WEA Supports Families Opting out of State Testing

I had heard about this vote this past weekend but couldn't find info on it at the WEA website.  From KUOW:

The state’s largest teachers’ union has passed a motion to support parents and students who opt out of statewide standardized tests. The union also promotes opting out of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium state test coming next school year to align with the new Common Core State Standards.

Noam Gundle, who teaches science at Ballard High School in Seattle, introduced the motion at the Washington Education Association representative assembly in Spokane on Friday.

"This motion is about promoting positive learning in the classroom, as opposed to a fixation on testing," Gundle said.

Recommendations from the April 4 motion state that the WEA shall:

"1. Support the rights of parents/guardians to collaborate with teachers to determine appropriate options for assessment of student proficiency if opting out of statewide standardized assessments.

2. Encourage its local affiliates to work alongside student and parent leadership groups in promoting opt-out for Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) tests whenever possible.

3. Inform members of current student and parent organizations’ opt-out efforts through existing communication vehicles. The link to the OSPI form for parents to opt-out of state tests shall be made available to members via email."

Naturally, OSPI is not happy with this vote.  They believe it hurts the school, the district and the state.

According to state data, students across Washington refused to take state tests 5,693 times in 2013.  

I suspect that number will be much higher for 2014.


Anonymous said…
Students rising up:


A 13-year-old student at Orange-Ulster BOCES believes she was suspended from school this week as a result of telling other students they didn't have to take the Common Core English test Tuesday.

The girl, eighth-grader Seirra Olivero, was suspended for two days for insubordination.

While she acknowledges the charge, she contends in a complaint filed with the district that she felt bullied by three administrators because she told other students they didn't have to take the test. (more)

Anonymous said…
Shocked! Just SHOCKED!
How could a union be oppossed to accountability (no matter how insiped)?

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