Ramona Hattendorf Sets the Record Straight

A message from Ramona Hattendorf, Washington State PTA Government Relations Coordinator:

There seems to be confusion about WSPTA’s position on charter public schools.

There has been no change in the WSPTA position on charters. The association has qualified support. Please note "qualified." On this blog and others individuals have been posting assumptions and outright fabrications about what I personally am doing and supporting and actions that WSPTA is taking.

I know you value clarity, and while you like to inspire debate it is not your intention to spread misinformation.

To clarify various posts on your blog:

Nationally, PTA has a qualified position in favor of charter public schools: http://www.pta.org/topic_posititon_statement_support-for_public_education.asp

This means that while the association is not anti-charter, neither does it embrace all charters or all charter legislation. We have a filter; you can read it here: http://wsptagrassroots.blogspot.com/2011/11/support-for-charter-schools.html

(This was shared via Grassroots in November 2011 and was shared with council leaders across the state):

The companion bills introduced this legislative session (in January) are not "PTA bills." LEV and Stand have been active in their drafting, as have the advocacy arms of Boeing and Microsoft. The testimony posted on our Grassroots blog has been our position on the current charter bills since January, when they were heard in session. We think they can be better. They are an effort to close the achievement gap (another of our priorities), and for that we are appreciative.

This filter is important because it was a key part of conversation at our legislative assembly when delegates discussed charters. They endorsed knowing the association has a filter; that we would be looking for specific qualities; and that we would reserve support for legislation that fit our criteria. We wouldn’t just push any bill. But we would be open to new ideas.

Per the charter school forum, I spent about 10 minutes – most of my allotted time – reviewing what WSPTA would look for in a charter school. I did let attendees know there was a bill introduced, and that we did not take a position but rather gave feedback on what would make it better. If the bill was re-written to accommodate our concerns, we would support, per the direction given by delegates at our legislative assembly.

If you have questions about positions WSPTA has taken on specific legislation please don't hesitate to ask. It is rare that a bill passes through the legislature without amendments, and it is not uncommon for testimony to be somewhat neutral or "with concerns." And in complex legislation it is common to support parts, and oppose or be neutral on others.

Also, I do not determine WSPTA positions. I consult a body of PTA positions, and I confer with our association's president, executive director and legislative director on specific testimony. Delegates determine WSPTA positions at legislative assembly and at convention. If a member wants to change a position, they must submit a proposal and convince the voting delegates.

You can find all of our positions here: http://www.wastatepta.org/advocacy/association_position/index.html

Some are short-term (legislative platform), others long-term (legislative principles and resolutions). National PTA positions are also WSPTA positions.

You can find our federal agenda here: http://www.pta.org/public_policy.asp

Finally, we always encourage members to advocate for what they hold dear – even when that conflicts with association positions. We have conservative, liberal, urban and rural members. What we agree on is that kids come first. We don't claim to speak for the general public, or all parents or all teachers or even all parent-teacher organizations. We speak for our association, and we follow a formal process to arrive at our positions.


Ramona Hattendorf
Government relations coordinator
Washington State PTA


This is all well and good.

BUT, it seems clear from following the PTSA listserv, that many people were very suspicious of the process that got charters on the PTSA list of issues for this year.

It may have been done "properly" but like the Roadkill Dems work, it didn't look very good. And most of us know, it was a very small group of people from Issaquah who were pushing this issue.

That the national and state PTSAs have a nuanced view of charters gets lost when people read on the issues list the word "charters".

But even if the state PTSA had issues with the charter bill, they certainly did not broadcast those issues to their membership. I followed that listserv for months and never heard any real discussion on the specifics of this bill.

Ramona is saying that the WA PTSA DID have issues with the charter legislation presented. I believe the WA state PTSA erred in not saying "We support charters but NOT this bill" in a very public manner. Just testifying at a committee meeting is not enough to let parents and others know of your concerns.

I think it might have forced some changes to the legislation but frankly, I don't think the authors heard from any groups like PTSA or LEV that might have pressured them to change the bill.

I do think it is interesting that WA State PTSA bylaws say that they have to have the same positions on such issues as the National. That might be something to consider changing especially if you are a state that doesn't have law to support such issues.

I appreciate the clarifications but it would have been helpful to hear this sooner rather than later.
Anonymous said…
Too little too late PTA/Ramona. This all could have been clarified during session. Instead the PTA tried to play both sides. It was just fine letting charters go forward, but now that people are protesting the PTA's role, you are explaining you weren't REALLY all in. It's a nice political game that we all see through, and PTA is the lesser for it.

Sahila said…
I think its called backpeddling...
Anonymous said…
Our PTSA sent a letter to all legislators, distancing ourselves from the WAPTSA position and objecting to charters. What does that make WAPTSA (and for that matter SC PTSA) look like?

SS Mom
Anonymous said…
This is a bit like a magician's act - look over here while the real trick happens over there. Don't be fooled.

If PTSA wants to be squeaky clean it would stop aligning with trumped up "coalitions" like the Our Schools Coalition, Excellence Now, A+ Washington, etc. These are ALL at the core run by the *exact* same group(s) and political operatives: LEV and Stand for Children. Both are Corporate Education Reform pushers. And Gates Foundation $$ and in the case of Stand for Children, huge national PAC $$$ fuel them. The Gates' Foundation's ad agency hosts the website of a bunch of the groups. LEV employees maintain and write webpage contents.

Fake Coalitions. Real Political Operatives.

SO PAY ATTENTION. These groups USE THE PTSA'S name to push for things most PTSA members have no idea about let alone support. Ramona knows its happening and apparently does little (if she can show evidence otherwise, great and I'll stand corrected.)

Worse, KELLY MUNN (name in caps so everyone is alerted) works for LEV under chief Corporate Reform PusherChris Korsmo then drives that agenda on the PTSA listserves and behind the scenes with regional and state politicians. (Hellloooo Rodney Tom, Roadblock Democrat from Medina and Kelly et al's conduit to charter legislation.)

THIS is how charters and etc. are making progress. Outside groups are using the golden PTSA name. Most parents, legislators and Seattle politicians are none the wiser. So make them wiser.

Again, I am posting the link of how Kelly Munn maneuvered to stifle the voice of Corporate Reform skeptic Dora Taylor from the PTSA listserve.

When called out for organizing these fake coalitions, Munn, Korsmo, Campion at Stand, all say that either a) people are not being respectful by calling them out by name or b) that there are conspiracy theorists on this blog.

Neither is true. What is true is that the PTSA and other well-intentioned local groups are being used by PAID LOBBYISTS. It is flat out wrong. Time for massive pushback.

suep. said…
It's become pretty clear that WA State PTSA leadership does not represent the views of the majority of parents and teachers in its organization, but the political agenda of a vocal minority from the East side and Gates-funded corporate ed reform groups.

A letter to the Seattle PTA President regarding Teach for America, Inc.
dan dempsey said…
If you have questions about positions WSPTA has taken on specific legislation please don't hesitate to ask.


Please explain the position taken by the WSPTA on 6696 in the 2010 legislature.

Please explain the position taken on the Common Core State Standards in the 2011 legislature.


Anonymous said…
Well Dan, Obviously those WAPTSA folks know what's good for us. And why should we be informed or surveyed?

I sure would appreciate a primer on setting up a quasi-PTSA at our school next year. Do the same helpful things and work just as hard, just not giving WAPTSA and SC PTSA cause to claim us as followers

Anonymous said…
Sahila nails it.

So this Bart Simpson-like "I didn't do it" is supposed to make us feel better, or forgive? Not buying it.

Then this gem: "We don't claim to speak for the general public, or all parents or all teachers or even all parent-teacher organizations." Ah. Nice of you to say that NOW.

No, you certainly don't speak for ALL teachers & PTA's, and probably not the majority. But you sure don't mind pretending to, while providing support and cover for legislators to say "Our statewide PTSA's support it." And therein lies the offense: Pretending everything is developed at the grass roots and support bubbles up from the bottom. Nonsense, and you know it.

She can spread manure on the astro turf until the cows come home. It'll never turn it into grass. WSDWG
suep. said…
And yet, the WAPSTA slogan is "Every child. One voice" so they do claim to speak for everyone.
Anonymous said…
1. As pointed out by S. Peters, Lauren McGuire's quote about how parents feel about TFA was inappropriate. She had no data. She should have declined a quote. She has made this mistake throughout her tenure. She needs to stop.

2. As usual, I wouldn't use DistrictWatcher's tone, but most everything (s)he posted appears valid. Crying shame what has happened to PTSA. I can no longer support LEV under its current leadership's trajectory. Crying shame there too. Stand for Children? The day that PAC entered our state was a sad day for our students, teachers and families. It is not a credible grassroots organization and it is undermining the best of public education in WA. (Yes, public education in WA has amazing success stories, but you won't hear them from a group that fundamentally wants to destroy the system.)

Anonymous said…
Proud Alternative Dad's comment---

Our school has opted out of the PTA network because of the issue of fees, governance red tape, and the issue highlighted here: declarations at the state level that at our school's level we do not agree with. (Shame on the PTA hierarchy for its side deals with Stand for Children and League of Education Voters.)

My recommendation: Try an independent site council for your school. It is slightly more work, but once you get rid of the PTA rules labyrinth, not much. You get all the involvement, keep all your fundraising money, and have none of the PTA BS downside.
Disgusted. said…
I hope the WSPTSA considers the division and damage this issue has caused. I'm also hoping the WSPTSA refrains from taking divisive and controversial issues on in the future.

The WSPTSA lost a lot of respect, support and goodwill over this one.

I won't be joining the PTA until issues of charter schools are taken off of the agenda.
Disgusted. said…
I hope the WSPTSA considers the division and damage this issue has caused. I'm also hoping the WSPTSA refrains from taking divisive and controversial issues on in the future.

The WSPTSA lost a lot of respect, support and goodwill over this one.

I won't be joining the PTA until issues of charter schools are taken off of the agenda.
Disgusted said…
I suspect LEV was successful at getting a few people to infiltrate the WSPTSA. The agenda was then pushed at the Legislative Assembly. It is always easier to pass something like this when many voices aren't heard. Furthermore, the documented provided to the Legislative Assembly was deeply skewed (Did LEV write it?) Does this tactic promote trust? I don't think so.

Let's face it, with so many PTAs signing into anti-charter resolutions..the support for charter does not resonate with many PTAs.

The voice of a few used and manipulated strategies within the WSPTSA to further this agenda. Sort of like Rodney Tom and his buddies putting charter funding within the budget. I'm disgusted, but appreciate Ramonas attempt to clarify.
dan dempsey said…
The WEA President and the WEA executive committee take positions all the time without consulting membership.

Support for WA adoption of Common Core State Standards was just one of those unilateral positions.

So why should WSPTA be any different?

To review CCSS.... The projected 5-year costs by OSPI are around $183 million of which $165 million will come directly from local school district funds.
Anonymous said…
Taking on divisive and controversial issue isn't a problem for me and has not been for the PTA in its past history. In PTA's early history, it pushed to improve children's health by improving access to health care to reduce infant and childhood mortality, supported child labor laws in the US, supported what is now called the Free and Reduced Lunch program, sided with the US Supreme Court on school prayers, etc. In 1970, the PTA joined with National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers formerly.

So the PTA had an illustrious start and has championed many "controversial" issues in the past. In the last 25 years, it has lost some of that luster and memberships. Perhaps it needs to re-examine why.

In the case of charter, the WA PTSA failed to start from the ground up. It did not make the case with its grassroots members.

-former PTA member
Anonymous said…
I just posted this on the 'Hack Job' thread about TFA, but it belongs here too. Goldy at The Slog - Stranger Blog- has started posting on the link between charter schools and TFA.

For the Slog to cover education is kinda funny. But if even The Slog can figure out the concern people have with promoting TFA and/or charters in WA, you'd think the PTA leadership could figure out people's distress too, and not allow themselves to have their name used by other groups ala LEV on these issues.

Unless of course the PTA's top leadership quietly WANTS that to happen. In which case there is another, deeper issue.

Savvy Voter
Sahila said…
Its about time, in my mind, that the PTA focused on what ed deform is doing to children and their teachers, instead of being used as mouth pieces for the deformers...

Ramona - why dont you get busy making sure the following isnt happening in Seattle:

From a thread on the OPT OUT OF THE STATE TEST: The National Movement FaceBook page:

Heartbreaking Letter from a Bronx Teacher on What Excessive Testing Has Done to Her And Her Students

Hi Mark

I just read your piece entitled, "When Teachers Become Overseers...." and it made me cry. I think of myself as one of those "sensitive, creative and compassionate" teachers that you spoke about. I understand the importance of building relationships with my children to foster personal growth, trust and a desire to learn. Each day I do something to connect with my 8th grade "bubalas". I feed them daily. I conference with them about school work or personal issues. We set social growth goals such as "be kinder to Jonathan". We write thank you notes and go on many school trips. I play catch with them at lunchtime. I've taken them bowling or out for dinner as a reward for their academic efforts. I handwrite notes to them at Thanksgiving and Christmas. It's such a love fest in my room, that, without thinking, the kids often call me "mom". I believe, with all my heart, that it is this nurturing environment that has, in large part, been responsible for my success as a teacher.

However, the other day I was anything but a caring, thoughtful teacher (I'm literally crying as I type this). A student of mine had diarrhea and rather than send him home right away, I kept him in class so he could engage in test prep. I moved his seat closer to the door so he could go to the bathroom on an as-needed-basis but I didn't send him to the nurse. I thought to myself, "He cannot afford to be out while we are doing this." "He'll get better." Instead of thinking, "Oh the poor kid." No maternal instincts on that day just a steel eye set on the ELA test. Thank God my para had the good sense to pack him up. She, at least, maintained her humanity.
I know you cannot check off a box entitled, "demonstrates love for her students" on an evaluation sheet so perhaps I am still considered a good teacher. But in my mind, I failed that day and it haunts me.

Does that incident foreshadow my future? Or will it serve as a warning to remind me of who I do not want to become?

Bronx Teacher
Chris S. said…
mushroom, it's easy to fire PTA. Stop paying dues. You already know what to do in terms of running a group, fundraising, etc. You just won't get to send a delegate to their meetings-with-predetermined-outcomes. Big loss.
suep. said…
I believe Goldy has a child in SPS and was actively involved in saving his kid's school from closure a few years back, so he knows of what speaks.
Sahila said…
so Ramona wants charters...

not sure if she's thought it through...

This is where Michigan parents are at, in relation to charters:

MI Parents For Schools - Cyber Charter School Alert

House vote near on uncapping cyber charters

Stop SB 619 and put kids ahead of profits!

Dear Friends,

You've heard from us about "cyber" charters before, but you may not know where things stand today. Senate bill 619 would remove nearly all limits on the size of entirely online "cyber" charter schools in Michigan. Fully online K-12 charter schools have only been in operation here for a year and a half, and the jury is still out on their performance. The experience of other states, which have had online charters for longer, is not promising. (Read more here.)

On top of that, these schools currently receive the same per-pupil funding as other, physical, public schools, even though their expenses are much lower. The major operators of these schools are private, for-profit, companies whose first priority is to their investors.

Why should we turn our children into a business opportunity?

Current Michigan law calls for a progress report on the two experimental cyber schools at the end of this year. The report will analyze both their performance and detail their true expenses. This approach is sensible and fiscally prudent. Why toss it all aside?

Take action now to put the brakes on this bill! Call your State Representative today!

When it emerged from committee, proponents made some changes that they described as compromises: the bill would keep some limits on the number of online charter schools and how many students they can enroll. But guess what? The limit would eventually go up to 30 schools (from the current 2), and each one would be "limited" to about 33,000 students! This is a limit? No, and it's not a compromise, either. Read our coverage of the bill here.

Cyber school proponents argue that many families want access to these schools. Perhaps, but it can't be because of their track record, because they don't have one in Michigan and the stories from other states are hair-raising. How, precisely, do you do online kindergarten? Since these cyber charters require "learning coaches" at home for students, who do most of the actual teaching, why should the online company pocket the entire state funding?

Sure, online learning is here to stay, and "blended" programs offered by our established local public schools can meet the needs of many students who would have difficulty taking traditional classes. Why pull resources away from our proven, and community-governed, local public schools just to pad the bottom line of the latest fad growth stock?

Please contact your State Representative today and ask them to shut down SB619! Let's focus on making sure our local schools have what they need to do right by our children!

Steven Norton
Executive Director
Michigan Parents for Schools
Anonymous said…
The above Michigan story is quite instructive. One year "just 2" cyber charters. Then the camel gets its nose in the tent and suddenly it's 30 with allowance for more than 30,000 students in each. Almost no public or teacher input. Ludicrous.

By the way, Tom Vander Ark, ex-superintendent of Federal Way, ex-Gates Foundation education head, pushed cyber and building-based charters this session in Olympia. He flies around the country pushing them everywhere, probably in Michigan too. Passage of charters, especially online, benefits his company.

I learned from this blog that his wife helped start Democrats for Education reform here in Washington. And that he reposts Chris Korsmo's columns for LEV on his website. Add him to the names of backroom pushers on the PTA no doubt.

My school is lucky enough to have an activist who tracks these relationships like a hawk and keeps us wise. The huge majority of schools are not so lucky.

The 'T' in PTA is almost nonexistent which is one reason this nonsense happens. We don't have time for the PTA. We are too busy with bringing kids up to standard and then doing test prep to keep our jobs.

Teacher & Voter
Anonymous said…
@Teacher and Voter

I didn't know about Ramona Hattendorf, LEV, SFC or the new Alliance (I knew it as the group that used to help me get supplies for my students living in poverty during John Stanford's tenure) from Adam and Eve's house cat when I taught in Seattle.

Only since leaving the district have I had the time to connect the dots (and deal with PTSD--post traumatic Seattle District--no kidding).

Primary class sizes at 28, a surplus of incompetent administrators, superintendents who never wanted to be in the classroom (and therefore have little-to-no respect for those who do) kept me in an information fog.

Your point is so very well taken-- keep you in survival mode (and exceeding state averages despite all this mess)and you don't have time to think (much less be an activist).

If SEA had any balls and intelligence at the leadership level, 75% of this mess would be history. If the brainpower of Seattle's teachers and parapros could be freed up, Hanauer and company would soon be buying adult diapers.

Get the word out for Eric Muhs!

--enough already (beyond being concerned about "tone")
Watch Dog said…
"BUT, it seems clear from following the PTSA listserv, that many people were very suspicious of the process that got charters on the PTSA list of issues for this year"

I'd like to know more about this. Rodney Tom style politics?
Christina said…
Is someone tracking the number of Seattle Public Schools PT(S)As who support charter schools legislation no matter how "qualified" the support is, and the number of Seattle Public Schools PT(S)As who announced their lack of support for charter schools legislation?

My PTSA Legislative Liaison sent out a communique stating our school PTSA is against charter schools. But if it's a small minority or even unique in its opposition I won't be giving it funds anymore.

--Former PTA Board member
Anonymous said…
Christina, you young n foolish thing you. You think Lauren McGuire has done THAT? You think anyone in the Regional PTA would encourage THAT? That would take time...and, and..a general commitment to deeply understanding a divisive issue instead of sitting in meetings at downtown HQ...and, and...cross-collaboration instead of hierarchical structure. And, and...having Kelly Munn and her ilk simmer down and not play Alpha Dog and let us have an honest conversation.

My usual mantra. PTA doesn't even represent my end of the city. But hey, if it wants to put its money where its slogans are for once, perhaps they can embark on just such a fact-finding mission. I'll start whistling hopefully now.

Anonymous said…
This is hardly the only issue where the state PTSA has opposed its members. Ideally, the school PTSAs would be able to wrestle back control from the state PTSA, who represents the views of a small minority of its members. However, this hasn't happened, and I don't know if it will.

While I'm sympathetic to Chris S and the idea of not paying dues to your PTSA, a better option would be for the school PTSAs to withdraw and start our own statewide organization.

-- Ebenezer
Anonymous said…
Instead of dropping out of PTSA, how about trying to take it back? As was pointed out, WA PTA in the past has supported things like free and reduced lunch, the DREAM act and many more important child and family issues. Each PTSA is allowed at least 2 delegates to vote on resolutions at the convention coming up this May. The more members, the more delegates - so if we really want to send a strong message, we should recruit as many members as possible, send all the delegates we can and vote at the upcoming convention where a permanent resolution supporting charter schools is up for a vote. Last year only 11 out of 75 PTSA's in Seattle sent delegates, and most sent only 1. If we all show up we can do it, if we stay home and complain about it, well, we will just have more to complain about. Go to the Wastatepta website to find out more.
Wondering said…
"Last year only 11 out of 75 PTSA's in Seattle sent delegates,"

People have to work and it costs $$. That is part of the problem.

Like everyting else, the arm of Bill Gates (LEV) has made it's way into the PTA.
Anonymous said…
What about utilizing proxy votes?

Anonymous said…
That's part of the problem is representation. Even if you join, pay your family dues, go to meeting, volunteer a LOT, much of what we do in the PTA is fundraising. Attempts to even look at helping out other schools without PTAs or ones that cannot fundraise don't go far. Leadership posts are vetted by the selection committee. Even if your name goes in, it may not come out. It just feels like the PTA does things now pretty much how the charter fiasco debut or even the way TFA votes went down last night. Lots of concerns expressed and more ho, humming, but when it comes down to it, votes are already in. Plus I can't stand the way teachers are being dissed right now, and not a peep from the PTA.

-Not giving up, but looking elsewhere for leadership.
Chris S. said…
Sorry, having everyone in your PTA withdraw/not pay dues is what I meant. There is one thing that may not be easy - you have to/get to manage your own funds. So you need a bookkeeper - but we even pay ours and it's not as much as the Alliance would take.

I have to qualify my opinion by saying I've never actually been in a PTA - but we considered joining and the money-handling issue was the deal-breaker for us. You'll never go back!
This PTA issue is due its own thread as they are starting to get it from all sides and there are at least 2-3 new parent groups trying to get into their turf. And my question is, do principals have to let everyone in the door as they do PTA? Hmmm.

As to the conversation on the WA state PTSA listserv, my read is that a couple (3-4) people in Issaquah, probably working in tandem with Senator Tom, brought up the charter issue.

Now Ramona is right on the point that generally the list of issues is not controversial and it's generally a rearranging priorities for the year with full-funding always at the top.

What they should have done when charters were brought up is get clarity.

Was the PTSA following the national PTA and supporting charters in a qualified manner (as the national teachers unions do)?

And, once charter legislation did magically appear in the Legislature, did WA state pta reject or approve of the bill? What was their reasoning for their stand?

I believe that the support of charters was not as "qualified" as it could have been and I have to wonder why given how many people rose up against it.

I think those people in Issaquah sat down, planned how to get this on the legislative agenda and worked to make sure they would win.

NOW, this is all within the rules but you need a bit of backstory.

1) Leg Assembly happens in Sep well before most PTAs have met and gotten their grounding. So to say this was discussed by the majority of PTAs in the state is just not true. If this had been put forth in April or May before the end of school, I might have accepted the outcome.

2) Not every PTA has a leg rep. I think a president could go in the place of but most presidents are running around a lot in the early days of the year doing other things.

3) There is a cost to go to the Assembly which some PTAs might not want to bear as well as the costs of travel when it is on the eastern side of the state (they switch locales in fairness to all). So fewer PTAs go.

These people knew that, got their people aligned and the rest of the others were left scrambling. That they barely pulled it off shows you that it was not widely supported.
Anonymous said…
DistrictWatcher says:


Kelly Munn is at it again. Another "informative" session stocked solely with Ed Reformers and Charter-Pushers, under the auspices of LEV and (fake grassroots) coalition A+ Washington "Powered by Excellent Schools Now".

There are 3 choices here:

1) Kelly gets off the PTSA listserve pushing her agenda.
2) The PTSA listserves become a lot more inclusive of opposing viewpoints
3) Optimally, PTSA requests removal from Excellent Schools Now.

Which one is it going to be? Who is going to put the pressure on? What does Ramona have to say about this one? How about the head of the local PTSA (Lauren McGuire).

Here is the text of the invitation:
Hot off the heels of the last tele-town hall (over 5,000 Washingtonians participated), we’re excited for you to join us in the next conversation.

Join us and our A+ Washington coalition partners for our next discussion on Tuesday, March 27th from 12-1pm with the following speakers:

• Robin Lake, Director of the University of Washington’s Center on Reinventing Public Education

• Jana Carlisle, Executive Director Partnership for Learning

• Dave Powell, Policy Director Stand for Children Washington

Conference call details:
When: Tuesday, March 27
Time: 12-1pm

Phone number: (888) 886-6603, Extension: 18493#


Kelly Munn
State Field Director
Again, not people I would want to listen to.

I do need to write something else about the charter forum the PTA put on because Ms. Lake, for being an expert, sure had some not-quite-right statements. It's troubling to have someone like that on a panel who people are trusting to give the FULL picture but apparently not.
TookAWhile said…
Many people suspected that Ramona Hattendorf was supporting LEV and the charter movement.

Ramona Hattendorf has finally admitted to supporting charter schools- it took a while! Ramona had this to say on social media:

"Ramona Hattendorf I disagree with the Dem charter position, so I guess I am no longer a real Democrat. Which happily leaves me with a clear conscience to support Ruth Kagi and her work on the health and human services subcommittee. Btw... if Democrats are only allowed to agree with each other, and must leave when we disagree"

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