Gates Foundation Pays Out Big in 2014 in Support of Charters

From the Washington Post's Answer Sheet (partial):

Along with the Common Core, the big winners in terms of issue were charter schools — especially in Washington state (where Gates helps finance a campaign to win voter approval of charters) — and online and technology-based learning initiatives.

LEV Foundation
Date: July 2014
Purpose: to contribute to a fund to support charter schools in Washington state
Amount: $2,100,000
Term: 12
Topic: College-Ready
Program: United States
Grantee Location: Seattle, Washington
Grantee Web site:

Pacific Charter School Development Inc.
Date: April 2014
Purpose: to support the facility needs of charter schools in Washington State
Amount: $3,998,633
Term: 36
Topic: College-Ready
Program: United States
Grantee Location: Los Angeles, California
Grantee Web site:


Anonymous said…
The money Gates is spending on charters will be way less than the Feds will pump in under "Every Child Achieves Act".

If you like charters, you will really like the fifth section of Patty Murry's "Every Child Achieves Act":

Updates and strengthens charter school programs–

This bill updates and strengthens charter school programs by combining two existing programs into one Charter Schools Program, consisting of three grant competitions:

1- High-Quality Charter Schools: Grants to State entities to start new charter schools and to replicate or expand high-quality charter schools, including by developing facilities, hiring and preparing teachers, and providing transportation.

2- Facilities Financing Assistance: Grants to public or private nonprofit entities to demonstrate innovative methods of enhancing credit to finance the acquisition, construction, or renovation of facilities for charter schools.

3- Replication and Expansion: As part of national activities, grants to charter management organizations to replicate or expand high-quality charter schools.

The bill also provides incentives for states to adopt stronger charter school authorizing practices, increases charter school transparency and improves community engagement in the implementation and operation of each charter school receiving funds to ensure charter school success.

Go Gates, Go Patty, Go Charters, Rah Rah Rah

-- Dan Dempsey

Anonymous said…
Gates is spending all his money on a giant bureaucracy to help the world. Why not just build a physical school, like a Carnegie Library? Zuckerberg's 100 million in Newark, where did it go? Why dump a load of water from an airtanker at 30,000' and have it all evaporate when you could water a plant with a cup of water and get better results?

Anonymous said…
NNNCr wrote:

Why not just build a physical school, like a Carnegie Library?

Oh there will be plenty of physical charter schools built with tax money if Every Child Achieve Act passes in its current form. Gates and other Plutocratic foundations have been working on this for quite a while.

-- Dan Dempsey
Ann D said…
"High-Quality" as in the TFA-approved recent grads without an educational degree who are eligible under recent government changes?
Anonymous said…
Ann D,

It appears that the "highly qualified" requirement for teachers will be gone when an NCLB replacement arrives.

Then the State Board will no longer need to fake it by calling TFA newbies "Highly Qualified" teachers.

-- Dan Dempsey
Po3 said…
"High-Quality Charter Schools"

mirmac1 said…
Oh Gawd. NCLB revised is a nonstarter. How many million monkeys wrote this garbage? Oh yeah, 1 Murray's worth. From Mom in tennis shoes to corporate lobbyist in Jimmy Choo stilettos. Power corrupts.
Jan said…
What am I missing?
Why are democrats supporting a neoliberal cause like the privatization of education? What is the justification for using public resources to pay for private education?
When you see a situation that you can't understand, look to the financial interest. Could it be that charter schools are in it for the money? No public oversight just a government check for each child to be used
with zero accountability to the public.
This privatization campaign seems to me to be a terrible, unamerican greedy grab for $.

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