Uh oh, testing in Tennessee came to a crashing halt yesterday, after the state spend $108M for on-line testing. From Diane Ravitch via Nashville NPR : The state commissioner, a huge fan of Common Core, blamed the vendor. She told schools to go back to the “worst case scenario,” that is, pencil and paper testing. The worry is that their computer system for testing cannot "perform consistently." This comes on the heels of the story that students who took PARCC tests on paper did better than those who did on a computer so see, maybe a silver linings. Hilarious comment from those involved: "It is true that this [pattern exists] on average, but that doesn't mean it occurred in every state, school, and district on every one of the tests," Jeffrey Nellhaus, PARCC's chief of assessment, said in an interview. Hmmm, maybe this guy doesn't realize how the pattern got there "on average." Someday, all of Common Core may be the silver linings...