Possible Bus Strike on Monday?

Update from the district:

Update Oct. 15, 2017 In our commitment to keeping our families informed, we anticipate yellow school buses will run their regularly-scheduled routes on Monday, Oct. 16. We continue to monitor the situation and will provide updates as available from our bus provider. 
First Student, our contracted school bus provider, has notified the district that the bus drivers may strike. There is no imminent strike date, however, if a strike is held this would mean limited or no yellow bus service. 

At this time, neither the national or local Teamster's Union have authorized a strike. We anticipate that this labor issue will be resolved and that both parties understand the impact to our students and families should a strike occur. 

We recognize the potential disruption this could have on your family. We will keep you informed as we learn more. 

end of update

The union representing the district's bus drivers says they may strike as soon as Monday over health benefits.  There is a contract in place but the drivers say their benefits are sub-par.

I have few details but wanted to give folks a heads up.


Anonymous said…
Will there be Soup for Bus Drivers?

Just Saying said…
At this point, no one can determine the future costs of health care.
Anonymous said…
I feel like the parents and students should strike. Every day it’s another problem in this district. I want to just keep my kids at home until the bus strike is resolved if it happens. My kids are both bussed across town for HCC (yes, we are one of the evil horrible families) and most of the students ride the bus, especially to Cascadia. No buses is going to be a traffic nightmare.

So annoyed (can’t wait to leave this district)
Anonymous said…
@ So Annoyed
I was thinking the same. Expecting the 28,000 students that normally get to school with a yellow bus, to do without, is not equitable. The district should not have contracted out such a vital service.

Dead Horse

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