Want to Tell KUOW Your Bus Story?

The Insight Network at KUOW is interested in your first day bus stories


h2o girl said…
I heard this story this morning - they interviewed a student at Lowell @ Lincoln, who was bright, articulate and adorable. He mentioned that his afternoon bus was over two hours late and the school finally called and was informed there was no bus coming. So his dad came and picked him up. They had a quote from the head of transportation saying that the new plan featuring fewer buses and drivers was not responsible for the delays and no-shows, which made me burst out laughing. Apparently some of the pages in the drivers' manuals of routes and maps were missing, or something. The cutie from Lowell said that perhaps they should be more careful next year when making the manuals.
Anonymous said…
They had a quote from the head of transportation saying that the new plan featuring fewer buses and drivers was not responsible for the delays and no-shows

LOL!! - right. sure. we believe that. uh huh. There is not one iota of truth in that statement. Not. one. iota.

-- in the know
h2o girl said…
You can read the transcript here:
Anonymous said…
Perhaps they should get the Lowell kid to write the manual next year. I bet it would be light years ahead of the current one.

- feeling snarky today

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