Remembering with Sorrow and Gratitude

One of the 59 people massacred in the shooting in Las Vegas was Special Education teacher Sandy Casey who taught in Manhattan Beach, California.
The school district announced Casey's death in a statement Monday.

"We lost a spectacular teacher who devoted her life to helping some of our most needy students," Manhattan Beach Unified School District Superintendent Michael Matthews said in the statement.
Another death reported was Susan Smith who worked in an elementary school office in Simi Valley, California.

Still another teacher, Jenny Parks, who taught kindergarten, was a victim.

From BBC News:
Another school official, 48-year-old Lisa Romero-Muniz, was also killed. The mother and grandmother was secretary at Miyamura High School in Gallup, New Mexico, local education officials confirmed, describing her as "an incredible loving and sincere friend, mentor and advocate for students in many of our schools". 
Jessica Klymchuk, 34 and from Alberta, was a bus driver and school assistant. She had four children.
We all know that teachers and staff affect many lives beyond their own families.  Their communities must be grieving today.

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