AFT Severs Its Relationship with the Gates Foundation

From Politico:

"The American Federation of Teachers ended a five-year relationship with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation after rank-and-file union members expressed deep distrust of the foundation's approach to education reform. AFT President Randi Weingarten told Morning Education the union will no longer accept Gates money for its Innovation Fund, which was founded in 2009 and has received up to $1 million a year in Gates grants ever since. The Innovation Fund has sponsored AFT efforts to help teachers implement the Common Core standards - a Gates priority - among other initiatives.

- Weingarten said she didn't believe Gates funding influenced the Innovation Fund's direction, but still had to sever the relationship. "I got convinced by the level of distrust I was seeing - not simply on Twitter, but in listening to members and local leaders - that it was important to find a way to replace Gates funding," she said. Weingarten plans to ask members to vote this summer on a dues hike of 5 cents per month, which she said would raise $500,000 a year for the Innovation Fund.

- The Innovation Fund isn't the only AFT initiative funded by the Gates Foundation. Since 2010, the union has received more than $10 million. The AFT's executive council hasn't formally voted to reject Gates funding for other projects, but Weingarten said she would be very cautious about taking such grants. "I don't want to say 'never never ever ever,'" she said, but "this is a matter of making common bond with our members and really listening to the level of distrust they have in the philanthropies and the people on high who are not listening to them."

- Vicki Phillips, who runs the Gates Foundation's education division, said her team is "disappointed by Randi's decision." She called the AFT "an important thought partner" for the foundation. "We continue to applaud the work of the Innovation Fund grantees to engage teachers in improving teaching and learning in their local communities," Phillips said."

 This is Randi Weingarten listening because at the Network for Public Education conference, she didn't exactly get a warm welcome (this issue with Gates funding being one of them).  She said on a panel on Common Core and was the only CC supporter on the panel.  She is claiming that standards are good, won't influence how curriculum is taught and that TESTING is the issue (seemingly forgetting that CC has its own assessments).  What was weird is that at the end of the panel she said she had "personal" reasons to support Common Core but wasn't going to talk about them. 

I'll have more on this panel soon because it was a great discussion. 

This was a smart move on her part because while accepting Gates' money does not mean Gates tells any group what to say or do, I believe it buys silence and/or acquiescence to the overall Gates' goals.


Anonymous said…
If Teacher United removed their Gates Foundation taint that would really help teachers believe they actually cared about re-shaping education.
Anonymous said…
If Teacher United removed their Gates Foundation taint that would really help teachers believe they actually cared about re-shaping education.
Anonymous said…
Randi is a classic politician. Too bad it took a potential mutiny to get her to stop selling out her constituents.

--enough already
Anonymous said…
What funds from Gates does the NEA accept? Since Seattle's SEA roles up to the NEA this is on-point information for those of us in Seattle.

Anonymous said…
There goes Gates' stock PR line about how collaborative they are with public school teachers.

Boo Hoo.

Anonymous said…
Randi sells out us little know nobodies for years and years, living high off the hog hob knobbing and getting paid great on the sweat of the know nobodies, and, months from shuffling off the President!! mortal coil, she pretends she's on our side.

People who believe her

Greenwoody said…
Randi is steadily moving in the right direction. I don't agree with the motives some of her critics ascribe to her earlier work, including taking Gates money. I think she meant well but was not fully aware of the motives Gates had in mind. She deserves credit for changing course rather than stubbornly plowing ahead - on Gates but also on Common Core.

I say this as someone who has never met Randi, has no affiliation with the AFT, and is just an observer.
Greenwoody, how has she changed on CC?
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