Washington State PTSA Survey

I can't remember right off-hand if I posted this before but the Washington State PTSA is taking a survey of legislative priorities of parents for education.   The deadline is Sunday, September 25th. 


stopcharters said…
One of the issues on the survey is whether the state PTA should vote for allowing charter schools in the state of Washington.
Sahila said…
@stopcharters.... and we all know that the co-opted PTA is in favour of that....
dan dempsey said…
Hey Sahila absolutely correct...

the PTSA got a big grant from Gates.... Bought is Bought ... so of course the Leadership deciders are all for charters (but have to pretend otherwise).

Please folks take the survey and...
speak up on the survey with comments.
Anonymous said…
Another "Heads I win, Tails you lose" survey, huh? Gotta hand it to them: Big money and their minions never give up. WSDWG
Anonymous said…
I took the survey and was deeply disappointed in it. They bundled issues together in such a way that you'd have to say you agreed with everything or nothing. There was also no clear way to state that I did not support charter schools or merit pay. Some of the questions were downright confusing. It was definitely a do-you-still-beat-your-dog type of survey in my opinion.

Kathy said…
At this point, the Seattle Council PTSA has not taken a position on this issue.

I noticed our school collects $4500PTA fees and pays $3300 to Wa. State PTSA. It is a nice chunk of change...particularily if you don't believe in charter schools.
Kathy said…
I need to clarify- At this time, the Seattle Council PTSA has not taken a position on charter schools.
Bird said…
Our school just started requiring PTA membership to partipate in after school activities.

Is this common at other schools?
Anonymous said…
Bird that bites. what school?
Sahila said…
Well Kathy.... you'd better have a word with the Ramona/Heidi duo then.... all the PTSA stuff they've been sending out over the past three months is pro-charters....

whoa, where did that come from?

whoa, where did that come from, part 2
stopcharters said…
@Sahila - because the PTSA leadership supports charters, that doesn't mean the PTSA supports them. That won't be decided until the state legislative assembly on October 14th & 15th, which, other than the survey, is the only time PTSA members can have their voice heard. Folks who are concerned should bring it up with their PTSAs, and find out who at their school is going to be voting at the legislative assembly.
Sahila said…
in my watching/listening from the sidelines experience, the PTSA leadership is not very forthcoming with both sides of the evidence, so that its membership can make an informed decision....
Melissa Westbrook said…
Bird, what reason was given for the policy? It seems that if you pay whatever the fee is for the activity, that it shouldn't matter if a parent/guardian is a PTA member.

I'm not sure but this may violate some PTA bylaw.
peonypower said…
Here is an alternative idea to having that $3300 go to the state fund. Only PTSA members can vote but a school PTSA does not vote on much, and usually only board members. Ostensibly you could attend PTSA meetings, be active, and never pay the PTSA membership fee and have a vibrant PTSA group. Perhaps you could have a PTSA donation fund for the school so the PTSA money goes straight to the school and not the state PTSA fund. That would be one way to deflate the charter/merit pay/ steam engine of the state PTSA leadership.

signed- another way to beat the system
lendlees said…
@Bird-It might be an insurance issue. Some PTA insurance requires any 'sponsored' event (such as before/after school classes) to have PTA membership in order to be covered.

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