LWV/NAACP Seattle School Board Candidate Forum Rescheduled

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling, text


webby said…
Thank you for posting about this event, especially the (super last minute!) cancellation notice yesterday.

That said, when you "hot link" images from other sites, it's easy for them to not appear, so having some textual info would be very helpful. In this case, the image seems to be on facebook, which my work (thankfully) blocks. Which means that other than the title, the post is just blank.

I looked on the LWV web site, and they don't have this info either, so I'll have to either wait until I get home or ask someone else to look it up for me.

The use of hot links isn't uncommon, but it's still controversial. Best not to do it if possible, but if you really feel the need, can you include textual info as well?

Sat. Oct 21st. 10:00-11:30 am. El Centro de la Raza.
Webby said…
Thanks. I did get it elsewhere later, but good to have it here for reference.

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