Ed Reform Money Pours in for Vasquez

Seattle School Board, District 5's race has taken the very distinct ed reform turn that I knew it would.

Democrats for Education Reform's PAC contributed $20K to Vasquez's campaign in an independent expenditure for digital ads.  That's a huge amount of money for a school board race.  DFER supports ed reform including charter schools.

Folks, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and the ducks from the ed reform pond give it lots of bits of bread - it's a duck.

Here's the thing - both candidates are different from the person they are replacing.  So, no matter what, we're getting a different director for that position.

But how to choose?

Vasquez says he's the only teacher in "the race."  He may mean his own race but he has yet to ever clarify that at a forum even as other candidates call foul.  (Oddly, not Chelsea Byers who was also a teacher.)  He had 5 and a half whole weeks of teacher training before he could call himself a teacher.  Sadly, Zachary DeWolf, didn't have five and a half weeks teacher training but that didn't stop him from going to Belize for the Peace Corps and teaching Braille. 

We've all had previous jobs; do you call yourself by the title you had at every previous job?  Does Vasquez go to his job at the high-powered Davis, Wright, Tremaine and introduce himself to clients as "a teacher?"  I very much doubt it.

Vasquez says his opponent, Zachary DeWolf, is using this as stepping stone to higher office.  Well, first, that is a BS statement because in the last 20+ years that has not been true for a single person.  The one person who tried, Michael Preston who ran for City Council in the '90s, lost. 

And, who served in Teach for America which says it trains people to be leaders (not teachers)?

Who bragged at a forum that he "knows" Jenny Durkan and if they both get elected, he would be able to hit the ground running?  Not DeWolf who is considerably less aggressive about the person he is and his background than Vasquez.

But most of all, it's temperament.  Vasquez has, by turns, been aggressive, testy and defensive at forums.  I've said it before and I'll say it again - school board is a team sport and beware of voting anyone who doesn't act like they know that.

Beware of the candidate with the Enron, "I'm the smartest guy in the room" attitude.

Please consider a vote Zachary DeWolf.


Joseph Rockne said…
Has anyone ever asked Mr. Vasquez what his billable hour requirements are at Davis Wright? If his billable hour requirements are 1500 to 2000 per year, how will he even have time for a school board director position that that takes a substantial number of hours?
And I just want to make the point that Byers and Vasquez and Camet have not been attending Board mtgs or ctm meetings. I appreciate that they work but you’d think they would want to truly understand the work of the office they seek. I have only seen Vasquez when he testifies to the Board with his campaign pin on. Mack shows up a LOT and yet she’s the one who knows the job best.
Anonymous said…
Speaking of "Money & Politics"
It has been my hope that knowledge of events and candidates
freely available on the web (like this respectable blog and others)
might lessen the impact of big $$$$.

In 2011 incumbents Sunquist and Meier out spent their opponents by several times; yet lost to McLaren and Peaselee.

Here is hoping that money becomes less and less important in campaign victories.

-- Dan Dempsey
Anonymous said…
Washington Post in The Answer-Sheet reports:

Dark money just keeps on coming in school board races

-- Dan Dempsey
Anonymous said…
So now I know where to send my democracy vouchers. I cannot stand liars, moreso when it is about kids. Thank you, Melissa.

Northgate Mom
Anonymous said…
Oops. Just checked my democracy vouchers. Can only be used for City Council and City Attorney.

Northgate Mom

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