New York State Parents Say No to Common Core Testing

From the blog, NYC Public School Parents:

Will one teacher please copy the whole test and post it anonymously on the internet for all to see? We need to dismantle this by the best Edward Snowden means possible. 

From Fox News, New York:

Indelecato, a member of the parent group NYS Allies for Public Education, said she has been picking up her son at the beginning of the testing sessions and going to the library, where they review reading arts and math as well as lessons in the civil disobedience of such historical figures as Rosa Parks.

"I feel like I’m teaching him leadership and strong self-confidence, qualities that I feel are good for the development of a young child,” she said. “I’m trying to instill in him that sometimes it’s important to be polite but disobedient. Sometimes it’s needed because the leaders are not always going to be right."

As students across New York state began taking the 90-minute tests, parents have been given the option of keeping children from participating. But in many districts the kids are not being allowed to use the time to read or do homework during the testing periods, which continue for the next six days.

“The children should not be punished because of our fundamental right to want what’s best for their educational development,” Indelecato said. “I feel that the district is trying to use the powers of persuasion to get parents to have their kids participate in the testing.”

On Monday, Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino, who is running for governor of New York, released an online video in which he had harsh words for the Common Core standards and announced that he would not have his children participate in the round of testing.

After speaking at length with my wife Sheila, who’s a special education teacher, I am announcing today that my children will join with thousands of other school kids tomorrow, statewide, in refusing to take the Cuomo Common Core test,” he said in the video released by his campaign. “They will be in school, but they will opt out of the exam, as is their legal right.”

It's one size fits all and that's not how children learn," he said. "Just because we are opposed to the Common Core does not mean we are opposed to bettering standards.


Anonymous said…
FYI - If any teacher/educator here in Washington gets the idea to do as the NYC blog suggests and plans to copy a whole test and post it anonymously online, it's highly likely that the school district, OSPI, and the testing vendor would be able to figure out which teacher/educator posted the test booklet online. All test booklets in Washington are accounted for by teacher/proctor, school, and school district.

--- swk
Or, the teacher can do it and then flee the country.
SPSLeaks said…
I'm happy to post...

Julian : )
Anonymous said…
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SPSLeaks said…
Uh, sorry, been on vacation except for a few things here or there. Email me anytime at

Anonymous said…
Are you trying to out me, Call me Ed? Is that your thing? Are you trying to be clever?

I'm expecting Melissa to delete this comment as well as yours.

But before she does so, let me say that taking screenshots is even more revealing than copying test booklets. In order to see the online operational test, you would need to log in to an operational test with a test ticket. That, in and of itself, would reveal the person doing so. And if you let a student log in and take screenshots while they're taking the test, you would be fairly obvious and obviously unethical.

--- swk

Anonymous said…
Fidelity of implementation? Is this part of the contract that was allowed by SEA, along with evals based on scores? Boycotting would seem to be the most effective way to resist it, but I don't recall that enough teachers voted down the contract, so what does this indicate in terms of teacher fidelity from school to school? A majority of principals on board might generate enough push back, but it appears the Goodloe-Johnson years were key in making sure there will mostly be principal fidelity. There's enough weakness in the Reform boosters and Mayor's office right now, that there's a moment to grab here and run with.


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
"(3) I've worked in one position or another in public education for nearly 20 years and have known professionally as well as personally a number of SPS downtown staff (past and present) and I'd be damned if I was going to let these people experiment on my boys. I know too much to keep my boys in SPS.

--- swk"

--enough already
Anonymous said…
Well, enough already, you got me. It appears that I have self-identified --- I could be in one of a hundred or so roles in public education.. And as I stated, "I've avoided identifying my current role..."

The previous commenter was attempting to identify my current place of employment and that was over the line.

I am grateful to Melissa for her anonymity policy and her enforcement of this policy.

--- swk

Anonymous said…
No, I was not "calling you out" swk. I was being sarcastic because you kept popping up with policies just like you were the OSPI police. But no matter, you got your wish and my comment was deleted. Regardless, anyone who thinks the tests are secure is a fool. There are many ways to get copies of tests, and kids are masters at finding ways to get around policies and test booklets and test tickets, and whatever else adults have put up to prevent them doing so, and particularly when it comes to technology. There is mass cheating with the ACT and the SAT, only a small portion of it ever gets discovered and published in the news. Copies of tests pop up on teen-frequented message boards and snapchat day after day. If there is any controversy over the test, or if kids feel it is stupid, ridiculous, or a waste of their time, you can bet they will find a way to make a copy of it. But feel free to post more consequences for teachers, or all the ways OSPI has "safeguarded" the tests.
Callme Ed
Anonymous said…
Callme Ed, if you re-read my comments, you'll find nothing related to student cheating. And aside from noting the probability of discovery if a teacher chooses to post a test online, there's nothing in my comments about "consequences for teachers."

So, what have I done to justify your sarcasm and not-so-veiled disdain?

--- swk
Unknown said…
If by chance some day you're not feeling well and you should remember some silly thing I've said or done and it brings back a smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart, then my purpose as your clown has been fulfilled. See the link below for more info.

Barnett Don said…
You have shared a really interesting post. special needs schools should maintain good standard towards students. We send our children to school with the faith that teachers will take care of our children & help in creating a better future for them. I am not in favor of beating children at school as this is inhuman.

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