Seattle Schools Week of Oct. 9-13

The district continues its schedule of rotating schools where flu shots are available. Check their calendars for dates/locations.

Two opportunities this week to hear School Board candidates in action, on Tuesday and Thursday.

Monday, October 9th
Audit &Finance Committee at JSCEE from 4:30-6:30 pm.  Agenda

Indigenous People's Day 

In Washington state there are 29 federally recognized Native American tribes. Thousands of people in Seattle Public Schools, including students and staff, identify as Native American. Seattle was named for Chief Sealth of the Duwamish Tribe. 

Tuesday, October 10th
Curriculum & Instruction Policy Committee at JSCEE from 4:30-6:30 pm.  Agenda

Update: School Board Candidate Forum 
The Uptown Alliance will host all six candidates for Seattle School Board during at forum at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (15 Roy St.) from 7 to 9 p.m. 

Wednesday, October 11th
PSAT exams

Board Work Sessions, no agendas yet available - 4:30-7:00 pm
Part 1 - Policies 2415 and 2420 (High School graduation requirements and High School grade and credit marking, respectively)

Part 2 - 2016-2017 Program Review Reports

Thursday, October 12th
Executive Committee Meeting, JSCEE, 8:30-10:30 am 

Update: School Board Candidate Forum 
Madrona Elementary School
1121 33rd Avenue

The PTSAs of Leschi, Lowell, Madrona, McGilvra, Montlake, and Stevens Elementary Schools invite you to join us for an evening of discussion, education policy, and free pizza.  Childcare will be available.

Friday, October 13th
No School

There are no director community meetings on Saturday, the 14th 

Sunday, October 15th
Please join the Hazel Wolf, Olympic Hills and Cedar Park school communities to help clean up Lake City! Sponsored by Lake City Future First.
3:00 to 4:30 pm
Where: Lake City Library, Lake City Mini Park, and God’s Lil’ Acre (Map on flier)
What: Clean up Lake City
What else: Lake City Future First provides clean-up supplies, coffee, juice, snacks, and awesome t-shirts (limited supply)

This is great community and family event!
Everyone is welcome!
Please email Lake City Future First at


I have been told that the reason that the documentation for Ctm meetings cannot be attached is due to ADA issues.  I'll have to investigate if this is an issue for other districts and government entities to fulfill. 

Apparently, though, you CAN receive the documentation if you send an email asking for them.  I wonder if I can do this for all meetings or have to send an individual email for each meeting.

If you would like access to any of the materials for this meeting, you may call 206-252-0040 or email and the Board Office staff will send committee materials to you promptly.

Also, staff seems to find it useful to just state a Board policy number on an agenda with no explanation, leaving the reader to have to go look up the subject.   Hmmm.


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