No on 1240 Tent vs Yes on 1240 Tent

(End of day updates in red)

Can you spot the difference?

No On 1240
  • Washington State PTA
  • League of Women Voters
  • WASA - Washington Association of School Administrators
  • WSSDA - Washington State School Directors Association Board
  • Washington Education Association
  • Japanese-American Citizens League Board
  • Seattle-King County NAACP
  • El Centro de la Raza
  • Parents and Friends for Tacoma Public Schools
  • Parents Across America - Seattle chapter
  • Educational Service District 113
  •  1st District Democrats
  •  5th District Democrats
  • 11th District Democrats
  • 22nd District Democrats
  • 32nd District Democrats
  • 33rd District Democrats
  • 34th District Democrats
  • 36th District Democrats
  • 37th District Democrats
  • 41st District Democrats
  • 43rd District Democrats
  • 45th District Democrats
  • 46th District Democrats
  • 48th District Democrats
  • King County Democrats
  • Pierce County Democrats
  • Citizens United for Responsible Education
  • Minority Executive Directors Coalition
  • Pierce County Young Democrats
  • Washington Education Association 
  • Washington State Labor Council
  • IUOE Local 609
  • Association of Washington School Principals
  • Northwest Progressive Institute
  • Onion Creek School Board
  • and many more
 Yes on 1240

Stand for Children
Democrats for Ed Reform
Washington State Roundtable
Seattle Chamber of Commerce
Association of Washington Business

Which group represents more parents?  Community members?  Teachers? 

If the Yes group mostly represents ed reformers and business, then who is really pushing this?

George Griffin, a respect local businessman and former chair of the Alliance for Education board, said at the 37th Dems "who wrote this initiative?"  He questioned if it I-1240 was truly being put out there to help at-risk kids and why no one in his community was asked what they wanted or asked to help write it.  Eric Pettigrew, the rep from the 37th, sat mute at the other end of the table. 


mirmac1 said…
Glad to see El Centro extricated themselves from the "Our Schools Coalition" to support the right thing.
Po3 said…
holy cow....

what does the polling info say?
mirmac1 said…
Let me guess, the voters pamphlet will not be updated to include this information? Or it will?
The polling info (the latest from Elway) indicates two things.

One, from their experience most initiative do not win if they are not at 60% in July/August. I-1240 has not polled at 50%. This doesn't mean it will lose; it means the odds based on past votes are that it will not succeed.

Two, there is a lot of "squish" in the numbers. They are ahead 48% to 38% (with the remainder undecided).

But the firm yes and no vote are small and the maybe yes and no votes much larger.

There is a LOT of room for movement and I think the more people who stand up to be counted as a no, the better.

Check the website for more info on how you can do add your name to the list


You can write to

with your endorsement of a No vote and urge others to do so as well.

We just got a No endorsement from a Tacoma School District director.
mirmac1 said…
Folka, get ready to doorbell your district.

Melissa, will most district's have a single flyer with blurbs on all their endorsements?
I had a survey call last night from Stand For Children. question: who are you more likely to vote for in Gov election. jay or Rob.
2nd question: are you for or against charters in Washington.
i am thinking they are looking for their target market for ads, either by calls or print. Wonder who Stand is behind, Rob or Jay?
Eric B said…
SPS Dad- I believe Stand endorsed McKenna. I think the rationale was that McKenna's flying unicorn promises on education funding seemed more realistic than Inslee's. Both of them are dreaming if they think it can be done without tax increases. I'm sure charters, excuse me, innovation was a big factor as well.
Mary Griffin said…
There is a good opinion piece in The Olympian today against charter schools written by members of the board of Educational Service District 113.
Unknown said…
Saw that Mary and it was thoughtful.

Mirmac, that's a question we'll have to figure out soon. Many legislative districts are including info on their endorsements for initiatives.

Carol Simmons said…
Two other organizations which are opposed to Charter Schools are The Metropolitan Democratic Club of Seattle.....and The University of Washington Alumni Association Multicultural Alumni Partnership Board. There are educators and parents and involved citizens and community members who are members of those organizations also.

Anonymous said…
Anyone notice how r-money responded to those quotes of him trashing the 47%?

he didn't apologize, he pressed on, he pushed on, he fought on.

The toadie$ of billy-g are playing from the same playbook. raygun & cheney-bush NEVER told the truth, and, who won? who got what they wanted, and who got empty moral victories?

LEV-DFER-SFC-Campion-McFarlane-Kormos will just invent more astro turfs to add to A+ and the coalition of lying billy-g butt kissers.

Anonymous said…
How does this list of Pro Charterites overlap with the Our Schools Coalition, which at its root is The Alliance for Education (business) LEV, Stand, Gates and ?? At first glance it seems a 1:1 comparison?

I'm curious because Our Schools Coalition is the mechanism to force change on the SEA isn't it? A two-pronged approach? But maybe things don't line up as neatly as I perceive.

Unknown said…
No, Our Schools is NOT the mechanism to force change on SEA. They think they are but frankly, I don't think anyone really can.

The idea of Our Schools (which got co-opted by the Alliance from an earlier group) was to try to influence the teachers contract negotiations with both the district and SEA. Do I think they did much? No.
Anonymous said…
Melissa's article pg. 2 in this weeks Real Change paper or online here.

Public School Parent
Anonymous said…
Tacoma News Tribune editorial board video. Pro and Con on 1240

Public School Parent
Carol Simmons said…
Thank you Melissa for two great articles on Charter Schools which were published in The Daily Weekly and Real Change. I attempted to comment on the article in Real Change and was unable to do so. Probably my computer skills.....

Kudos to you.

Anonymous said…
Short debate starts at 16:25

Public School Parent
Charlie Mas said…
I watched that City Inside Out and I was struck by how consistently Lynne Varner agreed with John Carlson.

The Seattle Times editorial board is clearly a conservative voice in a progressive city.
seattle citizen said…
Now HERE'S a shocker in Today's Seattle Times Politics NW section: Teachers United backs charter school initiative

I'm soooo surprised!

The article, in its entirety:

"Teachers United, a two-year-old organization of about 250 teachers, announced Friday that it supports bringing charter schools to Washington state.
In a prepared release, Chris Eide, the group’s executive director, said the decision to support Initiative 1240 was based largely on research done by a committee of 17 teachers.
The group said its committee members were originally split on whether to support the ballot measure, but after studying the issues and visiting charter schools in other states, they decided that charters would benefit Washington state. The group also polled its membership, and said 77 percent support the initiative.
Despite that support, the group has concerns about how the initiative would play out in this state. If the initiative passes, they said they hope, among other things, that the state would give priority to schools that serve at-risk students, that charter schools would have teachers with a mix of seniority, that charter schools and school districts would cooperate, and that charter schools would provide information about their attrition rates, graduation rates, teacher turnover and more.
Teachers United, which has received funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, said its members belong to teachers unions. It works to involve teachers in education policy debates"
james boutin said…
What I would really like to know is who is putting up the money for 1240.
Anonymous said…
More I-1240 coverage. Inside Olympia program 9-20-12

Public School Parent
seattle citizen said…
@James Boulin -
As the Times was kind enough to point out, the Charter Schools Initiative 1240 bankrolled by tech millionaires.
Why? Because they think education should be made like technology: "data-driven," standardized, on line, and profitable.
Mary Griffin said…
@James Boutin,
It's always a good idea to follow the money. The information for who is funding i-1240 is publicly available on the Washington State Public Disclosure Commision's website. the infor for Yes on 1240 is here: Many donors, such as Bill Gates have given more than once, so you would need to sort and filter to get at how much each entity has given. The top donors appear to be Bill Gates at over $1 million, Nick Hanauer at $1 million, Jackie and Mike Bezos (Jeff's parents)at $1 million aggregate, and Alice Wlton at $600,000.
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