Ballard Meeting with Flip Herndon

I was unable to attend but I thought I'd throw up an open thread on high school issues.

Link to discussion at APP website:


Benjamin Leis said…
I did end up attending the meeting after all. Beyond what I wrote up there were definitely two big issues for High School in the next year.

1. Bell Time shift adjustments.
2. The new 24 Credit requirement.

The first issue was more about rearranging after school activities like sports. District support like additional lights for practicing on darker sports fields would help but I don't see that coming. There were also some implications for free breakfast and general scheduling.

The second, however, is a state mandate and its clear the district is still trying desperately to avoid adding a 7th period. Personally, I think that's the best solution in this case despite all the cascading consequences.

Lynn said…
I've been trying to follow the 24 credit graduation requirement task force to see what's coming. Unfortunately, when the staff member facilitating their meetings left the district they either stopped meeting or stopped keeping minutes of their meetings. A recommendation on scheduling is due to Michael Tolley at the end of this month. I predict they'll add an optional zero period for students who need to make up credits. Who knows how they'll pay for it. Maybe Title I funds?
Yes, this state-mandate of 24-credits without McCleary dollars is troubling. I think districts should refuse until the money comes. What exactly can the state do if districts don't comply?

This is a huge lift and I know both staff and Board directors are very worried about its implementation.
Matt said…
I went to the meeting as a parent with kids at Loyal Heights and Whitman to learn whatever I could about boundary changes. The key points I noted were:
- Ballard capacity is 1600 students, enrollment is currently just over 1700.
- SPS's 5-year enrollment plan projects 2000 more students in the current Ballard attendance area.
- New levy includes funds to add 500 seats at Ingraham.
- New levy includes funds to re-open Lincoln High with 1600 seats in 2019. It is being used as a temporary school site through the 2018/2019 school year, so SPS doesn't want to open it before then
- 500 seats at Ingraham + 1600 seats at Lincoln are expected to cover the overage of 2000 at Ballard.
- Public meetings to discuss the boundary change meetings will commence in about a year.
- The district claims they will try to grandfather students into their current school, but may need to move students, even as late as senior year.

All of the above is implied by the current SPS Enrollment Plan, but it was helpful to have it spelled out. The Q&A was mostly useless--the few meaty questions about how the process of setting boundaries and transitioning between schools would occur were met with equivocation.
Anonymous said…
Matt-- I would not assume that the 500 seats at Ingraham will cover the overage of general ed students at Ballard. I have also heard the extra seats will be needed for the explosion of HCC program middle school level kids who will be entering high school. According to 2015-2020 school enrollment projections, Garfield and Ingraham will not be able to house all the HCC and general ed kids in their current boundaries.
Anonymous said…
Is Lincoln being used in the 2017-2018 school year? Licton Springs and Cascadia will leave in June 2017. Is someone else moving in I am not aware of? Is there any way the timeline could be moved around, I wonder? I know a lot of elementary schools have been waiting a long time for remodels, but- high school is a pretty big capacity crisis, and I think we would all agree it is higher stakes. Is the work on Lincoln able to be done in 1 year, or does it need 2? It seems like 2018-2019 is the year that is the least workable, though 2017 does not exactly look like cake either.

Anonymous said…
PS I know zero people in the northend considering sending their kids to Garfield for APP next year(these are the 8th graders who got pulled from Hamilton last year). Not because they don't love it- they do, and would rather send their kids there given the choice. But they assume they will be pulled out if they go. I wonder how that will affect things, if it will at all. It seems like more people are choosing Roosevelt, which Roosevelt can't take either.

Matt said…
Anon- I'm not assuming anything, I'm just reporting what Flip said. Personally, I think it would be foolish to treat anything SPS says with anything other than skepticism.

Sleeper- Flip didn't say who was using Lincoln in 2017-2018, just that it was going to be in use.

Anonymous said…
Ballard enrollment is 1659 (P223) with 1697 as total. Close to 1700 but not over.

Po3 said…
Time to consider IBx at RBHS?
Matt said…
Anonymous- The Ballard PTA claimed enrollment is north of 1700 last night (I don't remember the exact number, something like 1710). The SPS enrollment plan shows 1705:
Anonymous said…
If Lincoln's meant to deal with enrollment overages at Ballard and Ingraham, Did Herndon say which building will deal with enrollment overages at Roosevelt, Hale and Garfield? Because Sealth, Franklin and WSHS are pretty much full, and while RBHS has space, it doesn't have THAT much space.

Also, does anyone know the answer to this: Didn't the LAST capital levy provide the money for Lincoln?

Discovering Math
Matt said…
Anonymous- People were mostly focused on Ballard at the meeting, so there weren't any specifics on Roosevelt/Hale/Garfield. Flip did say that they were looking at additional sites for a new high school, and mentioned a few possibilities that I didn't write down.

I'm probably wrong about the new levy covering Lincoln. Looking at my notes, I didn't write that down, just that the new levy covers adding 500 seats at Ingraham. So you could be correct that it was paid for by a previous levy.
Anonymous said…
I also took notes at the meeting last night and have a couple things to add:

*Correct, Lincoln remodel funds are not part of the new levy.
*Lincoln construction/remodel starts the summer of 2017, as soon as Lincoln and Licton Springs move out. It will be closed for two years and open in 2019 as Lincoln High School. Flip said that is the absolute tightest timeframe for the remodel.
*I believe the 2000 more students by 2020 was for the entire city -- not just Ballard. And by 2025 there would be 4000 more.
*Lincoln will take pressure off of Garfield, Roosevelt and Ballard. Which in turn will take pressure off Ingraham and Hale.
*They are also looking to add HS space as close to QA as they can find it.

good fit
Discovering Math, Lincoln is on BEX IV and with this notation (can't find the exact amount but I think it's like $20M:)

"Lincoln High School – Opens 2019"

To note, as SPS' Joe Wolf has noted, the district would like to build a high school downtown at Memorial Stadium. They have the land and it certainly would take the pressure off Garfield/Ballard. But that's BEX V and that's a long way off.
Lynn said…
The Superintendent visited both Madrona and Washington Middle School last week. Here are some comments from his Friday Memo to the board:

On WMS: What are some of their needs? A middle school alternative school and a middle math text.

On Madrona: Madrona is a K-8 in a unique older building with elementary on one side, middle on the other. And no connection between them except for the gym itself and a narrow second floor hallway.

I wonder if they are planning a middle school alternative program at Madrona. (Though the plan at one point was for a middle school program at NOVA.)

Superintendent Nyland also visited Garfield's PTSA meeting where he shared that Garfield is not expected to house 100s more students. Several efforts are underway that should limit the upward enrollment. Lincoln will be reopening. A new HCC pathway will likely open..

Garfield is expected to be almost 700 students over capacity the year before Lincoln reopens. Where is this new pathway and when will it open?
Anonymous said…
Melissa, at the meeting last night someone asked about a school at Memorial Stadium. Flip indicated that it is the closest property to QA that they have at the moment, but it comes with problems. There is a covenant with the city that it must be used for High School athletics. And the city wants it back.

good fit
Anonymous said…
Lynn, re: "A new HCC pathway will likely open," I wonder if he was referring to the 500 seats added to Ingraham if the levy passes? That's going to be well beyond 2018 though.

good fit
Wallingford mom said…
I simply do not understand how yanking 10th, 11th and 12th graders from one high school to another makes any sense. What about kids who have committed to an IB diploma? Or those who have committed to the language immersion/international pathway since elementary school with the promise of a K-12 pathway (and on the practical front, guaranteed access to Ingraham)?

High school is high stakes.

Did Herndon indicate if/when the district/he will be meeting with school communities in the actual Lincoln High area--those most likely to be impacted by its opening?
Anonymous said…
@ wallingford mom, yes, he indicated boundary discussions would begin in earnest 12-18 months ahead of any change. His target is January 2017.

good fit
Good Fit, I think Herdon is mistaken. I did the research and that covenant is NOT with the City. And it does not have to be used just for athletics (I'll go back and look but I think it is for public education, not just sports.) Also, as Joe Wolk showed us previously, a high school in Newark put the field on the roof and it turned out great. You maximize the space you have.

I find those statements very odd. The district had Memorial Stadium before there was a Seattle Center. Thanks for letting me know because now my radar is up. There had better not be any exchange of ANY land without through vetting.
Anonymous said…
Lynn-- As previous poster Po3 mentioned, I wonder if an IBX pathway will be added to RBHS.
Anonymous said…
IBX at RBHS would make the most sense.

I thought that Memorial Stadium was an actual memorial to WWI vets. Are they just waiting for them to die off so they can do something else with the property? There are a lot of schools that use the stadium for their home games: Roosevelt, Ballard, Franklin, Cleveland, Garfield. Where will these games go?

There has been a suggestion to use Raider Field for Roosevelt also. Perhaps Ingraham can share with Ballard.

HP, Memorial Stadium IS an actual memorial to WWII soldiers who attended Seattle high schools.

Yes, at all costs the district needs the stadium but the previous talk between the district and the City was to swap some land, leaving the stadium to the district but with City access for other events. The district was to get some land in trade. This was several years back and I was told that plan was defunct. Hmm.

Lynn said…
I don't think IBX at RBHS makes much sense. IB is already there - and available to anyone who wants it. If access to Garfield were cut off, most students would choose their (overcrowded) neighborhood schools over RBHS.
Anonymous said…
I find this all fascinating because I myself attended a new high school - I think it's called a "roll" up, yes? We started with freshmen and sophomores. Of course some sophs didn't want to leave their school, so it was optional for them. Oh, to have that space.

Anyway, here's what I'm seeing - many of the kids brought over will be HCC kids, which actually is pretty inconvenient because they'll have been established in their various programs, IB and AP and the like. But the entire school isn't HCC, correct? So what about this:

If you're rezoned into Lincoln, you have to go, if you're an incoming freshman. Maybe also if you're a sophomore. If you're a junior or senior, and already entrenched in your school, it's optional.


Maybe kids who aren't HCC, and aren't particularly attached to their current school, would like to take advantage of the new facilities. So if you're a junior or senior, attending an overcrowded school (maybe specific key schools, although at this point that's, like, all of them) you can attend Lincoln if there's an open space created by a person who doesn't want to leave their IB program (or band, or whatever).

It'd be messy, but it'd fill the seats I bet, it'd get more happy families, and honestly it's no less crazy to me than the whole HCC/option schools/waitlist thing to begin with. But then again I'm just a

-New Mom
Anonymous said…
Assuming the new levy passes, does anyone know the proposed timeline for opening 500 seats to Ingraham?
Po3 said…
One thing that bugs me is how HCC students get to pick and choose high school. They can go to GHS, IHS or their assigned school. Once at IHS, they can choose IB or IBx.
This is something I would like see ended in this whole re-mapping.

With so many HCC middle schools in place now the whole "cohort" argument seems dated. And with three IB schools, AP classes in all high school and Running Start I really don't see why they should get such special consideration, especially when I see comments like, "HCC students would "choose" their attendance school if access was cut off from GHS." Sure would be nice to have that option...

OK, flame away... LOL
Anonymous said…
Here is a breakdown of BEXIV and BTAIV levy funding for Lincoln and Ingraham, from what I've been able to dig out from the SPS website).

BEXIV (to "open" Lincoln as a HS):$19.2M
BTAIV (systems and repairs): $65.3M
BTAIV (lower Woodland Pk fields): $2.1M
BTAIV (lower Woodland Pk lights): $.75M
Total: $87.35M

BTAIV (capacity - 500 seats): $28.3M
BTAIV (systems and repairs): $2.1M
BTAIV (fields): $.5M
Total: $30.9M

Ingraham is funded for seismic repairs, and both Ingraham and Lincoln are funded for wireless upgrades from BEXIV, but I couldn't find the dollar amount.

-North-end Mom
Anonymous said…
Po3, not a flame, I think the main reason for the HCC pathway is those students don't currently fit in their neghborhood high schools. The district relies on them to go elsewhere. A massive boundary redraw AND additional school buildings would be needed.

good fit
Anonymous said…
Oh, Po3, I think that is such a human emotion, and one that I hope the district ignores. You are certainly not alone, and this sort of thing plays out all over the city all the time.

But in context, we have a capacity problem. There are way too many kids, even with boundaries shrunk so that the schools are no longer in them, at many schools in the NE. If all the kids who has a right to go to Roosevelt suddenly went to Roosevelt, I think we would need to go to split shifts today. I don't know what Ballard is like, but if the same pattern serves as did with elementary school crowding first in the NE and then the NW, it is probably not far behind. Having this capacity problem (which would mean no decent education for every single one of those kids), we have two options. We need to either take away or make people give up the right to go to their neighborhood schools. The kids you are frustrated with having a choice have as much right to their seat in a neighborhood school as any other kid, and for the sake of all the kids who are going there, we need them not to take it. We can pull some kids out, by redistricting, by making grade level "academies," or by forcing kids to another school some other way. We are already hearing people worrying about this happening with Lincoln, and I remember quite a lot of outcry from the 6th and 7th graders reassigned to JAMS. I don't know if you were around for Jane Addams k-8 when it opened, to help deal with north end capacity(esp elementary), but the first year was a disaster. Anyone who could move moved. It did not help capacity nearly as much as it was supposed to, because people worked extra hard to leave, to go to overcrowded schools elsewhere. People left midyear for private school. Most of those kids left within a year or two. The next year, however, it was a school people opted IN to, and those families, having chosen the model and the school, were able to build a highly successful school, now with waitlists at every grade.

Which brings me to my point- to successfully alleviate capacity, you can't push families out. You have to entice families away. We can't just right size Roosevelt- there are too many kids already there, and more every year. People will try to find ways to weasel back in, and the new schools you force them to will suffer as well. In order to get people to give up their right to go to their neighborhood school, and build successful communities in time to educate the first few classes, people need to be able to opt in to wherever has space. This is why IHS is a choice- Garfield needs people to choose to leave, having been overburdened with kids that Roosevelt needed to leave. You can do this with an HCC program, or IB, or something else. HCC, though lots of people think it is "special," is free, so it's a good one for our cash strapped district to add. And HCC is a nice movable block, a fact the district has taken pretty ridiculous liberties with.

I get it that it seems unfair that some people have choice. The other option is to unfairly harm kids by forcing them out of schools. I think it's worth considering that perhaps it is better to have a little extra "good" in our system than extra "bad." I actually hope with all the new buildings the possibility of choice comes back. Seems unlikely, but it would certainly be good for the whole system.

Anonymous said…
Po3, not a flame either. Ingraham's IB/IBx program is quite different from the AP classes at Garfield. The IBx option was started - and is being enhanced - precisely to draw HCC students away from going to Garfield since Garfield is overcrowded and Ingraham was under-enrolled.

Yes, HCC students have the option to stay at their attendance area school, just like any other student. But the schools near many of the HCC students are seriously over-crowded and the district needs the HCC students to put out extra effort and travel farther away to go to other schools.

HCC students have more choices, but they (and their families) usually have to put out a lot more effort to get an appropriate education.

Anonymous said…
Po3- Funny, the parents I speak with express alot of anxiety over the fact that the HCC program has gotten moved, split and generally has a lack of predictability. How lucky that general ed kids can be served with the classes they need at their "neighborhood school" and don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn to catch a bus to go to a far away high school. In addition, neighborhood schools do not offer the academic program tracks HCC students need. These kids have been accelerated and need lots of AP classes and/or an accelerated IBX track. Garfield offers more AP classes & sections due to a critical mass of kids, which make scheduling much easier than a neighborhood school that offer less AP classes. AND neighborhood high schools are already at capacity with general ed neighborhood kids.
Jet City mom said…
I can't tell if the above post is being facetious?
Of course students dont need to take an AP class to take the test.
In any case, if you are worried about college entrance, colleges do not expect students to take courses their school doesnt offer.
For that matter, one of my kids took no AP/IB courses or tests, was accepted to all her choices and graduated from one of the top schools in the country for same price as an instate college.
Additionally, some of the AP courses are much less rigourous than others, and some general ed courses much more so.
#s of students taking AP exams has limited value in school evaluation when you are looking at the long view.
Anonymous said…
Ditto what 4:32pm said. You need a critical mass of students to provide enough advanced level courses to meet the needs of many of these students. Sure, some would do fine if forced to their neighborhood schools, but for many others the neighborhood school is not really a "choice" at all--because the local school can't meet their needs. im not sure why forcing these kids to repeat material or do their education offsite seems like the more "fair" option to some...

Anonymous said…
Does anyone know if all HCC is leaving Hamilton, or will a smaller HCC stay behind after next year? Thank you,

Mag mom
TechyMom said…
Community colleges are pretty full too. There is not unlimited space for running start students.
Anonymous said…
In the push for more advanced courses we overlook the opportunity to offer broader possibilities. Computer science, philosophy, economics, speech, music theory, a third language, journalism, logic, astronomy. Those classes don't need to be advanced to be new material for HCC students and they could include gen ed students. It is why my kid chose IBx, to make room for electives senior year, to discover other interests and talents.

-IHS parent
Anonymous said…
@ IHS parent, I agree to some extent. But the issue my HC kid had was that intro classes in many of those "breadth" areas were just way too basic and boring and slow. Most classes designed for a gen ed audience won't be appropriate for a highly gifted kid. Just because something is "new material" does not necessarily make it interesting or challenging.

Jet City mom said…
High school is good prep for future learning imo.
If the subject is interesting, students can work with the instructor and outside resources to delve more fully into the topic.
Good preparation for post high school learning, to become more self directed.

The instructors are more important, than the name of the course.
Lynn said…
It's awesome to delve more fully into a topic. Not so awesome if first you have to slog through the basics at a very slow pace.
Po3 said…
HCC students don't solve capacity issues at any high school. You can return HCC students to their attendance area school, which would free up seats at GHS and then overcrowd other high schools. But those newly opened seats at GHS are then backfilled by waitlist students, who then leave their attendance area school to attend GHS, resulting in about the same number of students at all schools, which are all still overcrowded. Using HCC students to "take pressure off" is a result of the district's bad habit of using HCC students to right size 1-5 and 6-8 schools, which when that happens there is outcry by parents.

At RHS and BHS 5% of the student population are HCC qualified and are apparently getting their needs met, otherwise they would not be at the school. So this means that if you increased the HCC population to 10-15%, the result would be the same, their needs would be met.

I am not seeing the argument to maintain the option for HCC students to get to select one of three options for high school.

And as far as IBx, haven't heard great things about what is happening for 12th grade when they have finished the program and high school. All those promised internships haven't materialized. Makes me wonder if that is a program that needs to continue.
Lynn said…
You're not getting it. If you remove the highly capable students from Garfield and Ingraham who don't live in those attendance areas, there will not be a waitlist to backfill those seats. The result would be more crowding at Ballard and Roosevelt and Nathan Hale. If that seems manageable to you, think about the tsunami of north end middle school students coming up and how they will affect your high schools if there is no ability to push a bunch of them south of the ship canal.

As for highly capable students attending their neighborhood schools, are you assuming that all highly capable students are interchangeable? 29 freshmen believed their needs would be met at Ballard and another 47 did not. Maybe the 47 who are not at Ballard were wrong, but I don't see that you have any information to base your opinion on.

Ingraham will continue to offer IBX as an option (mainly for kids who want to graduate early) but they are also creating a pathway for HC students to do the traditional IB. They're creating some new 10th grade classes - because guess what - they did not have four years worth of appropriate classes for kids who've been in the HCC.
Anonymous said…
Po3, your logic is off.

First of all, just because 5% of the student population at a particular neighborhood high school is HC-qualified does not necessarily mean they are getting their academic needs met. They might have thought they would get their needs met when they chose it, or they may have other specific needs that they determined were more important than academics.

But more importantly, you are talking about kids who chose that school because, for whatever reasons, they thought it would meet their needs. What about all the others who did NOT choose that school, because they determined it would NOT meet their academic needs? Saying that if a non-HC high school works for some HC kids it must work for all is just silly, and shows no understanding of HC students.

If every high school had the resources and was committed to providing a full range of advanced courses, I'd agree with you that HC students didn't need additional options. But until that day, HC students need options. Because in many cases, the local high school really isn't a viable option at all. The HC pathway schools may be the only good option for these students--which is why the great majority of them choose an HC pathway school. Do you seriously want kids who are already bored in HCC to have to go to their neighborhood high school, which will likely make them retake classes? (Hale, for example, apparently makes HCC kids retake 2 years of science). How exactly is that more fair or equitable?

Anonymous said…
This year there were 1990 students in the Roosevelt attendance zone. Roosevelt has a capacity of 1700. There were 1915 in the Ballard zone, which has a capacity of 1600. 300 over per school. Same deal with Franklin, honestly (1900, capacity 1300), which sends more kids to Garfield than either of those school. There were 1579 in the Garfield zone, which has a capacity of 1600. No, Roosevelt/Ballard and Garfield are not in the same position, and can't just be "swapped." They are both currently equally full, with the exporting of 20% of Roosevelt and Ballard kids. Kids need to be shipped out of there. This is how we can do it. We are also using Ingraham, because, yes, Garfield is now full.

Anonymous said…
There are lots of new parents in the district who are committed to fairness in a more systematic way, as evidenced by Soup for Teachers. They are looking at solutions that are "outside the box" and address not only the needs of their child, but benefit all students. They don't write off students in poverty as "born to be behind my child" and other messages that are often set forth on this blog.

Gandhi: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

This "me first" attitude is now in the "they fight you" stage.

--almost time

Anonymous said…
Are any committees or other groups working on BEX V in advance? More specifically - for those of us interested in the QA/Magnolia high school problem, any advice on who/how at a staff/board level we should be engaging with now?

Across capacity planning, I'd love to see more discussion on longer-term planning at a public discussion level. I've been reading all of the board agendas as well as committee agendas recently, and I never see mention of longer-term planning being done around capacity other than items already in progress.

- QA Parent
Anonymous said…
From the SPD Blotter, there is this discouraging report of a 16 year-old suspect being arrested at Ballard High School related to the recent armed robbery at Durn Good Grocery in Wallingford. A Queen Anne teen was also arrested.

" They are looking at solutions that are "outside the box" and address not only the needs of their child, but benefit all students."

Somehow my comment didn't come thru. In my experience, there are very few parents who are there only for their child. I'll just say that ANY parent who cares about their child is better (from a public education perspective) than one who doesn't/can't.

My experience is that most people care very deeply about their child's school and work very hard especially in elementary (which can be a problem because they burn out after 6 years and yes, middle and high schools still need parents.)

And, to my enduring happiness, there has always been a solid core of parents will to stand up for all kids. But some parents don't know what's going on elsewhere and so before we say people don't care, it may be that they don't know. That's what this blog is for.

QA Party, there is work being done for BEX V but only thru district staff. Again, FACMAC could be working on this but that group is gone. What would be great is if PTA/Soup for Teachers joined forces, created a committee and worked with staff to get data in order to advocate for capacity planning.

I have often told staff and board members that the people on the ground at schools - parents, students, teachers and staff - often understand much better the needs for their school and region.
Anonymous said…
This was sent to Whitman families but it applies to many others.

In September of 2017, a new middle school will open in the NW Region.

Robert Eagle Staff Middle School will serve students from Greenwood, Olympic View, Northgate, Broadview-Thomson, Daniel Bagley, and Cascadia schools.

Meetings to discuss the hiring of the planning principal for this new middle school will be held at four sites. Parents of current 4th and 5th grade students are invited to attend to hear more about the hiring process and the planning that the new principal will lead during 2016-2017 to ensure a successful launch of the new school.

Parents of 6th grade middle school students at Whitman and 6th grade HCC students at Hamilton, whose reference school is one of the schools named above, are also invited to attend.

Meetings are scheduled on the following dates and times:
•February 17th at Bagley Elementary (6:30PM - 7:30PM)
•February 18th at Northgate Elementary (7 PM to 8 PM)
•February 24th at Greenwood Elementary (7PM to 8PM)
•February 25th at Cascadia Elementary Auditorium (6:30 PM to 7:30 PM)
All meetings will take place in the lunchroom unless otherwise noted at the school site. Spanish language services will be provided at Northgate and Greenwood.

Learn more about the new school on the Seattle Public Schools' Building Excellence Program website.

Northend mom
Anonymous said…
Meaning HCC students in the Greenwood, Olympic View, Northgate, Broadview-Thomson, and Daniel Bagley reference areas should expect a geo-split/assignment to RESMS (is that really going to be the acronym?) in 2017? What about Viewlands? This year's 6th graders could be moved for their 8th grade year, and this year's 5th graders could be moved after 1 year of MS, just like the opening of JAMS. I guess we knew it was on the horizon...

(Thanks for the info, Northend mom)

Parent, good catch on that acronym - not great.
Anonymous said…
I noticed there was reference in the Flip talk about using '70s era boundary maps. Are these maps available somewhere on-line? I have been searching around and can't find anything.


Anonymous said…
This is just anecdotal from the seventies, but when I was growing up on North Capital Hill lots of my friends older brothers and sisters went to Lincoln. By the time I was in high school we were all going to Garfield. Even though it is across the ship canal, Lincoln is actually closer than Garfield to much of Capital Hill. Not to mention Queen Anne being close to Lincoln as well.


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