Status of MTSS

Here is the status report on MTSS from the Friday Memo to the Board on August 17, 2012:

Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)
Seattle Public Schools is committed to implementing a comprehensive Multi-Tier System of
Supports (MTSS) district wide by the 2014-2015 academic school year. MTSS is a framework
designed to accelerate academic and social/emotional learning behaviors for all students through
high quality instruction and intervention, curriculum aligned to standards and collaborative
decision making using student achievement data. The framework integrates many of the
initiatives within Seattle Public Schools including transition to Common Core State Standards,
Professional Growth & Evaluation and Professional Learning Communities.  In June 2012, a
district team including representatives from Curriculum & Instruction, Special Education,
Bilingual/ELL, School Climate and building principals attended an MTSS conference in Tucson,
AZ and identified focus areas for the 2012-2013 school year. These include building common
language and understanding of the MTSS framework, building awareness of the instructional
shifts with the Common Core State Standards, identifying evidenced-based intervention supports
in literacy and math and developing an assessment framework for collaborative decision making.

The MTSS team kicked off this work on August 8, 2012 at the School Leadership Institute.
Principals and Assistant Principals received introductory training on the MTSS framework that
included completing a self-assessment to identify what is in place and next steps toward
implementation. Additional trainings will be provided to principals and assistant principals on
DLT days. The MTSS team has also identified 10 cohort schools that will begin implementing
targeted and intensive intervention supports in literacy and math at the elementary grade levels.
ST Math, Imagine Learning literacy intervention (K-2) and System 44 literacy intervention (3-5)
were selected through a rigorous RFP process completed in June 2012. The 10 initial cohort
schools include: Jane Addams K-8, Thurgood Marshall Elementary, Daniel Bagley Elementary,
Arbor Heights Elementary, Orca K-8, BF Day Elementary, Sacajawea Elementary, Madrona K-
8, Broadview-Thompson K-8 and Beacon Hill Elementary. The Curriculum & Instruction
Department will provide ongoing support to these schools in developing systems and structures
to support collaborative data-driven decision making and implementation of the interventions. A
program evaluation plan for the project is being developed.


Anonymous said…
What happened to RTI? Is MTTS the same thing? My kid's school (McClure) had that. Why no analysis of how that all worked out for the schools that already had RTI? It was an afterschool "intervention" program. One for invited students. One was for black students, and another for special education students - until the teacher left, about a month after school started. Looking at the OSPI test results, it was completely ineffective at putting even the smallest dent in the achievement gap. Much better to change practices in the classroom, than to simply do more of the same with a longer day. Yuck.

-just an observation
fix the math said…

Perhaps they should be looking at what Mercer is doing. Mercer Middle continues to be an outlier in math performance.

A comparison of the average MSP pass rates - across 6th, 7th, and 8th grades - vs FRL rates, ranked in order from highest to lowest pass rate (2011-2012):

SCHOOL: Avg MATH pass rate (%FRL)

HIMS: 83.3 (19)
Mercer: 78.4 (75.2)
Eckstein: 77.4 (24.8)
Whitman: 70.9 (30.1)
McClure: 70.7 (32.7)

District: 67.2 (43.2)

Washington: 66.0 (51.7)
Madison: 65.2 (43.4)
Denny: 63.1 (67.1)
Aki: 44.1 (86.5)

Mercer's pass rates on the math MSP rival those of Hamilton (home of North APP) and Eckstein. It is the only traditional middle school in the south end to surpass the district average. A graph of the results is even more compelling. Results for K-8s are not included in the list.
Charlie Mas said…
Yes, just an observation, MTSS is the new name for RTI.

They are the same thing, MTSS is just the new name.
Anonymous said…
I think the name change has to do with rules for how various dollars tied to programs are allowed to be used. I vaguely recall something on this blog about how you can't use certain dollars for RtI, so now they're using MTSS...
Anonymous said…
If there's no pretense of a difference, then why no analysis of RTI that's been implemented for the last 3 years or maybe even more? What's the record of effectiveness? Have students been exited from sped? Or any results at all? How can you do anything if you keep restarting at different locations?

SeattleSped said…
Ten free articles on RTI from Edweek:

Edweek Focus on RTI

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