Hale Had a Lockdown Today

From Principal Jill Hudson at about 10:45 am today.

This sounds quite scary with the suspect coming into Hale's building. Most burglars are not the violent types but I'm glad the schools did the absolute right thing to protect students.

Dear Nathan Hale families,

This morning Seattle Police reported pursing several home break-in suspects in the local area. One of the suspects ran into our building. Both Nathan Hale and Jane Addams Middle School were placed into lockdown status and police apprehended the suspect on our campus within minutes. Police continue to look for the two other suspects and the lockdown for the two schools was lifted. Nathan Hale was in lock down for approximately 32 minutes.

Please know that we take safety in our buildings very seriously; the well-being of our students is our top concern. I am proud of how our students and staff responded to this incident. District procedures were followed and the situation was resolved quickly and safely.

We will continue to investigate to assure you that we are committed to doing everything we can to keep our students safe at school. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to speak with families and guardians directly.


Jill Hudson, Ed.D., Principal


Anonymous said…
The suspect arrested has been reported to be a student by several people but I haven't seen any official word to confirm that.

SPS parent said…
I just want to give kudos to the principal. She is informative and reassuring. It is refreshing to have that kind of information out so quickly.
Sharon said…
The suspect was a Nathan Hale student.

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