King County is the Whitest "Big"County in the Country

This fact is reported by the Seattle Times.  I note that this is for the county and not the city but it's a trend to note.

What might this mean - if anything - for public education.


Anonymous said…
From Seattle Times: King County is the whitest of the nation’s 20 most-populous counties [bold added]." This does not mean it is the whitest county in the country.

Anonymous said…
Good job Nitpicker in reading the not so fine print.

King County is certainly not even the whitest county in WA State.

-- Dan Dempsey

Anonymous said…
Thanks for the clarification, nitpicker. I knew there was no way the post could be correct given how white the counties in Utah are.

Yes, you would need to go read the article in the Times. Sometimes I do wonder why I bother.
seattle citizen said…
Yes, Melissa, I got that. The whitest "big" county, and of course that means big in population, not some tiny county in Wyoming.....
I got the gist immediately. Don't feed the trolls. You bother because you know we appreciate you.
Anonymous said…
"whitest big county", high-five.

Anonymous said…
I don't give the Times any more traffic than I have to. They just suck too much to deserve an increase in web traffic, even if they are the only "newspaper" left in Seattle.

Anonymous said…

On many issues The Stranger is the superior Seattle newspaper.

-- Dan Dempsey
Anonymous said…
Totally agree, Dan!
Though even they have gone downhill with the departure of many good writers.


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