Seattle Schools Calendar for September 26-October 1, 2011

Monday, Sep. 26th
Curriculum and Instruction Policy Committee Meeting, 4-6 p.m. at JSCEE.  On the agenda: discussion of contract with NWEA for MAP testing, instructional materials waivers, Board policies C and D. 

Board policy C is about curriculum & instruction and covers a large number of items like course of study adoption, high school graduation requirements, use of internet, adoption of basic instructional materials, school libraries, field trips, assessments, proposal for a new program, career& technical, alternative education, international education, Special Education, effective staff.

Board policy D is about Students including student placement, attendance, advanced learning, high school grades/credits, student records, sexual harassment of students or discrimination, discipline, student health and welfare, activities and ceremonies and observances.  

Tuesday, Sep. 27th
Equity Task Force Meeting, 4-5:45 p.m. at JSCEE (not sure if this is open to the public but I'll ask)

Wednesday, Sep. 28th
Two-Hour early dismissal for PD

Thursday, Sep. 29th
Superintendent Chat for South Pacific Islander community from 6-7:30 p.m. at the RBHS Library
There are no director community meetings this Saturday, October 1

Other Events this week:

Tuesday, Sep. 27th
Social Equality Educators' Meet the School Board Challengers at the Ballard High School library at 4:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Sep. 27th (new - late to my radar)
Special Education PTSA general meeting and candidate forum from 7-9 p.m. at the JSCEE, Room 2700.  The forum will feature introductory remarks from each candidate followed by aQ&A from the audience.  This is a great chance to get the burning question you have to the candidates. 

Wednesday, Sep. 28th
The Stranger School Board candidate forum at Town Hall from 7:30-9:00 p.m.   Free but you must have a ticket.  Probably the most interactive of all the forums you will attend this campaign season. 

Thursday, Sep. 29th
Kate Martin fundraiser at the Harbor Club from 5-8 p.m., 801 Second Avenue

Friday, Sep. 30th
City Club Education Series: The Best Teachers for Our Children featuring a panel including teacher Jesse Hagopian, Erin Jones, OSPI, Jonathan Knapp, SEA, Margit McGuire, College of Education, Seattle University, Tom Stritikus, College of Education, University of Washington, Deborah Wilds, College Success Foundation.  Moderated by Phyllis Fletcher of KUOW.  From noon - 1:30 at Town Hall.  Sounds good but pretty pricey with the lunch for the general public at $30 and coffee and dessert at $18.   Registration required.


dan dempsey said…
9-26 m=> instructional materials waivers

So why was Loyal Heights denied a waiver to use Singapore Math?
Dorothy Neville said…
Unfortunately I cannot attend today's C&I committee and I do hope someone from the public can attend.

Instructional waivers were a hot topic at the board retreat. They are something the board wants as a priority but Susan pushed back hard. She pushed back not really on cost of it -- that's what they were supposed to be discussing, with limited resources, what would be the priorities in the year ahead -- but because she's philosophically opposed (although she may claim cost as part of the opposition is that rich PTAs can afford this while others might not). And it is not her job to be philosophically opposed to something the board wants. They have the philosophy, she implements it. That's how it ought to work.

The board however was mostly united in pushing (I say mostly because I am not sure everyone spoke up, no one opposed it) for two reasons, first, this was supposedly promised and should be part of the whole NSAP package. Second, evidently on some motion (I am not sure what, someone said Performance Management) Michael proposed an amendment and the rest of the board convinced him to withdraw his amendment with the promise that they would ensure the instructional waiver process was implemented.
Charlie Mas said…
I wish I could be at the C & I meeting this afternoon as well. I will catch what parts of it I can.

While the Board is all for waivers, the Board is incapable of putting pen to paper and writing a procedure. If they are waiting for the staff to do it they will be waiting forever. I seriously doubt that the C & I committee will discuss waivers in any concrete or productive terms at all. The C & I committee never discusses anything in concrete or productive terms.

Director Martin-Morris has made the C & I committee into the place where ideas go to die.
Charlie Mas said…
I'll bet that Director Martin-Morris (who chairs the C & I Committee) was one of the Board members who did not speak in favor of waivers at the retreat. He doesn't talk much anymore. He probably remained silent and allowed the illusion that he was with his more vocal colleagues in favor of waivers when, in truth, he will do whatever Dr. Enfield tells him to do.
mirmac1 said…
Sorry to be a little off topic, but this week is also Curriculum Night at my child's school.

Has anyone seen the functionality on the Source for grades and assignments? Or the Fusion pages on the building websites? I am probably just clueless re: the Source, but I was really happy (NOT) to see my daughter is missing an assignment and it's hurting her grade! Yowch!

Fusion seems interesting. There's a multimedia blog. Teachers post questions and kids are expected to created a login and have a discussion. Wow, I wonder who is going to police that? Not sure I want my new middle-schooler doing that yet. It's intriguing.
Anonymous said…
I keep wondering when there will be a capacity management meeting on the calendar. I recall a spring presentation about tackling that in the fall early to plan ahead for 2012-13 and beyond, but I haven't seen any discussion of that yet this year. Does anyone know? Will that be part of some committee meeting?

Anonymous said…
School Capacity Meetings
Tuesday, October 4
6:30-8pm at Mercer Middle School Library, 1600 S. Columbian Way, Seattle 98108
Thursday, October 6
6:30-8pm at Madison Middle School Library, 3429 45th Ave. SW, Seattle, 98116
Tuesday, October 11
6:30-8pm at Hamilton International Middle School Library, 1610 N. 41st St., Seattle 98103

Meetings will include a presentation by SPS staff, and a question and answer period. Community comments and feedback will be collected, recorded and considered in the SPS capacity management planning process.

- north seattle mom
Anonymous said…
they are also looking for volunteers

Community Volunteers Sought for Facilities and Capacity Management Advisory Committee
-From SPS

The Seattle School District is seeking unpaid volunteers to serve on the newly formed Facilities and Capacity Management Advisory Committee, for terms of up to two years. The committee's primary purpose is to advise Seattle School District staff as it conducts short- intermediate- and long-term facilities planning based on current data, projections and objective standards.

Interested individuals should submit background information and reasons for their interest via email to: no later than Wednesday, October 12.

- north seattle mom
joanna said…
Anonymous, I note that they are planning Community meetings on Oct 4, 6 and 11 at Mercer, Madison and Hamilton respectively. No work sessions leading up to this seems a little odd. See the Board calendar. There is an Operations Committee Meeting on the 20th, which is the next best thing.
RBHS PTSA Secretary said…
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RBHS PTSA Secretary said…
Regarding Thursday, Sep. 29th
Superintendent Chat for South Pacific Islander community from 6-7:30 p.m. at the RBHS Library....
Let's talk about transparency and "authentic" community engagement. Great that the Interim Sup wants to get out and "hear from the people" however when "the people" don't know that you're coming.... how is that "authentic" community engagement.
It wasn't until I read Melissa's blog did I/we learn this chat was happening at RBHS. When I asked leaders and advocates from the South Pacific Islander community if they knew about this they too had no idea.
This leads me to think that the Interim Superintendent will make the claim that she came out to hear from the community and the community didn't show up.... Nice try but we've alerted all. Furthermore we have included a link to the District calendar on the RBHS school website which makes knowing what's going on that much easier. I also emailed Chief Sealth PTSA in case they were not aware of this chat.
I think I will send Director Patu an email voicing my concern over the Interim Superintendents lack of communication regarding this chat. After all SHE is the only one who will actually comment, ask, raise her voice in opposition.
Thanks again Melissa for "keeping the word on the street."

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