Friday Open Thread

Will you look at that - a school district voted to opt out of all statewide standardized tests.  This was in Lee County in Fort Myers, Florida.

The Chicago Teachers Union is staging a one-day strike over funding issues from the state.  Has a familiar ring to it, that wish for fully-funded schools.

 Great ad from New Zealand on checking your phone in your car. Show your teens.

The great former Supreme Court justice, Sandra Day O'Connor, has a civics project - iCivics - and they have a game, Win the White House, that looks like fun for the kids.

According to The Stranger, there will be hedgehogs at UW's Red Square today from 2-5 pm for viewing (and maybe petting.)

Story from KPLU on SPS and before-and-after school childcare.

The Governor has scheduled two times today to sign a slew of bills into law. One is at 1:30 at an elementary school in Tacoma for just one bill in support of homeless students and one is at 2:45 pm in his own conference room for about 20 bills.  The charter school bill is not named for either time.  I'd like to think the Governor would have more courage than to wait until the end of the day on a Friday to announce his decision but we can only wait and see.

There's another Mayor's conversation on Education tomorrow, Saturday the 2nd, with Soup for Teachers and City Councilman Rob Johnson as hosts at the University Temple United Methodist Church from noon to 2 pm., 1415 NE 43rd St.   City Survey.

Congrats to both Washington's Paramount Duty and Soup for Teachers for being named Superheroes for Washington families by Parent Map magazine.

There are no community meetings this Saturday with school board directors.

Here's hoping you have a fun April Fools' Day.

What's on your mind?


Anonymous said…
Will you be attending NPE in Raleigh in two weeks or are presenting?

- Just Curious
No, I can't attend this year. I hope to be there next year.
Anonymous said…
Soup for teacher, what a degrading and humiliating name. Why would someone making 86K need a soup kitchen?

PC yikes
Anonymous said…
"Large bias against black students surfaces in national study of teacher opinions"

I don't think a study could be more flawed. It figures the Times would push this study as a conclusive fact. What is the Times agenda?

seattle citizen said…
@PC yikes - The name Soup for Teachers arose during the fall strike, when a supportive citizenry generously started bringing soup and other things to Seattle educators on the picket lines. It was much appreciated! It had nothing to do with pay or soup kitchens.
Nice try, tho'!
joanna said…
Thank you, Joanna. I had not seen this. Weak.
Ebenezer said…
Isn't this an April Fools joke? Why would Inslee give up the govenorship? If this is true, he may get the neo-liberal/DINO vote, but he'll lose much of the Democratic base. I won't vote for him - it'll be either time for a house-cleaning in the Democratic Party, or time to give it up and start a new one.
NO 1240 said…
Here is my legislative summary:

1. There is a teacher shortage in Washington state. We are 7000 teachers short.
Inslee wanted beginning teacher salary raised above $35K. No deal.

2. Fear of levy cliff persists.

3. McCleary fines -ignored.

4. Mc Cleary funding- ignored.

5. Inslee allows a charter bill to get passed into law, but states:

"However, I remain deeply concerned about the public accountability and oversight provisions of
this bill. At its foundation, our public school system relies upon locally elected boards to oversee
the expenditures of taxpayer money. This bill provides an option for similar oversight, but would
ultimately allow unelected boards to make decisions about how to spend public money. I can think
of no other situation where the Legislature or the people would condone that, especially when we
are fighting to meet the needs of the almost one million children in our public schools."

6. Ten democrats joined with republicans to move a charter bill to the floor.

7. Randy Dorn altered ALE rules to fund schools that were formed under an unconstitutional initiative and private funding WAS available.

Olympia is beyond a disgrace.
Anonymous said…
Anyone know anything about Michelle Sushner? Received Friday:

April 1, 2016

Dear McDonald International School Community,

I am pleased to announce that Michelle Sushner has been selected as the new principal for McDonald International School. Ms. Sushner, a top choice of the interview team, is currently the assistant principal for two schools, Carl Sandburg and John Muir Elementary Schools in Lake Washington School District. Both of her current principals had nothing but high praise for the academic leadership and relationship building she has undertaken during her time at their schools.

Prior to moving to Washington State and the Lake Washington School District, Ms. Sushner served as assistant principal at Coles Elementary School and as the school counselor for Henderson Elementary School, which are both located in Prince William County School District in Virginia.

Ms. Sushner earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s of education in elementary and secondary counseling from Lehigh University. Ms. Sushner earned her education specialist in leadership and administration certificate from George Washington University.

We will set up opportunities for building staff, students and families to meet your new principal. Thank you for the high expectations you set for every student, and for all you do.

Please join me in welcoming Ms. Sushner to Seattle Public Schools and the McDonald International Elementary community.


Stephen Nielsen, Deputy Superintendent
Seattle Public Schools

Anonymous said…
Someone suggested to me that the Eagle Staff letter might be an April Fools joke?

The word "occupy" in the following sentence seemed a particularly dense thing to say. "She has a strong desire to connect the students, school and community to the legacy of Robert Eagle Staff and the lands the school will occupy."


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