growing programs at Wedgwood and Lawton were dismembered, causing an exodus of APP families. Possibly the district wants to get a program site in the underrepresented NE, so they will continue to grow the cohort at Lincoln. Spectrum is used as a tool to attract families into SPS and to then direct them to APP, when needed. It also stimulates ALO schools to ramp up their offerings to AL kids to keep students from leaving those schools and possibly going private. I wouldn't get too hung up on "making Spectrum really Spectrum" as Charlie frequently asks. If you have a school or cluster with a solid and established program, like at Whittier, you will probably get to keep it. Otherwise, the program will be used to attract families and then move them to APP as well as keep the general level of public school conflict going that appeals to many of the wealthier families who could otherwise go private.
Jack Whelan said…
@L@L Dad--

Sherry is a smart, very nice person. And she is very diligent about listening to people in the community, but when push comes to shove she votes with the downtown crowd. She'd be an ok director if the district was not at such a critical point regarding the direction it must take in the next decade. If past is prologue, you can count on Sherry to vote the Seattle Times, pro-"reform" agenda. If you're ok with that, then give her your vote.

Kate Martin IMO is misunderstood. She's someone who knows her own mind, is passonate about delivering quality education to our kids, and is one of the nicest, sincerest people I know. She's not an angry bomb thrower, but she's someone who gets appropriately outraged when outrage is the appropriate reaction. She's smart, reasonable, and well-informed, but will not tolerate conventional downtown b.s., and we need someone like her on the board to keep it honest. What you see is what you get with Kate, and I for one like what I see. I hope you will come to see her that way, too.
dan dempsey said…
Get ready for the TfA vote and explanation that Sherry gives on Wednesday.
L@L Dad, you are not "just" a parent. You are a parent of a child in SPS. You are likely investing your time and resources in SPS. You pay taxes to pay for SPS. You are not "just" anything. We parents need to remember that.

No, we can't always expect a fast reply to any query but no one should accept no answer at all.
I will have a thread on Advanced Learning this weekend as I had a couple of meetings with district officials about this subject this week.
mirmac1 said…
Here's an interesting document. SPS contracts with outside vendors:

2010 Contracts
Anonymous said…
I was also at the 34th meeting and thought the moderator said that Kate Martin got 51 percent on the first ballot, rather than Sherry Carr, but either way they were separated by just two percentage points.

Former Director Barbara Schaad-Lamphere's incoherent and patronizing speech-making (she called the challengers "upstarts") didn't help the incumbents much and quite possibly hurt them in the final vote.

One of those math people said…
For those math folks out there:

Katherine Beals regularly posts comparisons of today's math books with those of years ago. Today's post shows a 1960's book vs Seattle's adopted geometry text, Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach.
Cap'n Billy Keg said…
Elizabeth W - not sure what SPS website address you are using, but here's a link: SPS WebSite to try...
dan dempsey said…
Try this on Geometry

from the Math Dept. head at Cal Tech.
dan dempsey said…
Senator Rubio takes on Arne Duncan and the NCLB waiver criteria HERE.

So is any political figure in Seattle taking on TfA or Norm Rice? of course not ... follow the campaign donations for the answer to .. why not?

If the people refuse to vote out crony leaders, this and other sad similar situations will be with us seemingly forever.

Where is my republic?

It seems that in most national races the major party candidates are equally ill equipped to deal with "the donation factor.

Surely in the coming school board election the choices are much clearer.
At 34th said…
@11:34 Anonymous -

It could have been Martin with 51%, I remembered Carr but wouldn't be surprised to be wrong. Either way it was close. I don't know if Schaad-Lamphere's speeches were effective but I think "impassioned" is certainly an accurate descriptive. And I definitely got the sense she laid it on a little harder for Sherry than the other two. 43rd and 36th are next week, interested to see how those go.
dan dempsey said…

Thanks for the contract info.

In 2012 --


will be getting more business as the Board's failure to submit a certified correct transcript of evidence to the court (in the $800,000 NTN boondoggle) ,when board decision was appealed, heads to Division I Appeals Court.

Within twenty days of service of the notice of appeal, the school board, at its expense, or the school official, at such official's expense, shall file the complete transcript of the evidence and the papers and exhibits relating to the decision for which a complaint has been filed. Such filings shall be certified to be correct.

The Board does not make evidence based decisions
The Board does not have intelligable transcripts ready to submit to the court
and the Board never certifies that the transcripts submitted are correct.

Where is my republic?

Elizabeth W said…
lendlees -- thanks for the vendor info.

Cap'n Billy Keg -- thanks! I do know how to find the main district website. The problem I'm having is log-in credentials and navigation for new, per-school websites for my two children who attend different schools.

The information I need to look after my older child's transition to middle school is spread out over three locations: "the source", the old (presumably parent-group-funded) school website, and what appear to be new district-overseen school website. Between that and now having to deal with six different middle school teachers, each with different organizational systems and requirements for communication, I feel like I'm missing a lot. Thank goodness my younger child is in the second year of a two-year teacher "loop"!

In more exciting district IT news: the Vax is gone
CCM said…
Thanks for the link Dan.

I remember wading through proofs in Geometry - which wasn't my forte as Algebra made much more sense to me.

However, I remember the feeling of accomplishment and understanding that came after completion of said proofs - so it saddens me to hear that those are not typically a part of high school geometry at this point.

Another example of SPS (and schools in general) setting lower academic expectations for students that doesn't seem fair to them and ultimately won't serve them well after graduation.
Charlie Mas said…
mirmac, that list of contracts can't be complete. It doesn't include the contract with NTN or the contract with the company re-doing the web site. I'm sure if I thought about it I could come up with a number of other contracts that are not included.
mirmac1 said…
Charlie, stumbled on it on the not-VAX. Couldn't find a different version...
WenD said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
WenD said…
L@L Dad, you frustrate me.

"Barbara Schaad-Lamphere later described Olchefske's work as 'excellent, fabulous.'"

2002: With the exception of Mary Bass, the board votes 6-1 to stand behind Joe Olchefske, who lost/misspent $34 million over two budget years, on top of the $100-million-in-interest Stanford Center "consolidation move" that was going to save SPS so much money.

Another chestnut from the incoherent ex-board president, besides her opposition to the eventual Moss-Adams audit of 2003? During her last school board campaign (1999?) she boasted that admin accounted for 6 % of the district budget, "an all-time low."

What's scary about political endorsements is the way they fly in the face of history. What's worse is that voters will insist on using such low standards, ignoring history.

L@L dad, it frustrates me that you are poised to elect an incompetent. I wish you'd take a half hour and examine her record. Please do this and then tell me if returning the occasional email is all it takes to do this job and not be a tool.
jd said…
At a Back to School event at BF Day last night, Sherry Carr gave a little speech, and volunteered the possibility of opening another middle school (presumedly in the cluster).

I'm assuming this was a heads up that we shouldn't be expecting to wind up at Hamilton.
Kate Martin said…
I did not cover the obvious - who's going to speak - when lining up my speakers in advance of the 34th endorsement meeting. Neither speaker ceded time to me, so I never got a chance to speak or present myself to the attendees. That was a big disappointment, but getting that much of the vote without speaking wasn't bad. :-) In contrast, at the 37th, the group had a moderator, a panel of SB candidates and questions for us prepared. It felt more productive and I think gave the attendees a better chance to hear from us.
peonypower said…
@Elizabeth W
The district roll out of the new web sites is behind schedule. Our school was supposed to be one of the early schools up and running, and I still can't use my account for anything useful. When will they work I can't say. I do know that the head of district tech work has been working non-stop for months and beyond burned out. Our own building had a catastrophic tech meltdown this week due to a hvac problem, and much of our shared data storage is inoperable and possibly destroyed. So unfortunately you will have to still use multiple sites to get school info.
SP said…
Any word on headcounts and how waitlists are moving up at individual schools? No word on what's happening at our most overcrowded schools like Garfield?

Apparently at Sealth only siblings and some but not all Denny graduates got in under the tiebreaker (temporary one year rule for Denny) but the waitlist hasn't moved at all. That means NO ONE else from out of the Sealth assignment area got into Sealth!

So much for district & board promises of open seats and underenrollment in SW Seattle. I can't wait until the overcrowded elementary school classes start hitting high school in four more years and all six elementary assignment area schools funnel into Denny & Sealth.
dan dempsey said…
On the Tacoma Strike ...

Remember SPS attorney Shannon McMinimee ...

well check out the picture HERE
Sahila said…
If we want to unseat the four incumbent eduction-reformist school board directors, up for re-election in November, we need to step it up now...

Remember, we're ousting Steve Sundquist, Peter Meier, Sherry Carr and Harium Martin Morris...

The challengers are Marty McLaren, Sharon Peaslee, Kate Martin and Michelle Buetow...

Please spread the word and contact the four candidates if you want to help directly... phonebanking, leafletting, donations, houseparties, social media (twittering/FBing)

Below are the websites for the four challengers ...

If you are feeling flush, it would be good to divide whatever you can give amongst the four of them... the incumbents are backed by big business/ed deformers directly linked to GATES, APPLE etc and have huge war-chests... Sending huge thanks and promises of GOOD KARMA! :-)

(I'm helping out on Marty's campaign)
dan dempsey said…
It is helpful to also testify at Board meetings to make the public aware of how poor the direction provided by the four directors seeking reelection has been and will be.

Call on Monday after 8:00 AM ..
206-252-0040 to signup to speak your piece.


Here is my TfA piece.... see below:
dan dempsey said…
Directors, I am Dan Dempsey

{{For years }} the District failed to provide adequate services to many low income and minority students. Required interventions for struggling students were not provided and that policy requirement was eventually changed.

Tonight’s TfA action report adds insult to injury.

It refers to a TfA agreement approved Nov. 17, 2010.

“Bringing forward a request for conditional certificates is specifically contemplated in the Teach for America agreement,{{ Section I (C), which states }} “Seattle Public Schools agrees to request conditional certificates for all Teach for America corps members on the grounds that circumstances warrant the issuance of such certificates, as permitted by WAC 181-79A-231.”

That law states:

The professional educator standards board encourages in all cases the hiring of fully certificated individuals and understands that districts will employ individuals with conditional certificates only after careful review of all other options. {{The professional educator standards board asks districts when reviewing such individuals for employment to consider, in particular, previous experience the individual has had working with children.}}

A review of emails between the parties involved in hatching this illegally designed TfA agreement reveals:

The administrative leadership of the District and TfA conspired to violate the Law with the Nov. 17, 2010 agreement.

The circumstances that supposedly warrant the issuance of conditional certificates are the achievement gaps.

dan dempsey said…

A careful review of all other options to close the achievement gaps has NOT been performed.

The District on numerous occasions continued with materials and practices that have been particularly harmful to educationally disadvantaged learners. The district has made a regular practice of this in mathematics.

The District continually ignored the practices that proved so successful in Project Follow Through and practices proven to work as reported in Visible Learning by John Hattie. The district takes direction from the UW’s Math Education Project despite worsening results.

The Superintendent stated that the situation in regard to mathematics is improving as the teachers have become more agile in using the materials. Test scores show otherwise.

The District has not conducted a careful review of other options for closing the achievement gaps. The Superintendent and the Board are apparently in complete denial of reality. The belief that TfA can close achievement gaps in this situation is completely without merit.

To approve tonight’s TfA action report will require the Board claim a careful review has been performed, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Vote “NO”. Low Income students deserve teachers with full certification. The Superintendent has failed to tell the truth … the Board should not join her in this TfA deception.

=================== end of testimony

I am furious that this Board says its TfA actions are aimed at narrowing or eliminating the achievement gaps.... when nothing could be further from the truth....

Norm Rice is either ignorant or a TfA shill.... take your pick.
seattle citizen said…
An intersting article on an autistic student transitioning to the work force in teh New York Times today:
Autistic and Seeking a Place in an Adult World
seattle citizen said…
Intersting article about more union busting, where Rahm Emmanuel, our unprogressive progressive, does an end-run around the Chicago union to get longer school days:
Chicago’s Mayor Challenges Teachers Union
seattle citizen said…
And, for those New York Times afficionados, like me, it turns out that in this week's Sunday NYT is the NYT Sunday magazine yearly education issue.
For your persusal are such action-inducing (I hope) articles as:
What if the Secret to Success Is Failure? (which is the centerpiece of the magazine cover);
My Family's Experiment in Extreme Schooling;
Lives: The Re-Education of an Amnesiac;
Can Antioch College Return From the Dead Again?;
Why We Need For-Profit Colleges;
For those parent/guardians and educators interested in the form we call the novel (and as they are published today, so will they be taught to tomorrow as "classics"; your grandchildren will be learning how to read literature from today's novels, so watch the trends!), we have a suggestion to writers: Dear Important Novelists: Be Less Like Moses and More Like Howard Cosell
Lastly, there's a recipe for a perennial favorite of school cafeterias: Bulgogi Sloppy Joes With Scallion Salsa
Happy Sunday, everyon! I hope you have some time to sit by the stove and read the Sunday paper. The New York Times, of course (but don't forget to read the funnies in your local paper!)
seattle citizen said…
On a sweeter note than the heavy subjects written about in the NY Times...and here...this random clip a friend posted on facebook is a short (about a minute) reminder for us all:
Thank You, Fred Rogers (for his 1968 testimony before congress on making sure we allow room for feelings)
seattle citizen said…
The spirit of Fred Rogers for Education Secretary! We ARE neighbors, let's make it so.
apparent said…
Because the issue has previously been raised, because she has not so far responded, and because she is already contributing to this very thread, many readers would now like school board candidate Kate Martin to publicly answer this question:

Kate, what precisely is your vision for the future of the Seattle North APP program now temporarily housed at the old Lincoln high school?
anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
anonymous said…
appparent you may have your answer in Kate Martin's letter to the editor titled: "Bootstrap's on the other foot. She wrote this several years ago and could have changed her position?? But here is what she wrote:

"The problem [of racial disparity] continues after APP into AP (Advanced Placement) high-school classes, another club for white, affluent families. At least 55 percent of Roosevelt students need a level playing field that children in AP with stay-at- home/"hovercraft"-parents/Laurelhurst-privilege don't think a freaking minute about. And that's one of the Seattle Public Schools' poster-child schools, Roosevelt. I'm at a boiling point.
I am not anti-APP or anti-AP. I am for opportunities for all and if we have only enough dough to fund one program, I want it to be for the kids falling through the cracks, as I believe the others will do fine in general with their notably larger variety of options.

signed, STTA
Meg said…
Before too much criticism gathers about Ms. Martin's support - or lack of it - for advanced learning programs, one does have to ask: what kind of support has her opponent provided to advanced learning programs?

I would like to see better support of advanced learning programs by SPS. It's in my child's best interest, since she's in APP. But I want the district to support advanced learning because I want every kid in the district to have an opportunity to learn at school.

I'll add that the seemingly widespread assumption that placement in APP guarantees that a kid will be okay is utter nonsense. "Bright" and "motivated" are different adjectives because they describe two different things. They do not always go together.
Lori said…
Meg, I appreciate your comments and you raise a good point. However, I really do have concerns about voting for someone who has been open hostile toward my child's program, going so far as to mock the families in the process.

We are in dire economic times, and Kate Martin, via that letter, is "on the record" that she'd de-fund advanced learning if needed to support better opportunities for all.

Until she says, convincingly, that she understands the value of gifted education and supports finding a solution to APP capacity problems, it's hard for me to imagine voting for her. The way I see it, I have a choice between someone who may not have a track record of effecting positive change for advanced learning and someone who has been derisive and condescending on the matter in the past. In that case, better to go with the devil you know.
Lori, I will put this in my Advanced Learning thread but Kate has reconsidered that position awhile back. She said she made that statement when she did not know a lot about the program. I urge you to check with her or her website.
Lori said…
thanks, Melissa. I look forward to learning more.

And now that Northend APP is in District 2, I think a lot of families will need to learn more about both candidates, even the incumbent, because we were not previously in her district.
mirmac1 said…
Sherry Carr is on record voting that it's okay to place minimally trained temporary teachers in high poverty/high minority schools. I say what's good for the goose is good for Lowell at Lincoln. What do you say Sherry?
StopTFA said…
I see that the HQT Right to Know letter is on the SPS website and SHOULD have gone out to every parent at schools receiving Title 1 funding.

Parents Right to Know

I urge you to request information on your child's teacher's qualification. At Aki and South Shore, ask them why they do not see fit to hire HQ teachers? There is no shortage.
Anonymous said…
I don't think that someone who has had extreme frustration with the disparity of education in Seattle qualifies as a "devil."

Kids from some neighborhoods who don't get a decent education are on the fast track to jail. That doesn't seem to be the track for most failing or underperforming APP students.

I sense urgency in the voice of a person who is writing from the trenches. Unless you've been there, you probably don't get it.

By the way, the term "helicopter parent" is used frequently for certain socio-economics groups of parents by members of their own group. It is not mockery but has become an unfortunate sub-group of parents. Even colleges have had to hire specialists to work with this coterie.

--Who is the army recruiting at Garfield?
Anonymous said…
"Who is the army recruiting at Garfield?" Good one!

-moniker reader
Maureen said…
Lori said: she'd de-fund advanced learning if needed to support better opportunities for all.

You know, I value Advanced Learning, but I would vote for a candidate who advocated this. APP (as part of the whole) would benefit from the redirection of funds that were 'needed' as well. I would not vote for a candidate who defunded (any sub group including) APP to redirect funds to another subgroup for something that was not 'needed.'

...better to go with the devil you know, How well do you know Director Carr, and how well have you tried to get to know Ms. Martin?
apparent said…
You know,Apparent, she has a job and a family and is running a campaign. I'll ask her to comment but no one can be reading this blog all the time.
anonymous said…
I'm sure Kate Martin is busy, but she chose to run for school board. If you were running a campaign for school board, you'd think you'd make the time to check the city's largest and most read education blog. Especially when that blog frequently discusses the board race, and heavily supports you. If she doesn't have time to check this blog, she may not have time to represent her constituents, what with a family and job and all.

In my opinion Kate has very specific ideas of how things should be, and does not seem open to seeing or hearing other points of view. At all. That is a troubling trait for a board director to have since their job is not to fulfill their own agenda but to represent their constituents.

It is possible that Kate is not addressing APPparent because she does not advocate for advanced learning? Her words in her letter to the editor were pretty harsh, and not so easy to retract, and say oops.

Just sayin'
tbjohnston said…
Has anyone (else) read the Economist's article on Reforming Education?
Anonymous said…
Yes. But it's all TFA over here.

-economist reader

PS: for those that think college is the way to go, think again. In Utne:
dan dempsey said…
A few thoughts on the most indebted generation.

(1) Looking at jobs open and advertised over several years on the State of WA's jobs board in Olympia, WA ... it is hard to miss the number of jobs that require a College Degree .... and the fact (from reading the descriptions) that a competent HS Junior could carry out a large number of them quite well. Is this "college required", for many jobs that would not require this, a mechanism to keep state colleges full?

(2) In the last forty years the increase in Tuition has certainly surpassed the cost of living inflation.

(3) In 1960 and before one needed to take out a loan to go in debt. Now many folks incur debt almost like breathing with a large credit card unpaid balance.

(4) The US Gov. seems to have been trying to repeal the business cycle usually for short term political gain.... Massive consumer spending is a big driver of our economy and games with consumer financing have contributed to this..... the huge house price inflation ... made increases in second mortgages possible to help consumers buy more "Stuff".

(5) So why is the State of WA not requiring an adequate course on Consumer finance for graduation?

(6) A lot of college majors make little sense from a predicted Return on Investment. Yet it seems there are few if any advisors pointing this out.

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