Who to Vote For?

Update:  I had it wrong so let's be clear.  The Seattle School districts up for election are 1(currently held by Peaslee),2 (currently held by Carr). 3 (currently held by Martin-Morris), and 6 (currently held by McLaren).

End of update

In discussions with friends and neighbors, I find two kinds of voters.  The "I got my ballot, filled it out and mailed it already" and the "I'm waiting until the last minute" voter.  I'm somewhere in-between.

I'm going to give you my picks for School Board but also throw out some picks for City Council as I think the make-up of the City Council could have a large affect on Seattle Schools (given the aggressive nature of Mayor Murray on this issue).

Note: in the primary you only vote for a School Board candidate if your district is up for election this year. However, after the primary, in the General election, you WILL be voting for four candidates.  

Seattle School Board

District 1: I am truly disappointed in this race but both candidates, Michael Christophersen and Scott Pinkham, are moving onto the General election as they are the only two candidates.  Neither has a webpage or Facebook page and I certainly hope we get to know more about them because one will be elected.  (That is, unless there is a write-in candidate to be found.  Stranger things have happened.)

District 3: Jill Geary.  Both Lauren McGuire and Geary are bright, capable women.  But I believe Jill Geary has the outlook and critical thinking skill set that this district needs right now.   The Times endorsed McGuire and The Stranger endorsed Geary.  (I want to note that somehow Geary's endorsements did not make it into the primary literature so I want to note that she is endorsed by:
  • Washington State Democrats Progressive Caucus
  • Martin Luther King County Labor Council
  • King County Democrats
  • King County Young Democrats
  • 46th District Democrats
  • Metropolitan Democratic Club of Seattle
  • IUOE Local 609
  • Seattle School Board Director Sue Peters
  • State Representative Jessyn Ferrell
  • King County Councilmember Rod Dembowski
  • Seattle City Councilmember Mike O'Brien
  • Seattle City Councilmember Bruce Harrell
  • Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn (fmr)
  • Shoreline City Councilmember Janet Way (fmr)
District 2; Rick Burke and Laura Gramer are advancing onto the General as they are the only two in their race.  I support Burke in this race.

District 6: Leslie Harris.  I supported Marty McLaren (and indeed worked on her campaign last time) but while she is a kind, gentle soul, she has been a disappointment.  Just like Geary over McGuire, Harris over McLaren because Leslie Harris has the keen eye and skills to ask critical questions and get real answers to support students/parents/educators AND taxpayers. Her election motto says it all: Transparency, Trust, Equity.

She has been endorsed by both the Times and The Stranger.  I invite you to check her endorsements page at her website; it's long and pretty amazing.

City Council

District 1 -  Lisa Herbold (Shannon Braddock is the corporate-supported candidate, so no to that.)

District 2 -  Don't know enough to pick. Bruce Harrell is a decent guy but I would have to ask someone who lives in that district what they think.  Anyone?

District 3 - I would vote for Kshama Sawant.

District 4 (my district):  Anyone but Rob Johnson.  A nice guy but very corporate-supported.  Jean Godden is just okay so  the best picks are Michael Maddux or Tony Provine, smart people who know this district.  Abel Pacheco is too much of a wild card for me.

District 5 - Not sure in this one either but probably not Sandy Brown.  Anyone?

District 6 - As I mentioned in a previous thread, I like both Catherine Weatbrook and Mike O'Brien for their willingness to ask hard questions.  I would pick Weatbrook.

District 7 - Don't really know but I have been very unimpressed with Sally Bagshaw.

Position 8  (at-large)- Anyone BUT Tim Burgess.  That's all you really need to know.  My pick would be Jon Grant.

Position 9 (at-large) - The race with the most off-the-wall, no-way candidates in it.  I won't even mention their names (their initials are OT-G and AT)  Trust me, you don't want them on the Council.  My pick - by far - would be Bill Bradburd, a smart, feisty guy.  I think Lorena Gonzalez is bright enough but riding on Mayor Murray's coattails.  (I tried talking to her at an election event about public education and she kept looking around the room as we spoke as if she wasn't sure I was worth talking to.)


Anonymous said…
Has Burke clarified his comments about how great Special Education is going in SPS? Otherwise, he is a five-steps-backward type of candidate from my point of view.

I did ask him and he did clarify and it was my error in forgetting to put it up. Next.
No Charters said…
When pressed, Bradburg will admit to supporting certain types of charter schools. Where this fits into the HALA report is anyone's guess. Is there a third candidate in this race?
Lynn said…
How long do we wait for candidates in District One to provide information (any at all) on their plans, concerns, qualifications, etc before looking for a write-in candidate?
dan dempsey said…
A "write-in" candidate for school board in the general election may not have run in the primary. So anyone living in district 1 could enter the race for District 1 school director. Will mid August bring an additional candidate for school board?
Christina said…
I see District One candidate Michael Christophersen has filled in a Ballotpedia survey, sharing his priorities and rankings of issue importance.
Melissa Jonas said…
I support Tammy Morales in City Council District 3. www.moralesforseattle.com Mike McGinn is among the latest endorsements. Her website doesn't have a complete list (coming in fast & furious) so check out her Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/MoralesForSeattle?fref=ts

Tammy is passionate about bringing equitable investment to South Seattle. She listens, asks good questions, and thinks deeply. She has 15 years experience working in the community and moved here a few years ago with her young children knowing the challenges and rewards of our district.
Great picks for school board, Melissa. I agree with all of them. (Though note that Rick Burke is in District 2.)

My day job is at Democracy for America and we made 5 endorsements in the City Council race, and those are here: http://democracyforamerica.com/blog/907-democracy-for-america-backs-five-progressives-for-seattle-city-council I'm also on the board of the local Sierra Club and we endorsed in all 9 races, and those are here: http://www.sierraclub.org/washington/seattle-group

I live in District 6 and voted for Mike O'Brien. I also voted for John Roderick and Lorena Gonzalez in the two at-large seats.

I do think it would be a good idea to submit an education-related questionnaire to all the City Council candidates who make it through the primary. We should get all those candidates on record on the big issues, including Tim Burgess and Ed Murray's efforts to have the City take over the school district and impose unwanted "education reform" policies.
No Charters, I'll have to ask Bradburd about this because he told me that he did not support charters. Again, where did you hear/read this?

Lynn, I am looking for a write-in candidate and I have a couple of people in mind.

Robert, great suggestion about an ed-related questionnaire.
Maureen said…
Would the write in candidate have to live in District 1?
Anonymous said…
I am surprised that DFA didn't endorse Jon Grant in Position 8. What sort of experience has John Roderick had as anything other than a musician?

dw said…
Maureen said: Would the write in candidate have to live in District 1?

Ha! I see at least one direction you could be going with this. ;-)
dw said…
Oh, and you can write in anyone you want, regardless of where they live or if they're even real people.

However, to be elected, they need to reside within the district.
HP, we at DFA liked both Jon Grant and John Roderick. Hard to choose between them!
dan dempsey said…
Here is a potential question for candidates.

Question: Do we need universal pre-K ? Should the City provide it?

Is pre-K good for families? all families? some families? no families?

The endless expansion of government’s role in child-rearing, at the expense of the family, is something we ought to be concerned about.

Is rounding up toddlers into the nurseries of the all-providing, all-benevolent state good for the state and its children?

Here is some food for thought:

Toddler Technocracy states:
Only five states send even as many as two-thirds of their four-year-olds to government schools. Nine states don’t have any government pre-K at all—and have somehow managed to stave off a descent into anarchy and barbarism.

WA state sends 8% of kids to pre-K. USA average is 23%

The whole idea of pre-K, like the idea of Kindergarten before it, is (as the Germanic name suggests) a product of the technocratic European social welfare state…. Believing he could use his superior scientific understanding to improve the early development of children, Friedrich Froebel created the world’s first Kindergarten in 1837. He theorized that children would develop better if given more opportunity to socialize with peers rather than with their families and others. American admirers of the European technocratic experiment were quick to follow suit; in 1856, the first U.S. Kindergarten was founded ... in Wisconsin.

It is no coincidence that the aggressive expansion of power in the hands of government monopoly schools since the 1950s has coincided with a declining social role for families and (by extension) churches and other community groups. They’re being pushed out of their role in the formation of children, and hence displaced from the center of culture.
dan dempsey said…
Cliff Mass has his picks HERE

Anonymous said…
I think people should be patient and wait until after the primary to see what the candidates do. I have serious doubts a write-in could win. If you think so, you don't know much about elections or what really drives voters decisions. I never realized having a Facebook was a primary requirement for candidates in Seattle. I've looked over most of the candidate's online resources and they all seem fairly similar in trying not to be to radical and just playing it safe.

Christina, thanks for the link. It appears at least one district 1 candidate took the time to answer the questioner. His answers are very good. Lets see what they both do next.

Anonymous said…
Once again, I applaud you, Dan, for your insights. This time, you put to solid use the views of a free-market, libertarian think tank to argue against universal pre-K and, by extension, against public education, i.e., government schools.

You are on fire!

Reader 420
Anonymous said…
Wow, Cliff Mass said this in his endorsement of McLaren:

But Marty has achieved many things during her first term. When Jose Banta, decided to leave our district for California, she was one of the majority that voted to put Larry Nyland in place to replace him. Nyland is probably the best superintendent the district has had in decades. Competent, approachable, and deeply knowledgeable about the region and district. Some misinformed folks have attacked Marty and other board members for appointing Larry without an expensive nationwide search that would left the district in a holding pattern for at least a year. But they knew a winner when they saw one, and they (and Marty) were right.

Then there's this:
Elect Rick Burke, Lauren McGuire, and Marty McLaren and there is a good chance that the district can maintain its impressive movement with improving academics, increased enrollment, and smoother functioning district administration.

I feel like I must be living in some alternate universe. And why exactly are we supposed to listen to this guy on school board issues anyway?

Voter, we have candidates that don't have webpages or Facebook pages. You could look at the KC Dems questionnaire but even then, not everyone filled that out. What is a voter to do - use a Ouija board?

I actually think a write-in candidate could win but we'll have to see.
I read Mass' comments about Harris, McLaren and McGuire. I think he is mostly wrong. But I can say that the personality that candidates bring to their campaigns is truly a matter of comfort level. Some people don't like strongly voiced candidates. Others of us do.

In fact, in thinking of voices, let's see - McLaren, soft-spoken. Peters, ditto. Martin-Morris, ditto. Patu, ditto. Peaslee, ditto. McGuire,ditto.

I'm not saying one way is good or bad but it is interesting to note.

That very few of the people/entities that endorsed McLaren last time are endorsing her this time should tell you something.
Anonymous said…
"I actually think a write-in candidate could win but we'll have to see."

So, you are unhappy that Pinkham and Christophersen don't have web sites or FB, but you are for someone who didn't care enough to run in the first place. Strange logic in my view.

Make sure your write in candidate registers by 4:30 PM on Oct. 16th.

Anonymous said…
I cant find anything on Pinkham, but I was able to find several FB sites for christophersen

and a website christophersen4schools.com
This Web page is parked for FREE, courtesy of GoDaddy.com.

No content yet, but you can see something is going on.

There are also several blogs where there seems to be content about his election and positions.

League of Education Voters educationvoters.org - Facebook
DyslexiaSupport - WashingtonState - Facebook
Discipline that works for all: A community conversation - Facebook
South Seattle and South King Education advocates - Facebook

So I don't know if anyone even bothered to look? There are no photos, so I can't figure out if this article is the same person :http://community.seattletimes.nwsource.com/archive/?date=20040309&slug=marriage09m

I don't mind people being biased, but at least try and be honest about the facts.
I agree most likely both are waiting for the primary to see what happens.

Some people!
Voter, why I didn't run.

1) not in that district
2) my husband died in Feb. Not really ready to jump that hard into life at this point.

Some People, thanks for that because I couldn't find anything but personal Facebook pages for Pinkham and Christophensen ( and I didn't want to put those up).

Other entities blogs and Facebook pages are not a substitute for what a candidate chooses to put up about him or herself.

And the articles on Christophensen's lawsuit, I didn't think were pertinent.
Anonymous said…

Sorry for your loss.

I didn't ask why you didn't run, I asked this:

"So, you are unhappy that Pinkham and Christophersen don't have web sites or FB, but you are for someone who didn't care enough to run in the first place. Strange logic in my view."

By someone, I should have clarified I was referring to your "write in candidate".

I checked in with King County elections and there has never been a successful write in candidate that they could remember.

I find it strange that write-ins are even allowed in a non-partisan election. The original idea of write-ins was to counter party only politics and allow the rank and file to support their candidate when the party chose a non popular candidate.

That is not the case in Seattle school board elections, anyone can file without barrier in their respective district and even declare a party.

from wiki
Many U.S. states and municipalities allow for write-in votes in a partisan primary election where no candidate is listed on the ballot to have the same functional effect as nominating petitions: for example, if there are no Reform Party members on the ballot for state general assembly and a candidate receives more than 200 write-in votes when the primary election is held (or the other number of signatures that were required for ballot access), the candidate will be placed on the ballot on that ballot line for the general election. In most places, this provision is in place for non-partisan elections as well.

Aaron Schock was elected to the District 150 School Board in Peoria, Illinois in 2001 by a write-in vote, after his petitions were challenged and his name was removed from the ballot. He defeated the incumbent by over 2,000 votes, approximately 6,400 to 4,300 votes

In a May 2011 school board election for the Bentley School Board in Michigan, Lisa Osborn ran as a write-in candidate and needed just one vote to win a seat. However, she did not receive any votes, even from herself. She explained herself by saying that she was at her son's baseball game and did not have time to go to the polls.

So, while it's true that a write-in did win in 2001 in Peoria, Seattle is not Peoria and there will be over 150,000 votes cast not just 10,700. It will be interesting to see just how well your write-in candidate does. I would announce the name soon so the other two district one candidates might feel the need to wake-up.

Anonymous said…
Thanks voter for the links, they're very helpful.
I'm trying to gather information on all the candidates.

MW, did you actually read the articles in the links from voter?

I know you must be busy. but you wrote "And the articles on Christophensen's lawsuit, I didn't think were pertinent. "

I did read the information and it wasn't a "Christophersen lawsuit", it was the Microsoft Perma Temp lawsuit. A landmark case. He was just one of the class members, but he filed a brief(?) in opposition to the legal firms excessive fees.

I looked through everything posted and had to join a couple of facebook groups to read his post.

He seems like a smart guy who fights for the underdog. His ballotpedia answers were very good.

It's not clear if the SPED blog is his, but the content is great. I take it by his answers he is interested in special education and is working with the UW trying to promote evidence based approaches in serving all students, because there's a post stating he presented a proposal to the district about UWs Dr. Berninger offering to help the district in solving it's Special education problems for free.

Did you know about this? If so why don't you write about it? Does anyone support the concept? Do any of you know Dr. Berninger's work? I highly doubt she would work anyone who wasn't credible.

Anonymous said…
Sorry my mistake, it was Some people! not voter who posted the links.

Thanks Some people!

JD, I think that it is admirable that Mr. Christophersen joined a class action suit. I'm not sure how relevant it is to being a Board director.

I'm not joining any Facebook pages in order to learn about a candidate. If you are running in 2015, you make sure that voters can easily learn about you. Anyone who doesn't raises some suspicion as to why not.

I do think that Mr. Christophersen has shown himself to be a fighter but when he attacks nearly everyone around him (even people who agree with his cause if not his methods), it's hard to take him seriously. He has done that over and over at this blog.

I don't know about Dr. Berninger's work; Sped is not my area of expertise and I count on others in the know to help me with these issues.
Anonymous said…
No Charters, and Melissa, Bill Bradburd is definitely NOT a supporter of charters - we've heard that going around and have no idea who started it or why.

Bill's Wife
Anonymous said…
MW, I now see what's going on. You're having some sort of personal feud with Christopherson. I searched and found some post, not a lot, but a few with his name on them. Disclaimer; it's hard to know for a fact who actually posted. The other information I found outside of this blog doesn't support your opinion.

I do not agree with your opinion or the other negative things others have posted. I also see you write, "this is your blog so it your rules", ok have it.

You also need to understand that in 2015 search engines find your post, people do not necessarily navigate here directly, so come down off of your high horse please.

It appears from many of your post that you consider yourself a reporter, but sometimes you slide into the world of gossip and rumors. You can't have it both ways. One might say that you can dish it out, but cant take it.


Anonymous said…
My apologies, I just noticed I've been spelling Christophersen with a "son" and not the proper "sen".

Christina said…
Getting to know the candidates:

Seattle Channel has an online Video Voters Guide of candidates competing in the Primary election. Seattle School Board candidates are from District 3 and District 6.

Seattle School District candidates who've filled out Ballotpedia questionnaires, in alphabetical order: David Blomstrom (District 3), Michael Christophersen (District 1), Stephen Clayton (District 3).

Oh yeah, and even though I am disenfranchised and will not participate in the Primary nor the General Election, I do know of Dr. Berninger, have attended one of her presentations in a Seattle SPED meeting, had an email conversation with her earlier this year, and I'll probably meet her in September.

King County Young Democrats Endorsements: Scott Pinkham (District 1), Rick Burke (District 2), Jill Geary (District 3), Leslie Harris (District 6).
I have never met Christophersen. I have no personal feud with him other than him coming here and putting down nearly every person who tried to interact with him.

I am a citizen reporter and I am always pretty clear what is reporting and what is editorializing. If you believe I'm on a "high horse" you can certainly not read the blog.
dan dempsey said…
Reader 420...

I posted the Question on city pre-K funding as I thought it good to get candidates positions on it.

The reference material I posted was to elicit thought. Really there is no need for a personal attack on me. I have not even finalized a position.
Anonymous said…

Then as a reporter what proof do you have to back up your claims of "other than him coming here and putting down nearly every person who tried to interact with him".

I looked around your blog and I see lots of post from "anonymous" and many of those are of the "putting down type" are they all from him? Personally I can't tell who is who.

No, I think there is something else, some other reason.

One thing I picked up on was you don't like to be challenged and have around 30 times written that this is your blog and your rules. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but I just need to point out that your reporting style is questionable and in some ways sometimes defamatory and slanderous.

Yes, I do see how you interweave your stylistic italicized commentary with copied text which is sometimes hard for me to pick up on when MW the reported stops and MW the editorial commentator starts.

Maybe to would be better to stick to the facts and add in the editorial portion with clear delineation at the end.

Anyway, thanks for the interaction, maybe I come back after the election.

Lynn said…
I think Michael's a nut. He comes to this blog periodically to post incomprehensible hints about special education. He's always just on the verge of taking down the system.

In one week last year he posted the following comments. (And no, I can't prove it was him but I believe it to be true.)

The real SPED issue is a small group of parents have hijacked SPED and caused 80% of the funding to be spent on their cohorts that's around 7% of the SPED student population consuming 80% of the funding.

Sorry not to be PC, but many of these "students" are simply being baby sat at public expense.

Diaper changing and restraining students should be be happening in schools. I just think it's gone to far and we need to stop it.


also: If it takes as you put it " malign and pit parents who have children with other disabilities against one another" to get SLD students the help they need, then that's exactly what I will do!

But pointing out the $80 million the district spends on pervasive issues is not pitting parents against each other, it's seeking equnmiity.


and: Before I started down the path I'm on, I believed in the public school system and if anyone would mention "charter schools" I would argue on the side of public education.

I won't even go into the blog he set up that creepily copies this one in name and appearance.
No Charters said…
Individuals need to ask Bradburd if he is working with Dawn Mason. Bradburd supports charter schools such as First Place. He might get a bit wiggly, but he will admit to it.

JD, I don't know if you are new here but many of us who read regularly know people and their answer/writing style. Mr. Christophersen did not have the courage of his convictions to sign his name but it was quite clear (to those who have met him personally via Sped meetings) who he was.

Anonymous said…
Lynn, Many people say the same about you. Nuts!

I see nothing wrong with any of those post? It's a hard road taking on the entrenched status qua in a system that's breeds inequality. Yes, maybe a little strong, but right on target. Hey, at least it's clear what his agenda is. The rest of the field, we can only guess.

Oh, you do know that these blogs have selectable layouts, this one is very common and besides isn't imitation the best form of flattery...no?

SPED parent
Maureen said…
I have no argument with Mr. Christophersen (or Mr. Pinkham) running for School Board, but if they want to be taken seriously, they should create a public presence. In this day and age, that means a web site and a Facebook page. If they don't have the where with all (or support) to do that, I don't see how they will be able to function in the job.
Dubious said…
I'm beginning to suspect JD and SPED parent are Michael. Remember he is running an "alternative" campaign.
Anonymous said…
I don't think is Michael, the writing style doesn't match and homophones are correct.

Anonymous said…
Hey, I looked at both the blogs and they look nothing alike, what is "Lynn" talking about? Choice of colors or the title. The blogs they're spedseattleschools and saveseattleschools. Is there another blog she's commenting about? Please explain.

Is the goodfight Christopherson? because I seen no evidence of that.

Who is Lynn?

MW knocks post she says are from Christopherson for not being signed, but this "Lynn" person gets a free pass for her anonymous attack. I see hundreds of unsigned post and even signed post using fake names, whats the problem?

Consistency please
Yes, the Sped Seattle Schools chose the exact same layout as mine on Blogger. I don't think that was just someone liking the same format (there are many to choose from). I think it was deliberate but make no mistake - there is zero linkage.

I know who Lynn is and that's her real name. I always have to smile at people who don't sign their names and complain about others...not signing their names.

If there are readers who believe Mr. Christophersen is such a great choice, why not have the courage of your convictions and sign your name?
Anonymous said…
Your blog and that blog look completely different...are you becoming paranoid?

I don't understand why you're so concerned. If you don't like a comment, then delete it. Why go on and on about it?

Consistency please
Christina said…
District 5 - Not sure in this one either but probably not Sandy Brown. Anyone?

District 5: Our household went with Halei Watkins for the primary election. Sandy Brown and Debora Juarez are very well-funded and will probably make the general election in August. There's much overlap in the issues and priorities of many District 5 candidates. Ms. Watkins hasn't been a resident for very long, but a rapidly growing city will naturally have people new to the area, and those people'll have a basis of comparison and a fresher set of eyes on our city's growing pains. For a newcomer, she's accumulated some key endorsements.

It's our household's hope that the City Councilmember and School Board director representing our area will be able to give Superintendent Nyland directions on-time to Hazel Wolf's fall 2016 location for its grand opening.
Anonymous said…
Right! Linking JD, SPED Parent, Good fight, and Michael. Seriously... Berninger???? I never heard of her either. Leave it to Michael to carp about his pet project, collaboration with a certain person in a certain University for his small slice of the pie. There are simply too many disabilities, and too many latest "evidence based" fads, for this to ever happen in SPS. The good news is that all these personas still add up to only 1 vote.

Pervasively Yours
Anonymous said…
Why is one district 5 candidate so heavily funded by casino money?

Voting Brown
Anonymous said…
Juarez is Native American hence the casino money. I don't trust Brown to keep city control out of SPS. I also don't trust him in regards to charter schools. I voted for Watkins in the primary and will vote for her again in the main election if she makes it through the primary. Juarez would have been my second choice given her Stranger endorsement.

Anonymous said…
District 5 City Council -Sorry but I can't vote for Brown, his endorsements include many ed reformers and charter school advocates -Nick Hanauer, Lisa MacFarlane and more. He may be very well qualified but I am a bit suspicious of a candidate with endorsements that read like a who's who of Seattle politics and did not see one of my neighbors on his list. My vote will either go to Juarez or Lethin both have lived in the area for a long time and are knowledgeable about the issues of District 5 which is huge.

Longtime Lurker
mirmac1 said…
"... a who's who of Seattle politics"

Quite correct that Brown's list reads like the Seattle oligarchy. For those of you who, like me, want to make sure we use the term correctly, an oligarch means essentially: "a person who belongs to a small group of people who govern or control a country, business (or city)"

Google Matt Griffin or Nick Hanuaer. These guys figure they know what's best for the rest of us. T
Anonymous said…
Still voting Brown, by far the best choice to get things done north of 85th. That's unless you want a Casino built! I don't know who those guys are, but if they're going to clean-up the North-end then more power to them. It's business development that transforms a community and Brown looks well connected plus says he understands that's what's needed north of 85th.

mirmac1 said…
I'm sure Griffin, Hanuaer and friends are just itching for sidewalks in north Seattle. Ask them.
Anonymous said…
Brown has been endorsed by many progressive organizations, plus has experience as a school board member. Lethin is an also-ran who has huge dollars coming in independent expenditures from the National Assoc of Realtors in Chicago. Juarez has lived in Seattle a long time but has never been involved in local issues and seems to have one issues -- Native American well-being. Watkins is extremely young and untested in politics plus has more outside money plugging for her. I voted for Brown on Day One of balloting and my choice looks better every day.

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